America is a nation of hypocrites

Tumblin Tumbleweed

Gold Member
Mar 16, 2015
I’ve seen the wingers on this board create thread after thread about what will happen with Super Tuesday and the upcoming election because they are apparently bored and stupid. I can guarantee 80% of them don’t give a damn about the outcome. They are Cult45 True Believers to the end, and 80% of them will vote for Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) in November. They offer absolutely nothing to any insightful conversation about the inclusion of both party politics on this particular message board.

I think the Democrats will eventually throw Bernie out of the nomination, just like they did in 2016. Biden is the ‘safer’ old white guy boring establishment bet that they believe can appeal to the moderates. He will get little done if he is elected, just like the current *pResident. Maybe we should keep striving for mediocrity, who can be sure? :dunno:

Bernie wants to enact extreme change to the status quo. He wants fundamental change to the way our government is run. The people that seem to support him are a crowd consisting of extreme leftists like AOC, Tlaib and Omar. These are figures that are just as polarizing to moderates as the extremists on the right.

I believe the left wing extremists are just as caustic as the right wing extremists. So much so that their tactics at attacking one anther are indistinguishable from at times. Personally, I just want to punch them all in their fat fucking faces until they stop moving.

I’ve also come to the conclusion that communication on this forum is fundamentally useless. I don’t see it as a fault of the medium, as this message board seems to work great. I have zero problems with this site’s functionality and navigation. No, it definitely seems the problem is that this place claims to be a place ‘where your voices count’, but in reality, 80% of of the commenters here are right wingers. This place is nothing but a right wing echo chamber. Another elephant in the room that no one seems to address.

Democrats are going full on ‘Medicare for All’. Moderates like me know doing so is going to be a financial and adminsitrative cluster fuck. The negative fallout from ObamaCare is an example they refuse to address, even though it is a relative precedent. People like me want detailed answers to how this new form of the same nonsense being pedalled by Democrat front runners is even a possibility, and how it is sustainable in America’s future economy. When I ask those questions, I’m instantly demonized.

I also feel they’ve gone way too far with their nonsense PC identity politics. So much so they’ve begun to devalue our 1st and 2nd amendment rights. That ain’t right. If you’re so triggered that you feel the need to redefine words, race as well as the the science of human genders, then yeah, you’re a fucking hypocrite.

Republicans claim to be the ‘Real Americans’ here, and that’s just as ridiculous to me. You’re just as big of traitors as the group you’ve sworn to hate. You’ve sold your morality and common decency to the almighty dollar by voting for a morally corrupt, tragically stupid Orange bigot to run this country, and you alone will be ultimately responsible for the aftermath.

Those that claim to be Christians are the worst hypocrites of the bunch. They voted for a *pResident that doesn't give a fuck about religion. All he understands is that when you run the US, Christian=Good, Every other religion=Bad. When you vote for a misogynist, racist, thin skinned elitist that believes the country you love should be run as a business, and you agree with that, well, then fuck what you think, hypocrite.

Most of the people here discussing politics are complete hypocrites.

No need to piss your pants about it, just discuss.

Piss on my opinion all you want, but you better have a good source, or I'll make a fool of you.
Despite your long rant, you failed to point out what would be best for this nation and its citizens. That said, here is what has drawn millions to these shores.
A government that in its founding document, said that you would have individual liberties without government oppression and those hearing of it, saw the opportunity to fulfill their personal dreams of personal success it they were innovative and worked hard.
A government that in its founding document, said that you could worship your particular religion without government oppression, where in their own nations, they were persecuted for their beliefs.
A government that in its founding document, said that it could not conduct an unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant.
A government that in its founding document, said you were free to speak your mind without that speech being infringed upon.
A government that in its founding document, said that you as a private citizen, could keep and bear arms to defend your state if needed.
These rights and others listed in the Constitution were the reason people fled Monarchies, Marxist-Leninist nations, Military Juntas, Theocracies and Oligarchies and Nazi and Fascist nations. They wanted to breathe the freedom of finding their own path in life, with the hopes of becoming successful with their ideas or simply to know that they wouldn't have the government breathing down their necks and oppressing them.
You can travel to Florida and talk to Cubans that fled Cuba, or locate and talk to Venezuelans that fled their homeland, or those that fled the old Soviet Union, or have been smuggled out of China or protesting in Hong Kong, or North Korea and their reason for leaving is the same, they needed freedom and not and overreaching large government and oppression.
Our nation isn't perfect, no nation is. The reason is that we're human and we're not perfect beings. As such, our political system is not only not perfect but also it can be messy and the politicians can be polarizing.
As for what we have going on today, we have two main political parties that have both drifted to the far ends of their spectrums because the younger generations have themselves become polarizing due to a now skewed educational system that instead of pushing those ideals listed in the Constitution that was the draw of millions, prefer to undermine it because of insidious foreign influence.
Solution? About all I can see is to side with those politicians that actually stand by the Constitution, rather than those that try to undermine it. That's my stance on it.
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I’ve seen the wingers on this board create thread after thread about what will happen with Super Tuesday and the upcoming election because they are apparently bored and stupid. I can guarantee 80% of them don’t give a damn about the outcome. They are Cult45 True Believers to the end, and 80% of them will vote for Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) in November. They offer absolutely nothing to any insightful conversation about the inclusion of both party politics on this particular message board.

