Amen Ron Paul!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
During the first part of his farewell speech to Congress, Rep. Ron Paul suggested that the homeschooling movement would play a "revolutionary" role in restoring limited government.

"Expect the rapidly expanding homeschool movement to play a significant role in the revolutionary forms needed to rebuild a free society with constitutional protections," he said. "We cannot expect a federal government controlled school system to provide the intellectual ammunition to combat the dangerous growth of government that threatens our liberties."

Ron Paul: Homeschooling will play
There is no doubt that when it came to Constitutional government, energy, education, etc. - Ron Paul was a freaking genius. It's too bad he was a complete and total quack on foreign policy and defense, because he would have made one hell of a president on those other items.
Hooray for substituting education for indoctrination and the death of critical thinking. Oh, and in turn, a free society.
Wait a minute. Aren't most of those parents homeschooling their kids graduates of the same public school system y'all say is failing its students?

If the school system failed them, how on earth are they to teach their kids?

Or...if they're qualified to teach their kids at home, doesn't that mean the public schools were successful?
Wait a minute. Aren't most of those parents homeschooling their kids graduates of the same public school system y'all say is failing its students?

If the school system failed them, how on earth are they to teach their kids?

Or...if they're qualified to teach their kids at home, doesn't that mean the public schools were successful?

I know this is going to stun liberals, but....... DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ACTUALLY LEARN WITHOUT AND/OR AFTER PUBLIC SCHOOL?!?! Really! It can be done! It has been done!

That's the thing with dumbocrats - if the book didn't tell them something, they have no idea what to do.
Wait a minute. Aren't most of those parents homeschooling their kids graduates of the same public school system y'all say is failing its students?

If the school system failed them, how on earth are they to teach their kids?

Or...if they're qualified to teach their kids at home, doesn't that mean the public schools were successful?

I know this is going to stun liberals, but....... DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ACTUALLY LEARN WITHOUT AND/OR AFTER PUBLIC SCHOOL?!?! Really! It can be done! It has been done!

That's the thing with dumbocrats - if the book didn't tell them something, they have no idea what to do.

You don't say? Well....I never!

Are you convinced that EVERY parent who wants to homeschool is capable? Why?
The future of America according to Rottweiler!

"Ah'm gonna homeschool mah kids."


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Wait a minute. Aren't most of those parents homeschooling their kids graduates of the same public school system y'all say is failing its students?

If the school system failed them, how on earth are they to teach their kids?

Or...if they're qualified to teach their kids at home, doesn't that mean the public schools were successful?

I know this is going to stun liberals, but....... DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ACTUALLY LEARN WITHOUT AND/OR AFTER PUBLIC SCHOOL?!?! Really! It can be done! It has been done!

That's the thing with dumbocrats - if the book didn't tell them something, they have no idea what to do.

You don't say? Well....I never!

Are you convinced that EVERY parent who wants to homeschool is capable? Why?

Are you convinced that EVERY teacher who teaches is capable?

I'm not, I've watched intelligent middle school kids school teachers on a DAILY basis...
There is no doubt that when it came to Constitutional government, energy, education, etc. - Ron Paul was a freaking genius. It's too bad he was a complete and total quack on foreign policy and defense, because he would have made one hell of a president on those other items.

It's not like anyone really loved much of Romney's platform but it was ok to vote for him though right?

You're never going to get EVERYTHING you want out of a candidate, so why not at least go with the one you know is the best for the domestic issues?

You KNOW Paul would have vetoed any bill that grew government.

But you know DAMN well Romney wouldn't have.
Are you convinced that EVERY teacher who teaches is capable?

Or course not, but there is a system in place to keep the most incapable prospective teachers out of the classroom, or to move them out if they demonstrate they can't teach. No, the system is not perfect. In fact, it's far from perfect, but it DOES exist.

Not so for homeschooling parents. There is NO procedure for weeding out those who are complete morons, addicted to drugs or practicing pedophiles. There is nothing to prevent the drug dealer down the street, or the convicted murderer, or the intellectually challenged, from homeschooling their kids. Tell prepared do you think those kids are likely to be at the end of their "education?"
Hooray for a generation of socially awkward retards who have difficulty functioning in society.


These two things are not mutually exclusive and that is the problem with home schooling. That, and the fact that its a movement not borne of the desire for a better education but rather, the wish to indoctrinate the little darlings in their parent's sicko fundie religion.

Hooray for a generation of insecure, peer-pressure-driven sheep who are destroying society.
yeah, I feel bad for the screwed up parents too but they brought it on themselves. Now they're raining the same crap down on their kids.

Meanwhile, we have highly skilled jobs that are going to foreigners because our own kids don't get an education - either at home or at school.
Are you convinced that EVERY teacher who teaches is capable?

Or course not, but there is a system in place to keep the most incapable prospective teachers out of the classroom, or to move them out if they demonstrate they can't teach. No, the system is not perfect. In fact, it's far from perfect, but it DOES exist.
In what Country does this system exist? Maybe we can copy it.
Are you convinced that EVERY teacher who teaches is capable?

Or course not, but there is a system in place to keep the most incapable prospective teachers out of the classroom, or to move them out if they demonstrate they can't teach. No, the system is not perfect. In fact, it's far from perfect, but it DOES exist.
In what Country does this system exist? Maybe we can copy it.

Come on. Don't be patronizing or deliberately obtuse to avoid the question.

How WOULD you prevent morons from homeschooling their kids?
There are plenty of other countries who do a much better of job of educating their children than we do.
Are you convinced that EVERY teacher who teaches is capable?

Or course not, but there is a system in place to keep the most incapable prospective teachers out of the classroom, or to move them out if they demonstrate they can't teach. No, the system is not perfect. In fact, it's far from perfect, but it DOES exist.

Not so for homeschooling parents. There is NO procedure for weeding out those who are complete morons, addicted to drugs or practicing pedophiles. There is nothing to prevent the drug dealer down the street, or the convicted murderer, or the intellectually challenged, from homeschooling their kids. Tell prepared do you think those kids are likely to be at the end of their "education?"

That is the most ridiculous argument against home schooling I have EVER read!

Do you really think ANY of those demographics have ANY desire to home school? Each and every one of them think of public schools as a free babysitting service for their snot-nosed, anti-social misfits.

THOSE parents are probably the BIGGEST reason our public schools SUCK!

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