America, are you on your knees yet waiting to buy an electric car?

Have the soaring gas prices convinced you that Biden is right, you need to buy an electric car? Or will he have to raise gas prices even higher to change your mind?

There is one little problem though, once you spend around $90 thousand for an electric car, after so many miles they have a slight tendency to catch fire and spontaneously combust.

Oh, and if it does not spontaneously combust, the battery will eventually go and cost you a sweet $20 thousand or so.

This man blew up his Tesla after learning how expensive the battery would be after the car had only gone about a thousand miles and needed a battery replacement.

It looks really fun, but I'm not sure it is worth spending some $100,000 to do.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, which gets its info from the NFIRS, passenger cars averaged 117,400 fires annually. Overall, EVs were about 0.3% likely to catch fire, while gas cars were 1.05% likely to ignite. The public often forgets that the average gasoline powered vehicle carries over 100 pounds of one most flammable products available.

The analysis echoes findings from other recent studies, including a June report from the US Department of Energy. That study found that EVs cost 6.1 cents per mile to maintain, compared to 10.1 cents per mile for combustion-engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are more reliable than gasoline powered vehicles simple because they have less components to fail. The average gasoline powered vehicle has about 30,000 parts where EVs have about half that number.

Most electric cars are priced in the $30,000 to $40,000 range. However the average price is closer to $,50,000 due to the number of luxury models produced by Tesla, BMW, Lucid, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, etc . The worst time to buy an EV is when gas prices are hitting all time highs. The best time is when those prices are falling.

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The analysis echoes findings from other recent studies, including a June report from the US Department of Energy. That study found that EVs cost 6.1 cents per mile to maintain, compared to 10.1 cents per mile for combustion-engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are more reliable than gasoline power vehicles simple because they have less components to fail. The average gasoline powered vehicle has about 30,000 parts where EVs have about half that number.

Most electric cars are priced in the $30,000 to $40,000 range. However the average price is closer to $,50,000. The worst time to buy an EV is when gas prices are hitting all time highs. The best time is when those prices are falling.

I understand you're not too smart, but...did you even READ what I was responding to?
The analysis echoes findings from other recent studies, including a June report from the US Department of Energy. That study found that EVs cost 6.1 cents per mile to maintain, compared to 10.1 cents per mile for combustion-engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are more reliable than gasoline power vehicles simple because they have less components to fail. The average gasoline powered vehicle has about 30,000 parts where EVs have about half that number.

Most electric cars are priced in the $30,000 to $40,000 range. However the average price is closer to $,50,000 due to number of luxury modes produced by Tesla, BMW, Lucid, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, etc . The worst time to buy an EV is when gas prices are hitting all time highs. The best time is when those prices are falling.

Replacing batteries is not cheap.
The left are just so effing stupid, about many things. Take right now. Over 80% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. So, what is their solution to that? Keep on going in the same direction. And they wonder why they are going to take a drubbing in the midterms and lose at least the House.
This week the people thinking the country is headed in the wrong direction are thinking too much about inflation and the pandemic which is not biden's fault.
Have the soaring gas prices convinced you that Biden is right, you need to buy an electric car? Or will he have to raise gas prices even higher to change your mind?

There is one little problem though, once you spend around $90 thousand for an electric car, after so many miles they have a slight tendency to catch fire and spontaneously combust.

Oh, and if it does not spontaneously combust, the battery will eventually go and cost you a sweet $20 thousand or so.

This man blew up his Tesla after learning how expensive the battery would be after the car had only gone about a thousand miles and needed a battery replacement.

It looks really fun, but I'm not sure it is worth spending some $100,000 to do.

The damage that electric cars do to people's wallets is second only to the environmental damage they cause.
Just like with the vaccine, if Americans refuse to go along with it willingly, Democrats will mandate it.

Democrats want to price Americans out of cars. They want to force all the little people onto trains. The roads are for the elite.
Well, trains and scooters. :)
The analysis echoes findings from other recent studies, including a June report from the US Department of Energy. That study found that EVs cost 6.1 cents per mile to maintain, compared to 10.1 cents per mile for combustion-engine vehicles. Electric vehicles are more reliable than gasoline powered vehicles simple because they have less components to fail. The average gasoline powered vehicle has about 30,000 parts where EVs have about half that number.

Most electric cars are priced in the $30,000 to $40,000 range. However the average price is closer to $,50,000 due to the number of luxury models produced by Tesla, BMW, Lucid, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, etc . The worst time to buy an EV is when gas prices are hitting all time highs. The best time is when those prices are falling.

I guess that all depends on what you buy. I've been driving Toyota Camrys for about 20 years now, and my only expense has been oil changes, which now that I'm no longer working is about once a year. With a coupon, that's about $45.00 or so from the dealership. None of my Japanese cars have ever seen a tow truck, and not once did I have to call my boss and tell him I'll be late or not in at all because my car wouldn't start. That might have been different during power outages when I couldn't charge my electric car. So much for dependability.

