Amateur Vs. Professional October Surprises

When does that court trial for Trump raping that 13-year-old little girl going to start in New York?
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.

Which only proves that the main stream media is so heavily slanted towards Hillary Clinton that something as ridiculous as that tape has become the biggest topic for "news" even with the latest batch of emails coming from Wikileaks that shows the extent of corruption in the Clinton campaign.
You amateurs forgot you are up against a professional. Republicans have been predicting the imminent doom of the Clintons for a quarter of a century.

You dumbasses brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

Red herrings to a gunfight was a stupid analogy when you first made it, G...
Nope. It's perfectly apt. All you Chumps can do to defend Trump is to employ a tu quoque fallacy. It's your default position. It's pathological reflex. "B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

All you end up proving is that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Christ, you'd think you retards would have figured that out after 2008 and 2012!

And you are going to find out how apt the analogy is on November 8 when the professional gunslinger mows down the huckster.
What's pathetic is that you people actually think that 11 year old tape is more important than what Hillary Clinton has done this year.
Let me tell you what is really pathetic.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of Christianity. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a sexual predator and serial adulterer. Trump's number one surrogate on the talking head circuit is a man who notified his wife he was cheating on her by calling a press conference. There have been women coming forward all year about Trump's sexual misconduct, and now they are being vindicated by Trump's own boasting. This is who the party of Christianity is chopping off their own nose to avoid smelling.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility. They pay lip service to a balanced budget, and they whine about the debt. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who not only failed to put a balanced budget plan on the table, his plan is going to add more debt than Hillary. He is going to add more debt than even Obama! This is who the party of fiscal responsibility is plucking out their own eyes to avoid seeing.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of the Constitution. And yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who would trample a religion under his heel, deny citizenship to native born Americans, and ban assault weapons. This is who the party of the Constitution is chopping off their own ears to avoid hearing.

I'm an agnostic. Don't tell me what the GOP is because it's many things to many people!

As for which party is fiscally responsible? Are you going to sit here and claim that the GOP didn't rein in Obama's plans to spend? You can't claim that they are the "Party of No" because they wouldn't let Barry, Harry and Nancy have what they wanted and then not at least give the GOP credit for NOT spending that money!
When the GOP controlled all three branches of government, they doubled the national debt.

The GOP is the biggest offender of adding tax expenditures to the tax code, because that is the best way to hide debt increases without the rubes catching on. And those expenses now add up to $1.2 TRILLION A YEAR!!!

You are among the stupidest of the stupid if you bleev the GOP lives up to its lip service of being fiscally conservative.

Nice attempt to deflect from my question, G! Who spent more when they had control of all three branches...the GOP...or the Democrats?
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.

Which only proves that the main stream media is so heavily slanted towards Hillary Clinton that something as ridiculous as that tape has become the biggest topic for "news" even with the latest batch of emails coming from Wikileaks that shows the extent of corruption in the Clinton campaign.
You amateurs forgot you are up against a professional. Republicans have been predicting the imminent doom of the Clintons for a quarter of a century.

You dumbasses brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

Red herrings to a gunfight was a stupid analogy when you first made it, G...
Nope. It's perfectly apt. All you Chumps can do to defend Trump is to employ a tu quoque fallacy. It's your default position. It's pathological reflex. "B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

All you end up proving is that Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Christ, you'd think you retards would have figured that out after 2008 and 2012!

And you are going to find out how apt the analogy is on November 8 when the professional gunslinger mows down the huckster.

What's going to be watching you progressives "celebrate" your victory and then have it slowly dawn on you that you're stuck with Hillary for four years and she's a corrupt, incompetent, Washington insider with absolutely no clue how to fix the economy, immigration, or handle foreign policy! It's going to be 2009 all over again! By the first mid-term there will be enough "buyers remorse" among those that voted for a Democrat this time around that the slaughter that took place in 2010 is going to pale in comparison!
Only Liberals care about the "Bus".
The same people who were voting for a "D" no matter what.

Yeah only liberals all those liberal republicans who dropped their support of Trump after this past weekend.

Great point.
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!

The only people in the locker rooms who talked like that were the privileged pricks whose daddies influence bought them a spot on the team. Worthless scum who think they can get away with anything.

The real bombshell is about to explode. A real Blonde Bombshell.

Barbara Ann Boopstein's tape will bring the Donald down.

Gonna be YUGE.
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!

The only people in the locker rooms who talked like that were the privileged pricks whose daddies influence bought them a spot on the team. Worthless scum who think they can get away with anything.

The real bombshell is about to explode. A real Blonde Bombshell.

Barbara Ann Boopstein's tape will bring the Donald down.

Gonna be YUGE.

The only ones who never talked like that are bunch of omega wussies.

Given that, it's easy to see where you are coming from.

