"America First" weakens US influence

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
"America First" can be a perfectly reasonable foundation, if expressed and communicated and implemented properly, with dignity and with respect.

But when you have a profoundly damaged buffoon doing the communicating, it's "The Ugly American" all over again. All he has done is alienate our allies.

What a lousy moment in our history.

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
face limey,,
youre still mad about 1776,,,
Our so called allies are only interested in the U.S. as long as we fill their out stretched hands with money. Be it unfair trade or just giveaways.
Germany was so worried about Russia they wanted into and supported NATO. Only problem was they decided to underfund NATO. They also made a pact to buy natural gas from Russia.
We gave away millions to rebuild Europe after the war. But hey as long as we hand out money might as well get in on it, right? Who cares that we are going broke?

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.

B.S. The rest of the world was(is) working with China to weaken America and not ONE global leaders has spoken out against communist tactics, only Donald J Trump. Even after losing their own industries to the communists, France accepts Huawei in their nation. Does that sound like a leader with a spine? The Guardian should be given special press credential in China, they are so far left that it's embarrassing.

I will also add, the low performing British intel who focused hard on Russia due to Russias historic activities in the UK (assassinations, money laundering etc), also hampered the rest of the Five Eyes who took their eyes off of China falsely believing somehow Russia was the same Russian threat of 1979. So blame Mi6, including some "advisers" who told Obama not to arm Ukraine as Putin had his way. The British intelligence abilities seemed to have slipped along with it's economy. A damn shame what 40 years has done to the "Old Boys Club". Find another pool of recruits and stay away from Oxford and Cambridge.

To their credit, CSIS, Canadas spy agency, was one of the few fairly outspoken about Chinas efforts in Canada, probably a decade or so now. Many blind fools here scoffed at them. I even saw Keven O'Leary dismiss the idea that a particular Chinese company was a threat to Canada when he was interviewed on CBC years back. CSIS was ahead of the curve, and I am critical of them when warranted.

Bottom line, NONE of these nations cared to stand up. They worked to weaken America with their own interests, tariffs, interference in capitalism and American efforts. To this day I read Canadian comments on CBC and they celebrate the "demise of American power", too stupid and arrogant to realize that this vaccum will be filled. We are seeing the activities of alt-left, China First clowns already.

America must build alliances, but they have to look for real fighters, those outspoken and with much to lose. Taiwan, Japan, Australia, India, among them.
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Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
I can live with Western Europe in a war.
Other than rare earth metals..........America can still produce any thing it wants if we reverse course.........Depending on a potential enemy for almost everything is suicide for the West.........especially when they steal inventions and tech at every step while building a bigger military.

China's govt are not our friends...........that supply chain needs to be cut for our very security.

Europe is already lost to globalism and the diversity that is a plague on them.
From an earlier ‘America First’ rally at Madison Square Garden. Nazi salutes all around. Btw, that’s a Senator, Charles Limbergh (raging Nazi), and a novelist.


Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Charles Lindbergh, and novelist Kathleen Norris attending an America First Committee rally, New York, 1941

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
Can you name 1 nation that puts the welfare of any other nation above the security and success of its own nation and people?

Yeah, there isn't any...so why do you snowflakes freak out about a US leader that does the same?

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
While it does have it's international distaste Tommy, that phrase just drives Americas left crazy and in that has the desired affect the right likes to dangle in front for our commies hiding in the shadows...In America we [both right and left] see our loyal opposition to one another as exact opposites and each are almost duty bound to react exactly opposite, so when trump [or any of the right] "trot out America first" it is pretty much reflexive the opposition is regarding it as "last"...as for china? well just treat em like the liberals here at home...meh
Our so called allies are only interested in the U.S. as long as we fill their out stretched hands with money. Be it unfair trade or just giveaways.
Germany was so worried about Russia they wanted into and supported NATO. Only problem was they decided to underfund NATO. They also made a pact to buy natural gas from Russia.
We gave away millions to rebuild Europe after the war. But hey as long as we hand out money might as well get in on it, right? Who cares that we are going broke?




Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.

I got some influence for ya right here ya faggot.
Bend over Tommy...you're gonna love it.
"America First" can be a perfectly reasonable foundation, if expressed and communicated and implemented properly, with dignity and with respect.

But when you have a profoundly damaged buffoon doing the communicating, it's "The Ugly American" all over again. All he has done is alienate our allies.

What a lousy moment in our history.
When you want folk to back you against China you might need to remember that you have already put tariffs on your allies as well.
Diplomacy is a long term strategy not something you tweet while you are having a shit.
Not long to go now.
"America First" can be a perfectly reasonable foundation, if expressed and communicated and implemented properly, with dignity and with respect.

But when you have a profoundly damaged buffoon doing the communicating, it's "The Ugly American" all over again. All he has done is alienate our allies.

What a lousy moment in our history.
When you want folk to back you against China you might need to remember that you have already put tariffs on your allies as well.
Diplomacy is a long term strategy not something you tweet while you are having a shit.
Not long to go now.
This is a guy who, for his whole career (after Daddy gave him millions to start with, of course) exercised zero critical thinking, zero complex intellect, zero nuance, zero collaboration, zero dignity, zero principle, zero integrity.

He achieved whatever he achieved (debatable, we don't know his finances) by simply mauling people, overwhelming his New York commercial real estate competitors through the sheer force of his profoundly damaged will.

As it turns out, that particular skill set (and lack thereof) does not translate to either domestic or global politics. He is completely lost, and he only knows to attack when things don't go his way. Dangerous stuff here.

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
Too bad. America IS first.

Pompeo argued that combatting the grip of the Chinese Communist party “is the mission of our time”, a declaration likely to get heads nodding in large parts of Asia and the Pacific at least. But his claim, in his next breath, that “America is perfectly positioned to lead it” will ring hollow among many of Washington’s bewildered allies.

The Western World needs to take China seriously but Trump lacks the credibility to lead that fight. Remember the Kurds.
Spoken with all the expertise of the one time British empire that hasn't been much for approaching a century now.

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