A new survey by UK consumer group Which?, as reported by Mail Online, reveals traditional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicle owners report fewer problems within the first four years of ownership than electric vehicle owners.

Which? surveyed 48,000 people about the vehicles they drive, which included 2,184 electric vehicles out of nearly 57,000. Thirty nine percent of electric vehicle owners reported a problem within the first four years of ownership, compared to just 19 percent of gasoline car owners, and 29 percent for diesel car owners.

Not only do electric cars tend to be less reliable, the requirement to repair the problem usually takes them off the street for longer than a traditional ICE car. The most common problems occurred with the software, which took up to five days to repair, compared with a three-day repair for gasoline cars, and four days for diesels.

Okay, so now what your savings doesn't show is how much you will spend to get the EV repaired and how much more you will spend on a rental car while repairs are being done.
Mr. Jaraxle, what the u-must-hava-lectricar crowd is not telling you that electricity uses as much but likely more fossil fuel energy to drive an electric car 100 miles. Electric power takes more fossil fuel from coal mines, gas, diesel, or even methane to run a car than gas alone put into an engine that runs on gas or diesel, which takes less to deliver a car from one location to destination by conventional gas usage. Furthermore, by driving your car or truck 55 miles an hour actually uses less gas than driving your car 60-80mph on a sliding scale. With or without wise speed usage to reduce the use of fossil fuels, it takes more fossil fuel to run an electric car than a regular gasoline engine car. It was explained to me at a professional electrical engineering meeting in which described the loss of power on a typical electric grid that transports electricity uses over twice the electricity just to get it from the power source vicinity to one's home, because running electricity through lines is very inefficient. This is hidden from the eye when electricity travels 40 miles or more from the electricity company's source (that is run on coal, oil, gas, etc.) through a wire, invisibly like rain falling off an umbrella.

If you have uranium-driven electrical power, it may be "cheaper," but it's dangerous, because one bomb can eliminate power to millions of homes, businesses, etc., and leave a nuclear holocaust in its wake that kills anyone in its path, like a nuclear bomb.

The Democrats are using theories that evade reality. They would have us use twice the fossil fuel to drive cars and all heaters than if gasoline, oil, or other fossil fuel is used to make inefficient electricity. They're roaming through science like a bunch of drunken sailors. Don't be fooled. Using electricity merely conceals the increased amount of fossil fuel it takes to give you "clean, modern energy."

Democrats, quit being drunken sailors on a binge with lies about electrical power replacing fossil fuels. Au contraire, mon amies, you'd have to use double or twice the amount of fossil fuels on fueling cars, because switching a light bulb on and off does not send the message that you are using any fossil fuel, much less twice or even thrice the amount that a gas lantern would burn to read at night. Get a grip Democrats. Your science is ludicrously wrong. Face it. The only people who will get richer than Midas need only to fool people to have their oil and gas stocks domino into double their wealth and more.

It's a no-brainer to get rich off the lie that electricity will cut down on fossil fuel burning, whether you heat a house or run a car off electricity. Gas is far and away cheaper to the environment than electricity. Always has been and always will be.

Edit: and one other thing, folks, running electricity "efficiently" means that it has to be constant. It has to run at a loss of electrons constantly even if it is serving fewer people on a pleasant fall or spring night. Otherwise, if it is interrupted even for a second, all electric clocks would need to be reset the next day. The only way to keep a light going is to have a constant supply. When all lights are off, your light company still has to maintain the constant supply of electricity, ready to switch lights, heaters, air conditioners, appliances, and yeah, electric car plug ins wherever they may be. You don't see constant supply, but it has to be there to serve people who use electricity. And electricity terminals are generally far enough away from population centers you can't see the electric scrubbers cleaning out the clouds and smells that used to be seen around power companies before the 80s, when scrubbers became critically important, and yes, it takes a lot of extra electricity to scrub fossil fuel smoke from a power plant. See, did anyone explain that to the idiots who are jumping up and down about "saving the planet" with electric cars. What a buncha dummies. You think gas is expensive now, just wait a few minutes after the last of us is forced to purchase an electric car! The cost fairy will suddenly gain weight and land on your electric bill with a mushroom cloud of rate hikes. :(