Bill did worse in the oval office...

The real story is the wikileaks.
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!

The only people in the locker rooms who talked like that were the privileged pricks whose daddies influence bought them a spot on the team. Worthless scum who think they can get away with anything.

The real bombshell is about to explode. A real Blonde Bombshell.

Barbara Ann Boopstein's tape will bring the Donald down.

Gonna be YUGE.

The only ones who never talked like that are bunch of omega wussies.

Given that, it's easy to see where you are coming from.

Bill did worse in the oval office...

The real story is the wikileaks.

Talking about getting pussy is different than bragging about forcing yourself onto the weaker sex. Learn the difference.

Trying to help Russia influence an American Election in favor of a Russian ally? They'd never do anything shady. Are those Hilary's emails?
Yes, they released some locker room style talk which shows Trump is a human, not a robot.

They haven't shown the same of Hillary. She seems to be a cold, calculated, two-faced, scripted liar. And as more wikileaks are released, the worse it looks for her... Oh, did you think that's all wikileaks had? New information is being released as we speak!

The only people in the locker rooms who talked like that were the privileged pricks whose daddies influence bought them a spot on the team. Worthless scum who think they can get away with anything.

The real bombshell is about to explode. A real Blonde Bombshell.

Barbara Ann Boopstein's tape will bring the Donald down.

Gonna be YUGE.

The only ones who never talked like that are bunch of omega wussies.

Given that, it's easy to see where you are coming from.

Bill did worse in the oval office...

The real story is the wikileaks.

Talking about getting pussy is different than bragging about forcing yourself onto the weaker sex. Learn the difference.

Trying to help Russia influence an American Election in favor of a Russian ally? They'd never do anything shady. Are those Hilary's emails?

He never said anything about forcing anything.

Is this your rapist nature just running rampant again, playing wild fantasies? Of course, to an omega it's a completely unfathomable situation that women would want to be near you voluntarily...
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Trump is at war with women. Trump is at war with latinos and other minorities. Trump is at war with college educated of what ever color or culture. Trump is at war with every religion except a fragment of the Evangelicals. Trump is at war with scientists. And now, Trump is at war with the GOP. Did I miss anybody? LOL
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.

Bill Clinton isn't running for president.
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.

Bill Clinton isn't running for president.
She has publically stated he will be helping her with decisions. She kinda brought him into it..
Remember how excited Trump's Chumps were about the pending Wikileaks bombshells? They were piddling all over themselves with glee at how great October was going to be. They were prematurely ejaculating their wads all over their powder kegs.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp was keeping its powder dry, and exercising discipline. Totally radio silent. Elevator music in the lobby. Calmly eating their cheese and crackers.

Then, to great fanfare, Wikileaks tosses a wet firecracker onto the floor and...fizzle!

And then the real bombshell hit.

Trump is a crazed sexual predator. Out of his own mouth came the words which have validated all those women who have been speaking out about him.


I don't think this audiotape's release being released at the same time as Wikileaks' weak sauce was a coincidence. This has Clinton Oppo Team™ written all over it.

I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.

Bill Clinton isn't running for president.
She has publically stated he will be helping her with decisions. She kinda brought him into it..

And? He still isn't running for president.
I agree, it was no coincidence, and once a again, the Dems sidestep the clueless GOP. Dems are more committed to their party and will not let morality interfere with their end game.
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.

Bill Clinton isn't running for president.
She has publically stated he will be helping her with decisions. She kinda brought him into it..

And? He still isn't running for president.
So you wouldn't care if Trumps advisor was a rapist? Wouldn't care at all? Don't care who supports him? At all?
Ah yes, grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is such a moral position. When are you dumb fucks going to realize that is sexual assault, which is a felony.

Seriously, are you that obtuse that you don't even know when you are making my point. This type of behavior GOP biggies find unacceptable and pull their support for Trump. Hellary's emails and slick willies lying about spooging on Lewinski'S dress causes no alarm for the Dems. They stand behind their canidate regardless. Dems don't care, GOP does, thank you very much.

Bill Clinton isn't running for president.
She has publically stated he will be helping her with decisions. She kinda brought him into it..

And? He still isn't running for president.
So you wouldn't care if Trumps advisor was a rapist? Wouldn't care at all? Don't care who supports him? At all?

Sure I would care, but would it be the primary argument against him. Of course not.
The biggest October Surprise in history was the (intentional) collapse of Fannie Mae during the Bush presidency. The democrat chairperson of the House Banking Committee, Barney Frank, told America that Fannie was solvent just before it collapsed. The liberal media wasn't interested in the fact that Fannie was Frank's responsibility since democrats won the majority in congress half way into Bush's 2nd term. Maybe vindictive angry democrats didn't understand that Fannie would bring down the entire economy or most likely they didn't care.

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