America-hating "Refuse Fascism skank makes total ass of herself on Tucker Carlson show


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

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These folks seriously need some lessons in effective communication. All I got out of her entire spiel was she doesn't like his hair and she's scared of shit that doesn't work like she thinks it does...
Ah now we see how you can say Trump's mentally ill... You think anyone you don't agree with is "psycho" heh
Tucker needs a mute button for these lunatics. His show seems to attract them. It's kinda frustrating to watch because they spend the entire time ranting and raving. No interview can take place under those circumstances.
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

WOW...Her poor husband.
Tucker needs a mute button for these lunatics. His show seems to attract them. It's kinda frustrating to watch because they spend the entire time ranting and raving. No interview can take place under those circumstances.

That's the whole point of his show, bring in the crazies and expose them as crazy.
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

WOW...Her poor husband.

She's single, bet on it.
Anyone else hear Trump cultists criticize antifa? Now some of them are calling themselves 'profa' in response... :laugh2:
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

Wow, what a dumb c*nt.
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

I love when Tucker has fascist liberals on.....
This radical America-hating communist skank needs to be locked up in a mental institute. So, she goes on Tucker Carlson's show with the standard communist talking points of Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist etc. The dumb c*** is screaming false alarms about fascism all while constantly talking over Tucker Carlson so he can't speak. All while those with her views have for long periods of time tried to get Rush Limbaugh and all opposition silenced. Want to have climate-change deniars arrested. Oh the irony.

She is a perfect example of a fucking lunatic

What a total kook! She's quite representative of how most of the dwindling number of liberals act. "We lost. Bigly" Therefore... "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!"

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