Amateur Vs. Professional October Surprises you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!
The fatal flaw in your defense of unregistered sex offender Donald Trump is that there are a lot of women backing up Trump's boasting of sexual predation. you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!

There's a difference between bragging about "sexual conquests" and bragging about committing sexual assault against an unwilling woman. No locker room I've ever been in involved a guy bragging about rape or sexual assault. It's not brag-worthy. Getting a beautiful woman to consent is traditionally brag-worthy. That's locker-room talk. you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!

There's a difference between bragging about "sexual conquests" and bragging about committing sexual assault against an unwilling woman. No locker room I've ever been in involved a guy bragging about rape or sexual assault. It's not brag-worthy. Getting a beautiful woman to consent is traditionally brag-worthy. That's locker-room talk.

When did Trump brag about rape? Are you kidding me? This is getting absurd.
Have you ever even been in a locker room, Gary? Let me're one of those losers that used to get stuffed IN a locker? you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!

There's a difference between bragging about "sexual conquests" and bragging about committing sexual assault against an unwilling woman. No locker room I've ever been in involved a guy bragging about rape or sexual assault. It's not brag-worthy. Getting a beautiful woman to consent is traditionally brag-worthy. That's locker-room talk.

When did Trump brag about rape? Are you kidding me? This is getting absurd.

Uh, did you not hear the tape? Notice I said "OR sexual assault". Reading is fundamental.
Have you ever even been in a locker room, Gary? Let me're one of those losers that used to get stuffed IN a locker?

Classic. You're getting schooled intellectually, so you move the battlefield to who played varsity sports? LMAOOOO you've got someone "talking" about doing something...and then you've got someone who actually DID something...but the talker is the bad guy? Like I said...with anything other than our present main stream media...this whole ploy by the Clinton Camp would get laughed out of the room!
It's not just talk, you unbelievably gullible rube.

Trump was boasting about actual behaviors. And there has been a long line of women who have being saying for a long time that he is a sexual predator.

You are a fucking idiot in a tiny minority who bleevs Trump's bullshit that it was only "locker room talk."

When Charles Manson brags about his murders, is that just "jailhouse talk", idiot?

If every man who bragged about his sexual conquests to other men were telling the truth you might have a point but since anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that isn't the case then "boasts" about who you've scored with do not equal actually scoring with them! Duh?

Charlie Manson? LOL Now Trump is Charlie Manson? You're foaming at the mouth, dude!

There's a difference between bragging about "sexual conquests" and bragging about committing sexual assault against an unwilling woman. No locker room I've ever been in involved a guy bragging about rape or sexual assault. It's not brag-worthy. Getting a beautiful woman to consent is traditionally brag-worthy. That's locker-room talk.

When did Trump brag about rape? Are you kidding me? This is getting absurd.

Uh, did you not hear the tape? Notice I said "OR sexual assault". Reading is fundamental.

So you're not accusing Trump of rape?
Yes, I heard the tape. It's a classic example of a guy talking shit about what a stud he is. The kind of thing that you hear constantly in every locker room I've ever been in.
What's pathetic is that you people actually think that 11 year old tape is more important than what Hillary Clinton has done this year.
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing the sex fiend Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.
What's pathetic is that you people actually think that 11 year old tape is more important than what Hillary Clinton has done this year.
Let me tell you what is really pathetic.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of Christianity. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a sexual predator and serial adulterer. Trump's number one surrogate on the talking head circuit is a man who notified his wife he was cheating on her by calling a press conference. There have been women coming forward all year about Trump's sexual misconduct, and now they are being vindicated by Trump's own boasting. This is who the party of Christianity is chopping off their own nose to avoid smelling.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility. They pay lip service to a balanced budget, and they whine about the debt. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who not only failed to put a balanced budget plan on the table, his plan is going to add more debt than Hillary. He is going to add more debt than even Obama! This is who the party of fiscal responsibility is plucking out their own eyes to avoid seeing.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of the Constitution. And yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who would trample a religion under his heel, deny citizenship to native born Americans, and ban assault weapons. This is who the party of the Constitution is chopping off their own ears to avoid hearing.
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.

Which only proves that the main stream media is so heavily slanted towards Hillary Clinton that something as ridiculous as that tape has become the biggest topic for "news" even with the latest batch of emails coming from Wikileaks that shows the extent of corruption in the Clinton campaign.
Only Liberals care about the "Bus".
The same people who were voting for a "D" no matter what.
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.