I think the Democrats will eventually throw Bernie out of the nomination, just like they did in 2016. Biden is the ‘safer’ old white guy boring establishment bet that they believe can appeal to the moderates. He will get little done if he is elected, just like the current *pResident. Maybe we should keep striving for mediocrity, who can be sure? :dunno:

Bernie wants to enact extreme change to the status quo. He wants fundamental change to the way our government is run. The people that seem to support him are a crowd consisting of extreme leftists like AOC, Tlaib and Omar. These are figures that are just as polarizing to moderates as the extremists on the right.

I believe the left wing extremists are just as caustic as the right wing extremists. So much so that their tactics at attacking one anther are indistinguishable from at times. Personally, I just want to punch them all in their fat fucking faces until they stop moving.

I’ve also come to the conclusion that communication on this forum is fundamentally useless. I don’t see it as a fault of the medium, as this message board seems to work great. I have zero problems with this site’s functionality and navigation. No, it definitely seems the problem is that this place claims to be a place ‘where your voices count’, but in reality, 80% of of the commenters here are right wingers. This place is nothing but a right wing echo chamber. Another elephant in the room that no one seems to address.

Democrats are going full on ‘Medicare for All’. Moderates like me know doing so is going to be a financial and adminsitrative cluster fuck. The negative fallout from ObamaCare is an example they refuse to address, even though it is a relative precedent. People like me want detailed answers to how this new form of the same nonsense being pedalled by Democrat front runners is even a possibility, and how it is sustainable in America’s future economy. When I ask those questions, I’m instantly demonized.

I also feel they’ve gone way too far with their nonsense PC identity politics. So much so they’ve begun to devalue our 1st and 2nd amendment rights. That ain’t right. If you’re so triggered that you feel the need to redefine words, race as well as the the science of human genders, then yeah, you’re a fucking hypocrite.

Republicans claim to be the ‘Real Americans’ here, and that’s just as ridiculous to me. You’re just as big of traitors as the group you’ve sworn to hate. You’ve sold your morality and common decency to the almighty dollar by voting for a morally corrupt, tragically stupid Orange bigot to run this country, and you alone will be ultimately responsible for the aftermath.

Those that claim to be Christians are the worst hypocrites of the bunch. They voted for a *pResident that doesn't give a fuck about religion. All he understands is that when you run the US, Christian=Good, Every other religion=Bad. When you vote for a misogynist, racist, thin skinned elitist that believes the country you love should be run as a business, and you agree with that, well, then fuck what you think, hypocrite.

Most of the people here discussing politics are complete hypocrites.

No need to piss your pants about it, just discuss.

Piss on my opinion all you want, but you better have a good source, or I'll make a fool of you.

Big fucking deal!! You were able to expose a bad thing about a person whose politics you already hate! You're a superstar. Go fuck yourself, partisan harpy."
Solution? About all I can see is to side with those politicians that actually stand by the Constitution, rather than those that try to undermine it. That's my stance on it.

Thank you. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find those politicians these days. In any party.
Medicare for all is not Obamacare. Not even close. Yes, that is how it is presented and that is the biggest failure of Obamacare and is even somewhat understandable.

Medicare is very popular. No one is running on getting rid of it (not that those who run on ending Obamacare want to deal with the fallout).

Medicare for All is something for the people. Obamacare was something for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.
Medicare for all is not Obamacare. Not even close. Yes, that is how it is presented and that is the biggest failure of Obamacare and is even somewhat understandable.

Medicare is very popular. No one is running on getting rid of it (not that those who run on ending Obamacare want to deal with the fallout).

Medicare for All is something for the people. Obamacare was something for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

I honestly don't understand your last line. Please explain what you believe to be the main differences, and also, if you would, explain how either avoid the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.
Medicare for all is not Obamacare. Not even close. Yes, that is how it is presented and that is the biggest failure of Obamacare and is even somewhat understandable.

