Amazing how some can see truth when it comes to politics but not religion


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
It's amazing to yours truly how some people make SO much sense over in Politics and then... in Religion.. not so much

Some have the good sense to avoid one or the other part of the forum. But maybe that is not good sense, on 2nd thought..

I mean, the 2 are closely "related" because one affects the other. I was not active in society until I began to be what some would term "political" I have always been pro life (except when a clueless young person, but I cared enough to do research and then became VERY pro life)

so my religion informs my politics. A lot of people speak much truth in Politics but their religion is... sometimes a big mess

Anyhow... .
Both politics and religion are related in that both are ideologies people live their lives by and think others should do the same.

On top of it, you cannot prove any of it.

For example, if Jesus came down, raised someone from the dead on live TV, the critics would be there questioning whether it really happened

Or you can point to the myriad of socialist governments over the years that have murdered millions and ushered in economic oppression, but at the end of the day, socialists today either say it is all fake news or blame capitalism for it in some form or fashion.
"Amazing how some can see truth when it comes to politics but not religion" you said.

How about this:

Everyone can see truth all the time about everything. But just about their own truth. Their own reality.
"Amazing how some can see truth when it comes to politics but not religion" you said.

How about this:

Everyone can see truth all the time about everything. But just about their own truth. Their own reality.
Truth is defined by those in power.

OTOH, Pilate posed a good question. "What is truth", in the practical sense? Where does it fit into our everyday lives, thoughts, decisions, actions?
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It's amazing to yours truly how some people make SO much sense over in Politics and then... in Religion.. not so much

Some have the good sense to avoid one or the other part of the forum. But maybe that is not good sense, on 2nd thought..

I mean, the 2 are closely "related" because one affects the other. I was not active in society until I began to be what some would term "political" I have always been pro life (except when a clueless young person, but I cared enough to do research and then became VERY pro life)

so my religion informs my politics. A lot of people speak much truth in Politics but their religion is... sometimes a big mess

Anyhow... .
I feel the same, but coming at it opposite you. Some many sane conservatives in Politics turn into hateful “my way or you go to hell’ Christians in the Religion forum.
Global Warming is both political and a religion. You have to have faith that the world is warming while your senses tell you something else and you are freezing your ass off. You have to be a true believer when the high priest of global warming, Al. Gore told you that the world would end twenty years and somewhere our environmental sins are causing the ocean to boil.
. A lot of people speak much truth in Politics but their religion is... sometimes a big mess
Some may even feel more strongly than you and believe that it is you are who has messed up so badly .

Which you do appear to be ----- imagining that the Universe should match every thing you believe it ought to be .
You must get furious to see that others have not been blessed with your insights , wisdom and head size .
It's amazing to yours truly how some people make SO much sense over in Politics and then... in Religion.. not so much

Some have the good sense to avoid one or the other part of the forum. But maybe that is not good sense, on 2nd thought..

I mean, the 2 are closely "related" because one affects the other. I was not active in society until I began to be what some would term "political" I have always been pro life (except when a clueless young person, but I cared enough to do research and then became VERY pro life)

so my religion informs my politics. A lot of people speak much truth in Politics but their religion is... sometimes a big mess

Anyhow... .

I doubt they make sense on politics or religion. People who have grown up to BELIEVE things, to make things how they want to hear them, to create their own fantasy world... well....
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Both politics and religion are related in that both are ideologies people live their lives by and think others should do the same.

On top of it, you cannot prove any of it.

For example, if Jesus came down, raised someone from the dead on live TV, the critics would be there questioning whether it really happened

Or you can point to the myriad of socialist governments over the years that have murdered millions and ushered in economic oppression, but at the end of the day, socialists today either say it is all fake news or blame capitalism for it in some form or fashion.
true nuff

esp that last thing. The new socialists are ame as the old socialists... but think they can implement a kinder, softer communism/socialism (to me there isn't a hill of beans difference) an it "doesnt have to be like" that of Mao or whomever.. LIE!

put all power and resources in the hands of the "governors" (the elites) and the governed LOSE everything.. I don't know why that's so hard to figure out?
"Amazing how some can see truth when it comes to politics but not religion" you said.

How about this:

Everyone can see truth all the time about everything. But just about their own truth. Their own reality.
which may not be Truth at all, but just what they want to believe. Humans are known for believing what they want... and then they refuse to admit they are doing that...
Truth is defined by those in power.

OTOH, Pilate posed a good question. "What is truth", in the practical sense? Where does it fit into our everyday lives, thoughts, decisions, actions?
Pilate condemned an innocent man (GOD) just to please the murderous crowd
I doubt they make sense on politics or religion. People who have grown up to BELIEVE things, to make things how they want to hear them, to create their own fantasy world... well....
I'm sure you realize it is far from being that simple...?
Global Warming is both political and a religion. You have to have faith that the world is warming while your senses tell you something else and you are freezing your ass off. You have to be a true believer when the high priest of global warming, Al. Gore told you that the world would end twenty years and somewhere our environmental sins are causing the ocean to boil.
and they call Christians irrational!!

