America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

By Ann Coulter

...-- Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the demographics of our country to be poorer and more inclined to vote Democratic.

-- It worked! Post-1970 immigrants vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

-- Citing this dramatic shift in the Democratic Party's fortunes, Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy called the 1965 Immigration Act "the Kennedy family's greatest gift to the Democratic Party."

-- Immigrants admitted before 1970 made more money, bought more houses and were more educated than Americans. The post-Kennedy immigrants are astronomically less-educated, poorer and more likely to be on welfare than the native population.

-- With no welfare state to support them, about a third of pre-1965 Act immigrants returned to the places they came from. British and Jewish immigrants were the least likely to go home -- less than 10 percent did.

-- Although America is admitting more immigrants, they are coming from fewer countries than they did before 1970. On liberals' own terms, the country is becoming less "diverse," but a lot poorer and a lot more Latin.

-- America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

-- In 1970, there were almost no Nigerian immigrants in the United States. Our country is now home to more Nigerians than any country in the world except Nigeria.

-- America takes more immigrants from Nigeria than from England.

-- The government refuses to tell us how many prisoners in the United States are immigrants. That information is not available anywhere. But the ancillary facts suggest that the number is astronomical.

-- There are more foreign inmates in New York state prisons from Mexico than from the entire continent of Europe.

-- Hispanics are less likely to be in the military than either whites or blacks, and a majority of Hispanic troops are women. On the other hand, Hispanics are overrepresented in U.S. Prisons.

-- In Denmark, actual Danes come in tenth in criminals' nationality, after Moroccans, Lebanese, Yugoslavians, Somalis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Turks, Iraqis and Vietnamese.

-- At least 15 percent of all births in Peru and Argentina are to girls between the ages of 10 and 15. In the U.S., only 2 percent of births are to girls that young, and those are mostly Hispanics, who are seven times more likely to give birth at that age than white girls are.

-- Sex with girls as young as 12 years old is legal in 31 of the 32 states of Mexico.

-- In all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel combined, there have been eight reported births to girls aged 10 or younger. Seven of the eight were impregnated by immigrants.

-- In some areas of America, law enforcement authorities have given up on prosecuting statutory rape cases against Mexican men in their 30s who impregnate 12- and 13-year-old girls, after repeatedly encountering parents who view their little girls' pregnancies as a "blessing."

-- The same North Carolina newspapers that gave flood-the-zone coverage to a rape that never happened at a Duke lacrosse party completely ignore real rapes happening right under their noses, being committed against children by immigrants providing cheap labor to the state's farming and meat-packing industries.

-- Since 2004, Mexicans have beheaded at least a half-dozen people in the United States.

-- Mexican drug cartels -- not ISIS -- pioneered the practice of posting videotaped beheadings online.

-- An alleged "ISIS" beheading video making the rounds in 2014 was actually a Mexican beheading video from 2010.

-- Post-1970 immigrants have re-introduced slavery to America. Indian immigrant Lakireddy Bali Reddy, for example, used the H1-B visa program, allegedly for "high-tech workers," to bring in 12-year-old girls he had bought from their parents for sex.

-- The above story was missed by the San Francisco Chronicle. It was broken by a high school journalism class.

-- The ACLU took Reddy's side.

-- We're still letting in Hmong immigrants as a reward for their help with the ill-fated Vietnam War, which ended 40 years ago.

-- Between 2000 and 2005, nearly 100 Hmong men were charged with rape or forced prostitution of girls in Minneapolis-St Paul, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The vast majority of the victims were 15 years old or younger. A quarter of the victims were not Hmong.

-- Proponents of the 1965 immigration bill swore up and down that it would not alter this country's demographic mix. In fact, Kennedy's immigration policy has brought about the greatest demographic shift of any nation in world history.

-- In 1980, Reagan won the biggest electoral landslide in history against an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter. Without the last 40 years of immigration, in 2012, Mitt Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did. He got more of the "Reagan coalition" than Reagan did.

-- If Romney had won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, he still would have lost. If he'd gotten just 4 percent more of the white vote, he would have won...
[More At Source]

Source: Ann Coulter - May 27, 2015 - RAMOS CAN STAY, BUT MATT LAUER HAS TO GO

And people wonder why I want to stop the flood?
You really have to wonder about the environment where he was raised/lived.
You really have to wonder about the environment where he was raised/lived.

Well, there are some reallities to consider, while we are very noble for taking care of the worlds poor outcasts, and often its just fine, we are neglecting our own generational poor,

Im sure Mexico is extatic that we are taking all of theirs, so that they dont need to deal with it. Next to Oil, money sent to Mexico from the United states is the second largest (legal) source of national income. Consider a large portion of that is probably public assitance money. talking to friends from central america I worked with, they have plans to retire back to their home countries and take their U.S. retirement back with them.

Nothing wrong with that but I have to wonder when millions more follow suit because they can live so well back in Mexico on social security, what is that going to do to the economy. Well actually, compared to all the other government waste, it probably is a drop in the bucket. However, Im for the country of Mexico, learning how to take care of its own people so we can take care of ours
You really have to wonder about the environment where he was raised/lived.