Medicare is very popular. No one is running on getting rid of it (not that those who run on ending Obamacare want to deal with the fallout).

Medicare for All is something for the people. Obamacare was something for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

I honestly don't understand your last line. Please explain what you believe to be the main differences, and also, if you would, explain how either avoid the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

With Medicare for all the Insurance companies would not be involved and any part of reform has to include restrictions on the price of pharmaceuticals just like every other first would country does.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar
Medicare for all is not Obamacare. Not even close. Yes, that is how it is presented and that is the biggest failure of Obamacare and is even somewhat understandable.

Medicare is very popular. No one is running on getting rid of it (not that those who run on ending Obamacare want to deal with the fallout).

Medicare for All is something for the people. Obamacare was something for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

I honestly don't understand your last line. Please explain what you believe to be the main differences, and also, if you would, explain how either avoid the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

With Medicare for all the Insurance companies would not be involved and any part of reform has to include restrictions on the price of pharmaceuticals just like every other first would country does.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

I've heard all that. But it is so lacking in detail that it seems merely a pipe dream. So, do you think that the private insurance industry is going to disappear overnight? Do you believe the pharmaceutical industry just lies down to regulation and takes the monumental hit to their bottom line? Super unrealistic if you ask me.
Medicare for all is not Obamacare. Not even close. Yes, that is how it is presented and that is the biggest failure of Obamacare and is even somewhat understandable.

Medicare is very popular. No one is running on getting rid of it (not that those who run on ending Obamacare want to deal with the fallout).

Medicare for All is something for the people. Obamacare was something for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

I honestly don't understand your last line. Please explain what you believe to be the main differences, and also, if you would, explain how either avoid the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries.

With Medicare for all the Insurance companies would not be involved and any part of reform has to include restrictions on the price of pharmaceuticals just like every other first would country does.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

I've heard all that. But it is so lacking in detail that it seems merely a pipe dream. So, do you think that the private insurance industry is going to disappear overnight? Do you believe the pharmaceutical industry just lies down to regulation and takes the monumental hit to their bottom line? Super unrealistic if you ask me.

They took the "hit" with the epi-pen. They are taking the "hit" with insulin now.

This "pipedream" already exists for those over 65. All this would do is expand it for all.
Yea, if changing the status quo and fixing the system so it works for more people instead of less -- if all that stuff is too hard and takes too much work -- just don't try to change it at all....just call it radical or too extreme...

It is much better to just go along with whatever the oligarch class tells us we can do.....that is what you call leadership!!
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Yea, if changing the status quo and fixing the system so it works for more people instead of less -- all that stuff is too hard and takes too much work -- just don't try to change it at all....just call it radical or too extreme...

I don't disagree with fixing the system so it works for everyone. Unfortunately, that's going to require more than words.
I’ve seen the wingers on this board create thread after thread about what will happen with Super Tuesday and the upcoming election because they are apparently bored and stupid. I can guarantee 80% of them don’t give a damn about the outcome. They are Cult45 True Believers to the end, and 80% of them will vote for Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) in November. They offer absolutely nothing to any insightful conversation about the inclusion of both party politics on this particular message board.

I think the Democrats will eventually throw Bernie out of the nomination, just like they did in 2016. Biden is the ‘safer’ old white guy boring establishment bet that they believe can appeal to the moderates. He will get little done if he is elected, just like the current *pResident. Maybe we should keep striving for mediocrity, who can be sure? :dunno:

Bernie wants to enact extreme change to the status quo. He wants fundamental change to the way our government is run. The people that seem to support him are a crowd consisting of extreme leftists like AOC, Tlaib and Omar. These are figures that are just as polarizing to moderates as the extremists on the right.

I believe the left wing extremists are just as caustic as the right wing extremists. So much so that their tactics at attacking one anther are indistinguishable from at times. Personally, I just want to punch them all in their fat fucking faces until they stop moving.

I’ve also come to the conclusion that communication on this forum is fundamentally useless. I don’t see it as a fault of the medium, as this message board seems to work great. I have zero problems with this site’s functionality and navigation. No, it definitely seems the problem is that this place claims to be a place ‘where your voices count’, but in reality, 80% of of the commenters here are right wingers. This place is nothing but a right wing echo chamber. Another elephant in the room that no one seems to address.

Democrats are going full on ‘Medicare for All’. Moderates like me know doing so is going to be a financial and adminsitrative cluster fuck. The negative fallout from ObamaCare is an example they refuse to address, even though it is a relative precedent. People like me want detailed answers to how this new form of the same nonsense being pedalled by Democrat front runners is even a possibility, and how it is sustainable in America’s future economy. When I ask those questions, I’m instantly demonized.