Which only proves that the main stream media is so heavily slanted towards Hillary Clinton that something as ridiculous as that tape has become the biggest topic for "news" even with the latest batch of emails coming from Wikileaks that shows the extent of corruption in the Clinton campaign.
You amateurs forgot you are up against a professional. Republicans have been predicting the imminent doom of the Clintons for a quarter of a century.

You dumbasses brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!
What's pathetic is that you people actually think that 11 year old tape is more important than what Hillary Clinton has done this year.
Let me tell you what is really pathetic.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of Christianity. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a sexual predator and serial adulterer. Trump's number one surrogate on the talking head circuit is a man who notified his wife he was cheating on her by calling a press conference. There have been women coming forward all year about Trump's sexual misconduct, and now they are being vindicated by Trump's own boasting. This is who the party of Christianity is chopping off their own nose to avoid smelling.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility. They pay lip service to a balanced budget, and they whine about the debt. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who not only failed to put a balanced budget plan on the table, his plan is going to add more debt than Hillary. He is going to add more debt than even Obama! This is who the party of fiscal responsibility is plucking out their own eyes to avoid seeing.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of the Constitution. And yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who would trample a religion under his heel, deny citizenship to native born Americans, and ban assault weapons. This is who the party of the Constitution is chopping off their own ears to avoid hearing.

I'm an agnostic. Don't tell me what the GOP is because it's many things to many people!

As for which party is fiscally responsible? Are you going to sit here and claim that the GOP didn't rein in Obama's plans to spend? You can't claim that they are the "Party of No" because they wouldn't let Barry, Harry and Nancy have what they wanted and then not at least give the GOP credit for NOT spending that money!
The point stands. The release of the bus recording has had a far more devastating impact on the Trump campaign than Wikileaks' weak sauce has had on Hillary's.

Only Trump's most stupid Chumps are standing by him now.

Republicans are fleeing Trump in droves. Women are going to kick his nuts over the moon.

Not a bad day's work for Clinton's oppo team. And chances are pretty good they are just getting started.

Which only proves that the main stream media is so heavily slanted towards Hillary Clinton that something as ridiculous as that tape has become the biggest topic for "news" even with the latest batch of emails coming from Wikileaks that shows the extent of corruption in the Clinton campaign.
You amateurs forgot you are up against a professional. Republicans have been predicting the imminent doom of the Clintons for a quarter of a century.

You dumbasses brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

Red herrings to a gunfight was a stupid analogy when you first made it, G...don't embarrass yourself by repeating it like it's profound!

Trust me, nobody has forgotten how sleazy the Clinton political machine is! What they did to Bernie Sanders removed all doubt about that!
What's pathetic is that you people actually think that 11 year old tape is more important than what Hillary Clinton has done this year.
Let me tell you what is really pathetic.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of Christianity. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a sexual predator and serial adulterer. Trump's number one surrogate on the talking head circuit is a man who notified his wife he was cheating on her by calling a press conference. There have been women coming forward all year about Trump's sexual misconduct, and now they are being vindicated by Trump's own boasting. This is who the party of Christianity is chopping off their own nose to avoid smelling.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility. They pay lip service to a balanced budget, and they whine about the debt. Yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who not only failed to put a balanced budget plan on the table, his plan is going to add more debt than Hillary. He is going to add more debt than even Obama! This is who the party of fiscal responsibility is plucking out their own eyes to avoid seeing.

The Republican Party claims to be the party of the Constitution. And yet they are breaking their backs under the weight of defending a man who would trample a religion under his heel, deny citizenship to native born Americans, and ban assault weapons. This is who the party of the Constitution is chopping off their own ears to avoid hearing.

I'm an agnostic. Don't tell me what the GOP is because it's many things to many people!

As for which party is fiscally responsible? Are you going to sit here and claim that the GOP didn't rein in Obama's plans to spend? You can't claim that they are the "Party of No" because they wouldn't let Barry, Harry and Nancy have what they wanted and then not at least give the GOP credit for NOT spending that money!
When the GOP controlled all three branches of government, they doubled the national debt.

The GOP is the biggest offender of adding tax expenditures to the tax code, because that is the best way to hide debt increases without the rubes catching on. And those expenses now add up to $1.2 TRILLION A YEAR!!!

You are among the stupidest of the stupid if you bleev the GOP lives up to its lip service of being fiscally conservative.

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