Jesus obviously is far more rational than the religion you describe here... But when you don't know Jesus and don't want or think you don't want to know Him... you find some other religion to take His place.. human nature.. and God help us if that fake religion takes over.. which looks like has happened
These days I think the truth is too often colored by the politics of the speaker/writer on the issue in question. And what we hear and see is also filtered through our own biases and prejudices, so if you want the truth you're going to have to fight for it. And even then you're going to have to take it with a grain of salt, meaning it can change over time.
These days I think the truth is too often colored by the politics of the speaker/writer on the issue in question. And what we hear and see is also filtered through our own biases and prejudices, so if you want the truth you're going to have to fight for it. And even then you're going to have to take it with a grain of salt, meaning it can change over time.
I agreed w/ you up until that last sentence. I even agree w/ that one IF you are referring to just any old truth or alleged truth (subjective truth). If you are referring to God's Truth, which is the only one I care about (hopefully), well, His Truth does not change EVER. The problem is we are such fallen creatures, we are separated from Him a lot of the time and don't even realize it.. or don't realize the full extent of it.. I have had this revealed about yours truly, so presumably it is true of all other humans.

I have found objective Truth (Jesus...) but a lot of peple think I'm "lost" or crazy or whatever just because Im Catholic... that truth does not look like truth to a lot of people. But what if I am correct and they are wrong? I hope they care about being wrong when they truly are...
I agreed w/ you up until that last sentence. I even agree w/ that one IF you are referring to just any old truth or alleged truth (subjective truth). If you are referring to God's Truth, which is the only one I care about (hopefully), well, His Truth does not change EVER. The problem is we are such fallen creatures, we are separated from Him a lot of the time and don't even realize it.. or don't realize the full extent of it.. I have had this revealed about yours truly, so presumably it is true of all other humans.

I have found objective Truth (Jesus...) but a lot of peple think I'm "lost" or crazy or whatever just because Im Catholic... that truth does not look like truth to a lot of people. But what if I am correct and they are wrong? I hope they care about being wrong when they truly are...

What if you are wrong? Your view of God's truth may not be the same as someone else's. That does not mean one of you is right or wrong, and it is not objective because there is no physical evidence and no verifiable proof that Jesus is/was the Son of God or even that there is a God(s).
What if you are wrong? Your view of God's truth may not be the same as someone else's. That does not mean one of you is right or wrong, and it is not objective because there is no physical evidence and no verifiable proof that Jesus is/was the Son of God or even that there is a God(s).
To answer your first question: I know I am not wrong. Do you think I have never in the past asked myself if I am wrong about .. whatever.. Catholicism? my own personal thing w/ God? No, it's an insult for you to imply that. . because I'm sure ALL rational, intelligent people question... just about everything at one time or another..

But I forgive you :). You speak then of my "view of God's truth" and how it is different from someone else's. . and that that dosn't mean one of us is wrong. That is NOT true. Either both parties are wrong or one is right and the other wrong. But I have been following objective truth for a LONG time. Anyone who has read my posts/threads has seen that I have questioned and rejected many "catholic" things that other 'catholics' accept, some w/o much questioning.. So no one can accuse me of blindly following Catholicism. But that said, I find nothing wrong w/ the official, ancient teachings of the Church (up until 1958, that is. As stated b4, the Vatican is no longer Catholic.. or any kind of Christian). And I have yet to find many here who know what I know about the history of the CC. There is one Catholic here.. novus ordo variety.. who understand some of the history I refer to but does not get it that ... such things as this: that an actual pope cannot teach error. Christ prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail (and then he could strengthen the other 11)... and by gosh, when Jesus asks for something, He gets it...

So no real pope is going to fail at teaching TRUE Christianity for the whole world to see and hear.

No real pope would teach heresy like Francis and his several immediate predecessors have.. therefore, he --they -- are NOT popes..
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What if you are wrong? Your view of God's truth may not be the same as someone else's. That does not mean one of you is right or wrong, and it is not objective because there is no physical evidence and no verifiable proof that Jesus is/was the Son of God or even that there is a God(s).
Thank you, Whenever a poster talks about truth with the capital T (the Truth), you know you are dealing with someone who insists that Only People Who BelIeve as He Does are correct and that everyone else is wrong (especially the Jews) and are going to Hell.

You say you KNOW you’re not wrong? So the majority of people in this world, who do NOT believe a Jewish carpenter was Gd or son of Gd, are wrong?

You‘re very intolerant of others’ beliefs.
These days I think the truth is too often colored by the politics of the speaker/writer on the issue in question. And what we hear and see is also filtered through our own biases and prejudices, so if you want the truth you're going to have to fight for it. And even then you're going to have to take it with a grain of salt, meaning it can change over time.
Facts change, truth not so much.

Sadly, on important issues not enough facts are presented to establish the truth of the matter.
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