Well, there are some reallities to consider, while we are very noble for taking care of the worlds poor outcasts, and often its just fine, we are neglecting our own generational poor,

Im sure Mexico is extatic that we are taking all of theirs, so that they dont need to deal with it. Next to Oil, money sent to Mexico from the United states is the second largest (legal) source of national income. Consider a large portion of that is probably public assitance money. talking to friends from central america I worked with, they have plans to retire back to their home countries and take their U.S. retirement back with them.

Nothing wrong with that but I have to wonder when millions more follow suit because they can live so well back in Mexico on social security, what is that going to do to the economy. Well actually, compared to all the other government waste, it probably is a drop in the bucket. However, Im for the country of Mexico, learning how to take care of its own people so we can take care of ours

I'm for building a wall from San Diego to Brownsville patrolled heartily, with ditches on either side to prevent tunnels, razor wired fences and ground sensors. Immigration is one thing, when someone can drive a bomb into our's something else.
America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

By Ann Coulter

...-- Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the demographics of our country to be poorer and more inclined to vote Democratic.

-- It worked! Post-1970 immigrants vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

-- Citing this dramatic shift in the Democratic Party's fortunes, Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy called the 1965 Immigration Act "the Kennedy family's greatest gift to the Democratic Party."

-- Immigrants admitted before 1970 made more money, bought more houses and were more educated than Americans. The post-Kennedy immigrants are astronomically less-educated, poorer and more likely to be on welfare than the native population.

-- With no welfare state to support them, about a third of pre-1965 Act immigrants returned to the places they came from. British and Jewish immigrants were the least likely to go home -- less than 10 percent did.

-- Although America is admitting more immigrants, they are coming from fewer countries than they did before 1970. On liberals' own terms, the country is becoming less "diverse," but a lot poorer and a lot more Latin.

-- America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

-- In 1970, there were almost no Nigerian immigrants in the United States. Our country is now home to more Nigerians than any country in the world except Nigeria.

-- America takes more immigrants from Nigeria than from England.

-- The government refuses to tell us how many prisoners in the United States are immigrants. That information is not available anywhere. But the ancillary facts suggest that the number is astronomical.

-- There are more foreign inmates in New York state prisons from Mexico than from the entire continent of Europe.

-- Hispanics are less likely to be in the military than either whites or blacks, and a majority of Hispanic troops are women. On the other hand, Hispanics are overrepresented in U.S. Prisons.

-- In Denmark, actual Danes come in tenth in criminals' nationality, after Moroccans, Lebanese, Yugoslavians, Somalis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Turks, Iraqis and Vietnamese.

-- At least 15 percent of all births in Peru and Argentina are to girls between the ages of 10 and 15. In the U.S., only 2 percent of births are to girls that young, and those are mostly Hispanics, who are seven times more likely to give birth at that age than white girls are.

-- Sex with girls as young as 12 years old is legal in 31 of the 32 states of Mexico.

-- In all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel combined, there have been eight reported births to girls aged 10 or younger. Seven of the eight were impregnated by immigrants.

-- In some areas of America, law enforcement authorities have given up on prosecuting statutory rape cases against Mexican men in their 30s who impregnate 12- and 13-year-old girls, after repeatedly encountering parents who view their little girls' pregnancies as a "blessing."

-- The same North Carolina newspapers that gave flood-the-zone coverage to a rape that never happened at a Duke lacrosse party completely ignore real rapes happening right under their noses, being committed against children by immigrants providing cheap labor to the state's farming and meat-packing industries.

-- Since 2004, Mexicans have beheaded at least a half-dozen people in the United States.

-- Mexican drug cartels -- not ISIS -- pioneered the practice of posting videotaped beheadings online.

-- An alleged "ISIS" beheading video making the rounds in 2014 was actually a Mexican beheading video from 2010.

-- Post-1970 immigrants have re-introduced slavery to America. Indian immigrant Lakireddy Bali Reddy, for example, used the H1-B visa program, allegedly for "high-tech workers," to bring in 12-year-old girls he had bought from their parents for sex.

-- The above story was missed by the San Francisco Chronicle. It was broken by a high school journalism class.

-- The ACLU took Reddy's side.

-- We're still letting in Hmong immigrants as a reward for their help with the ill-fated Vietnam War, which ended 40 years ago.

-- Between 2000 and 2005, nearly 100 Hmong men were charged with rape or forced prostitution of girls in Minneapolis-St Paul, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The vast majority of the victims were 15 years old or younger. A quarter of the victims were not Hmong.

-- Proponents of the 1965 immigration bill swore up and down that it would not alter this country's demographic mix. In fact, Kennedy's immigration policy has brought about the greatest demographic shift of any nation in world history.

-- In 1980, Reagan won the biggest electoral landslide in history against an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter. Without the last 40 years of immigration, in 2012, Mitt Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did. He got more of the "Reagan coalition" than Reagan did.