Oh yeah, and electric cars will increase hurt on the environment, ozone holes, and you name it. You may not see it, but your electricity bills that were supposed to save the environment will empty your pockets into some knowledgable Congresscritter's fatter and fatter bank account/stock market holdings.
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and 7500 subsidy. You're the fools talking about 90k lol....This one's 35 with subsidy and 350 miles. Brainwashed much, super dupe?
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Mr. francofw, please read my above post. Your Democrat masters are rearranging their stock portfolio as we speak. What they're not telling you is that this car uses more fossil fuels than regular gas cars. They do not understand the electricity production cycle of using fossil fuels inefficiently, and that cannot be changed in the blink of an eye. It will double the environmental problems and make today seem like clean air by comparison the electric car mandate will produce. The delusion that you are saving the planet with electricity is the black magic that will show up if the Democrats get their way by obfuscating the damage to the environment the subsequent overuse of already-inefficient delivery of electricity from power plant to your all-electric home. I hope my post above gets through to you guys who are buying the black carbon farm electric plants will become.
Lefty is still trying to murder the black man. Makes no difference if they kill him in their Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, or in a Cobalt or Lithium mine in Africa, or use slaves in China for rare earth minerals for their Green Energy Bullshit.
Mr. Jaraxle, what the u-must-hava-lectricar crowd is not telling you that electricity uses as much but likely more fossil fuel energy to drive an electric car 100 miles. Electric power takes more fossil fuel from coal mines, gas, diesel, or even methane to run a car than gas alone put into an engine that runs on gas or diesel, which takes less to deliver a car from one location to destination by conventional gas usage. Furthermore, by driving your car or truck 55 miles an hour actually uses less gas than driving your car 60-80mph on a sliding scale. With or without wise speed usage to reduce the use of fossil fuels, it takes more fossil fuel to run an electric car than a regular gasoline engine car. It was explained to me at a professional electrical engineering meeting in which described the loss of power on a typical electric grid that transports electricity uses over twice the electricity just to get it from the power source vicinity to one's home, because running electricity through lines is very inefficient. This is hidden from the eye when electricity travels 40 miles or more from the electricity company's source (that is run on coal, oil, gas, etc.) through a wire, invisibly like rain falling off an umbrella.

If you have uranium-driven electrical power, it may be "cheaper," but it's dangerous, because one bomb can eliminate power to millions of homes, businesses, etc., and leave a nuclear holocaust in its wake that kills anyone in its path, like a nuclear bomb.

The Democrats are using theories that evade reality. They would have us use twice the fossil fuel to drive cars and all heaters than if gasoline, oil, or other fossil fuel is used to make inefficient electricity. They're roaming through science like a bunch of drunken sailors. Don't be fooled. Using electricity merely conceals the increased amount of fossil fuel it takes to give you "clean, modern energy."

Democrats, quit being drunken sailors on a binge with lies about electrical power replacing fossil fuels. Au contraire, mon amies, you'd have to use double or twice the amount of fossil fuels on fueling cars, because switching a light bulb on and off does not send the message that you are using any fossil fuel, much less twice or even thrice the amount that a gas lantern would burn to read at night. Get a grip Democrats. Your science is ludicrously wrong. Face it. The only people who will get richer than Midas need only to fool people to have their oil and gas stocks domino into double their wealth and more.

It's a no-brainer to get rich off the lie that electricity will cut down on fossil fuel burning, whether you heat a house or run a car off electricity. Gas is far and away cheaper to the environment than electricity. Always has been and always will be.

Edit: and one other thing, folks, running electricity "efficiently" means that it has to be constant. It has to run at a loss of electrons constantly even if it is serving fewer people on a pleasant fall or spring night. Otherwise, if it is interrupted even for a second, all electric clocks would need to be reset the next day. The only way to keep a light going is to have a constant supply. When all lights are off, your light company still has to maintain the constant supply of electricity, ready to switch lights, heaters, air conditioners, appliances, and yeah, electric car plug ins wherever they may be. You don't see constant supply, but it has to be there to serve people who use electricity. And electricity terminals are generally far enough away from population centers you can't see the electric scrubbers cleaning out the clouds and smells that used to be seen around power companies before the 80s, when scrubbers became critically important, and yes, it takes a lot of extra electricity to scrub fossil fuel smoke from a power plant. See, did anyone explain that to the idiots who are jumping up and down about "saving the planet" with electric cars. What a buncha dummies. You think gas is expensive now, just wait a few minutes after the last of us is forced to purchase an electric car! The cost fairy will suddenly gain weight and land on your electric bill with a mushroom cloud of rate hikes. :(

Oh yeah, and electric cars will increase hurt on the environment, ozone holes, and you name it. You may not see it, but your electricity bills that were supposed to save the environment will empty your pockets into some knowledgable Congresscritter's fatter and fatter bank account/stock market holdings.
Are you attempting to make a POINT, with that wall of text?
LOL. Yeah, the voters don't believe you.
The GOP base voters are totally full of crap so I don't worry about it much. LOL. A lot of people aren't crazy about Biden but they prefer him to anybody else lol.... Who is going to run instead of Biden for the Democrats? What idiot is going to run gop with these trump idiocies? And yes he does have a bit of a stutter. BFD.

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