Amazon Transforms Seattle Office Into Permanent Homeless Shelter


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
They are warming up the plate..

(d) "Emergency welfare services" means feeding; clothing; housing or lodging in private and congregate facilities; registration; locating and reuniting families; care of unaccompanied children, the aged, the handicapped, and other groups needing specialized care or service; necessary financial or other assistance; counseling and referral services to families and individuals; aid to welfare institutions under national emergency or post-attack conditions; and all other feasible welfare aid and services to people in need during a civil defense emergency. Such measures include organization, direction, and provision of services to be instituted before attack, in the event of strategic or tactical evacuation, and after attack in the event of evacuation or of refuge in shelters.


Amazon forces millions of retailers go belly-up and parallel opens a shelter for homeless ones
How pathetic!
Unfortunately it's a human truth that the more one makes homelessness tolerable the more one
encourages homelessness itself. That's why Seattle is ass deep in homeless people.
They are up to something. Maybe Amazon is being pressured by the Left to do more to hurt Pres.Trump's economy. They are trying to bring back up that Amazon should pay taxes. That is how they control some corporations. And so Amazon might be using this as a tax write off in order to shut up Joe Biden. But then they could be trying to help spread the Leftist's agendas like letting the homeless and illegal immigrants to live on private properties. Which I'm not against helping thy neighbor. But you cannot help those that sees someone that wants to help them, as a opportunity to drain them from everything they have.
Majority of the homeless are drug addicts. And the only way to stop their addictions is by stopping the flow of the source to their addiction. And that is by securing the borders, seaports and airports.
But the Left knows that the homeless doesn't wants help. That is why they uses them to tear down neighborhoods (Blockbusting) to buy property at cheaper price and to sell more properties.


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