America Before the Entitlement State

Ágrarian economy. Rural population. Night and day.

Nice try, though.


Not such a ‘nice try,’ however.

The advent of modern industrialization rendered the ‘natural regulators’ of capitalism ineffective, including the ‘labor market.’ The doctrine of ‘freedom/liberty to contract’ became moot by the First Quarter of the 20th Century.

As millions moved into cities and urban areas from farms and other rural venues, the ability to find work became more difficult and the likelihood of unemployment became greater regardless a job seeker’s efforts.

Economic crises such as the Great Depression made it mandatory for government to provide public assistance and other social programs.

Conservative dogma as to the unilateral creation of ‘entitlements’ by government as some nefarious conspiracy to ‘control society’ is rightist paranoid idiocy.

Great.So build a time machine and go back to the 19th century if you think its so great. Have fun no getting to bathe everyday!

Not to mention being subject to infection and diseases with no treatment and cure only to be dead by the age of 50. African Americans and women wouldn’t think it such a fine time, either.
Who needs a nanny state?


it appears that you tit sucking liberals need a nanny state, that's who.

Those who lived through the first couple of winters when the first settlers arrived in America and those who lived through the dust bowl had probably the worst of any group of Americans in our history. But they got through it, and as a result formed the backbone of an amazing uniquely American culture that propelled us to be the greatest nation the world has ever known. Actually we didn't start retreating from that until the entitlement mentality started kicking in.

it's simple math,, the liberal facists want open borders, millions of poor uneducated pouring across the border,, there aren't enough givers anymore to satisfy their screams for "mo mo mo" and they the liberal facists want these millions for their votes.. it's coming to a head soon. but what they don't get is that the rich above all have options.. which will leave the burden squarely on the backs of the shrinking middle class,,,,,the very group they say they want to protect.. gawd help us,, we don't need the liberal brand of help,
Great.So build a time machine and go back to the 19th century if you think its so great. Have fun no getting to bathe everyday!

Yeah, right. So if we want to get rid of all the pernicious legislation passed in the 20th Century, that means the scientific and technical advancements that occurred will disappear?

This kind of idiocy is what passes for logic among libturds.

LOL! Yeah, much of the science would in fact, as the right considers public funding of science to be "nanny state"
Create a society where there is adequate work to go around and then start callously reneging on the social contract.
Great.So build a time machine and go back to the 19th century if you think its so great. Have fun no getting to bathe everyday!

Yeah, right. So if we want to get rid of all the pernicious legislation passed in the 20th Century, that means the scientific and technical advancements that occurred will disappear?

This kind of idiocy is what passes for logic among libturds.

LOL! Yeah, much of the science would in fact, as the right considers public funding of science to be "nanny state"

Wow. I didn't realize that no science was ever advanced before the government funded it. Who knew?
I should've known: if you can't beat 'em, demagogue 'em.


But no, the left wants a nanny state. Paid for by the rich of course, who have endless streams of money and will happily fork it over without issue. Fuck it, why don't we cut the crap and just switch over to a socialist state right fucking now and save us all a lot of time and grief. We'll be the biggest fucking banana republic the world has ever seen, but what the hell we'll by God have income equality.

Now I'm wondering who the demagogue is. You meant not you, right?

If so, your post kind of undermines that.

what part of what he said is incorrect?
Create a society where there is adequate work to go around and then start callously reneging on the social contract.

Well put.

Inequality in society is fine so long as the inequality serves the betterment of all.

That isn't what he said. What he said was a paraphrase straight out of the Communist Manifesto.
Yeah, right. So if we want to get rid of all the pernicious legislation passed in the 20th Century, that means the scientific and technical advancements that occurred will disappear?

This kind of idiocy is what passes for logic among libturds.

LOL! Yeah, much of the science would in fact, as the right considers public funding of science to be "nanny state"

Wow. I didn't realize that no science was ever advanced before the government funded it. Who knew?

Our government has always funded science, and, as already mentioned, most scientific progress has come from scientists who are funded by government.

I'm sorry this is a newsflash to you.
The OP’s pathetic, naïve reactionaryism is typical of many on the right, and evidence of the fact that conservative dogma is potentially detrimental to the Nation as a whole.

what part of what he said is incorrect?

This, among other things:

But no, the left wants a nanny state.


There is no such thing as a ‘nanny state,’ the concept is a rightist political contrivance. Liberals are just as concerned about excessive government overreach, if not more so. Indeed, it’s more the right that’s interested in micromanaging the private lives of Americans, with regard to abortion and same-sex marriage, for example.
Who needs a nanny state?


it appears that you tit sucking liberals need a nanny state, that's who.

Those who lived through the first couple of winters when the first settlers arrived in America and those who lived through the dust bowl had probably the worst of any group of Americans in our history. But they got through it, and as a result formed the backbone of an amazing uniquely American culture that propelled us to be the greatest nation the world has ever known. Actually we didn't start retreating from that until the entitlement mentality started kicking in.

That picture was from the dust bowl. It was the dust bowl that kicked off the entitlement society. It was too big a natural disaster and lasted too long for local charities to handle. The government saved millions of lives
it appears that you tit sucking liberals need a nanny state, that's who.

Those who lived through the first couple of winters when the first settlers arrived in America and those who lived through the dust bowl had probably the worst of any group of Americans in our history. But they got through it, and as a result formed the backbone of an amazing uniquely American culture that propelled us to be the greatest nation the world has ever known. Actually we didn't start retreating from that until the entitlement mentality started kicking in.

That picture was from the dust bowl. It was the dust bowl that kicked off the entitlement society. It was too big a natural disaster and lasted too long for local charities to handle. The government saved millions of lives

Those who lived through the first couple of winters when the first settlers arrived in America and those who lived through the dust bowl had probably the worst of any group of Americans in our history. But they got through it, and as a result formed the backbone of an amazing uniquely American culture that propelled us to be the greatest nation the world has ever known. Actually we didn't start retreating from that until the entitlement mentality started kicking in.

That picture was from the dust bowl. It was the dust bowl that kicked off the entitlement society. It was too big a natural disaster and lasted too long for local charities to handle. The government saved millions of lives


It was really a sad time in our history. People had no crops for almost ten years. Their family farms literally blew away. You sucked dust all day, every day. Children with dust blocked lungs

Of course Conservatives said let it play it's course, let the farmers take care of themselves. FDR stepped in and put the power of the government to save millions. People were more important than profits
Now a very great man once said
That some people rob you with a fountain pen.
It didn't take too long to find out
Just what he was talkin' about.
A lot of people don't have much food on their table,
But they got a lot of forks 'n' knives,
And they gotta cut somethin'.

Take away the safety nets and prepare for social turmoil a hell of a lot more expensive than food stamps.
That picture was from the dust bowl. It was the dust bowl that kicked off the entitlement society. It was too big a natural disaster and lasted too long for local charities to handle. The government saved millions of lives


It was really a sad time in our history. People had no crops for almost ten years. Their family farms literally blew away. You sucked dust all day, every day. Children with dust blocked lungs

Of course Conservatives said let it play it's course, let the farmers take care of themselves. FDR stepped in and put the power of the government to save millions. People were more important than profits

Was FDR fifteen trillion dollars in debt? moron

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