I also feel they’ve gone way too far with their nonsense PC identity politics. So much so they’ve begun to devalue our 1st and 2nd amendment rights. That ain’t right. If you’re so triggered that you feel the need to redefine words, race as well as the the science of human genders, then yeah, you’re a fucking hypocrite.

Republicans claim to be the ‘Real Americans’ here, and that’s just as ridiculous to me. You’re just as big of traitors as the group you’ve sworn to hate. You’ve sold your morality and common decency to the almighty dollar by voting for a morally corrupt, tragically stupid Orange bigot to run this country, and you alone will be ultimately responsible for the aftermath.

Those that claim to be Christians are the worst hypocrites of the bunch. They voted for a *pResident that doesn't give a fuck about religion. All he understands is that when you run the US, Christian=Good, Every other religion=Bad. When you vote for a misogynist, racist, thin skinned elitist that believes the country you love should be run as a business, and you agree with that, well, then fuck what you think, hypocrite.

Most of the people here discussing politics are complete hypocrites.

No need to piss your pants about it, just discuss.

Piss on my opinion all you want, but you better have a good source, or I'll make a fool of you.

Now that was an enjoyable read. Not that I'd necessarily agree on every point - far from it, actually - but it appears it's all coming from the heart and is driven by genuine concerns.

On the other hand, TT, no one except your own good self is responsible for your status as an informed citizen - so why don't you get to work? You might start here, and make sure you study carefully what you are reading. And yeah, the chances of that ever to be implemented are close to nil. Still, calling what you haven't understood a "cluster fck" isn't doing you any good.

All in all, yelling "hypocrite" at your opposite number(s) may feel good, but doesn't help. Neither does whining about the fact that at least one party seeks to end the habitual racism and misogyny or decrying these efforts under the rubrics of "PC" and "identity politics".
Yea, if changing the status quo and fixing the system so it works for more people instead of less -- all that stuff is too hard and takes too much work -- just don't try to change it at all....just call it radical or too extreme...

I don't disagree with fixing the system so it works for everyone. Unfortunately, that's going to require more than words.
It requires policies......and it requires the understanding of how policies work and how every attempt at changing the status quo for the benefit of the many was always opposed by the same apathy and outright fearmongering rhetoric that we see now...

When Trump was running -- he ran on a populist message --- he actually ran on providing UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE -- and not a single Trumper said a word -- not because they were against it -- but because they were too busy getting their rocks off over demonizing brown people and "triggering the libs"
It requires policies

Realistic policies. Agreed. But too many of the policies I've seen are a bit too scorched earth to me to be realistic.

When Trump was running -- he ran on a populist message --- he actually ran on proving UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE -- and not a single Trumper said a word -- not because they were against it -- but because they were too busy getting their rocks off over demonizing brown people and "triggering the libs"

Also agreed. Cult45 stands for nothing but hyperbole. Remember, Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) used to be a Democrat. Every time you remind them of this, you get crickets.
Still, calling what you haven't understood a "cluster fck" isn't doing you any good.

What haven't I understood about it? Please, enlighten me.

Neither does whining about the fact that at least one party seeks to end the habitual racism and misogyny or decrying these efforts under the rubrics of "PC" and "identity politics".

When you have to undermine the constitutional rights of individuals to achieve a complete utopia of inclusion, you just may be doing it wrong.
It requires policies

Realistic policies. Agreed. But too many of the policies I've seen are a bit too scorched earth to me to be realistic.

When Trump was running -- he ran on a populist message --- he actually ran on proving UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE -- and not a single Trumper said a word -- not because they were against it -- but because they were too busy getting their rocks off over demonizing brown people and "triggering the libs"

Also agreed. Cult45 stands for nothing but hyperbole. Remember, Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) used to be a Democrat. Every time you remind them of this, you get crickets.

Yes he used to be a Democrat -- but the difficult thing with Trump and republicans in general is that -- they don't care how depraved a policy position they take makes them look...and since the media is committed to "both sides do it" -- they will always find a way to make it seem like whatever extreme thing the right does -- both sides do it....

A famous comedian said that the only way to beat Trump is to tell a bigger lie than Trump tells....If Trump promises a wall -- promise a bigger wall that shoots missiles and lasers at people -- then sell a bunch of merch (t-shirts and hats) with your fancy missile wall on it...

Obviously this will never play well with Democrats because of their base -- but it will definitely play well with republicans....BECAUSE OF THEIR BASE...and therein lies the reason why "moderate" Dems will never win against an extremist republican

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