-- If Romney had won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, he still would have lost. If he'd gotten just 4 percent more of the white vote, he would have won...
[More At Source]

Source: Ann Coulter - May 27, 2015 - RAMOS CAN STAY, BUT MATT LAUER HAS TO GO

And people wonder why I want to stop the flood?
Ann has no comprehension of the population of Mexico.
The only reason Mexicans leave is because there are no White people in Mexico
Multiculturalism brought us advances like mouth beats. All white people ever did was send one of their own to the moon
America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

By Ann Coulter

...-- Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the demographics of our country to be poorer and more inclined to vote Democratic.

-- It worked! Post-1970 immigrants vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

Taken em. What load of horseshit.

Its more like they came and we let em stay to drain our social services.

They should all go back to Mexico.

-- Citing this dramatic shift in the Democratic Party's fortunes, Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy called the 1965 Immigration Act "the Kennedy family's greatest gift to the Democratic Party."

-- Immigrants admitted before 1970 made more money, bought more houses and were more educated than Americans. The post-Kennedy immigrants are astronomically less-educated, poorer and more likely to be on welfare than the native population.

-- With no welfare state to support them, about a third of pre-1965 Act immigrants returned to the places they came from. British and Jewish immigrants were the least likely to go home -- less than 10 percent did.

-- Although America is admitting more immigrants, they are coming from fewer countries than they did before 1970. On liberals' own terms, the country is becoming less "diverse," but a lot poorer and a lot more Latin.

-- America has already taken in one-fourth of Mexico's entire population.

-- In 1970, there were almost no Nigerian immigrants in the United States. Our country is now home to more Nigerians than any country in the world except Nigeria.

-- America takes more immigrants from Nigeria than from England.

-- The government refuses to tell us how many prisoners in the United States are immigrants. That information is not available anywhere. But the ancillary facts suggest that the number is astronomical.

-- There are more foreign inmates in New York state prisons from Mexico than from the entire continent of Europe.

-- Hispanics are less likely to be in the military than either whites or blacks, and a majority of Hispanic troops are women. On the other hand, Hispanics are overrepresented in U.S. Prisons.

-- In Denmark, actual Danes come in tenth in criminals' nationality, after Moroccans, Lebanese, Yugoslavians, Somalis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Turks, Iraqis and Vietnamese.

-- At least 15 percent of all births in Peru and Argentina are to girls between the ages of 10 and 15. In the U.S., only 2 percent of births are to girls that young, and those are mostly Hispanics, who are seven times more likely to give birth at that age than white girls are.

-- Sex with girls as young as 12 years old is legal in 31 of the 32 states of Mexico.

-- In all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel combined, there have been eight reported births to girls aged 10 or younger. Seven of the eight were impregnated by immigrants.

-- In some areas of America, law enforcement authorities have given up on prosecuting statutory rape cases against Mexican men in their 30s who impregnate 12- and 13-year-old girls, after repeatedly encountering parents who view their little girls' pregnancies as a "blessing."

-- The same North Carolina newspapers that gave flood-the-zone coverage to a rape that never happened at a Duke lacrosse party completely ignore real rapes happening right under their noses, being committed against children by immigrants providing cheap labor to the state's farming and meat-packing industries.

-- Since 2004, Mexicans have beheaded at least a half-dozen people in the United States.

-- Mexican drug cartels -- not ISIS -- pioneered the practice of posting videotaped beheadings online.

-- An alleged "ISIS" beheading video making the rounds in 2014 was actually a Mexican beheading video from 2010.

-- Post-1970 immigrants have re-introduced slavery to America. Indian immigrant Lakireddy Bali Reddy, for example, used the H1-B visa program, allegedly for "high-tech workers," to bring in 12-year-old girls he had bought from their parents for sex.

-- The above story was missed by the San Francisco Chronicle. It was broken by a high school journalism class.

-- The ACLU took Reddy's side.

-- We're still letting in Hmong immigrants as a reward for their help with the ill-fated Vietnam War, which ended 40 years ago.

-- Between 2000 and 2005, nearly 100 Hmong men were charged with rape or forced prostitution of girls in Minneapolis-St Paul, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The vast majority of the victims were 15 years old or younger. A quarter of the victims were not Hmong.

-- Proponents of the 1965 immigration bill swore up and down that it would not alter this country's demographic mix. In fact, Kennedy's immigration policy has brought about the greatest demographic shift of any nation in world history.

-- In 1980, Reagan won the biggest electoral landslide in history against an incumbent president, Jimmy Carter. Without the last 40 years of immigration, in 2012, Mitt Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan did. He got more of the "Reagan coalition" than Reagan did.

-- If Romney had won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, he still would have lost. If he'd gotten just 4 percent more of the white vote, he would have won...
[More At Source]

Source: Ann Coulter - May 27, 2015 - RAMOS CAN STAY, BUT MATT LAUER HAS TO GO

And people wonder why I want to stop the flood?

What a load of horse shit. Nobody took them they all came and stayed. Nobody kicked them the hell back to Mexico.

They should all go back to Mexico.
Yup and we fought wars to gain it.

Guess Mexico didn't place much value on that land as they never invaded to get it back.

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