America Is Becoming A More Angry Country

Actually most of the anger is being caused by those who feel that this country has been unfair.

Actually, I think the anger and hatred comes from having no leader and the resulting lawlessness then frustration accompanied by the knowledge of having no control over anything, leaving one feeling impotent and ready to explode.

Hope, change and transparency.

We did get the change.
Let's face it, if Obama wasn't such a douchebag the MSM wouldn't have to cover for him and you wouldn't have to defend him from his critics.

I don't have to defend him

Then why do it?

Move the fuck on, housemom.

I'm a working father.

I do it when it's unfounded criticism.

Also because I have an obsession with lighting fires under the feet of the obsessive.

Ironic AND hypocritical!
I'm a working father.

I do it when it's unfounded criticism.

Also because I have an obsession with lighting fires under the feet of the obsessive.

Ironic AND hypocritical!

Clean up your own house first before you try to clean up someone else.

Says a guy with six million OP's trashing a man who doesn't even know that he exists.

What does that mean?

Fyi, I don't want that evil bastard to know who I am.

I know you have the urge to eat 9 lengths of his shit but why do it in public?
Clean up your own house first before you try to clean up someone else.

Says a guy with six million OP's trashing a man who doesn't even know that he exists.

What does that mean?

Fyi, I don't want that evil bastard to know who I am.

I know you have the urge to eat 9 lengths of his shit but why do it in public?

It means your house isn't clean and youre trying daily and quite obsessively to disparage someone else's.

That's what that means.
Says a guy with six million OP's trashing a man who doesn't even know that he exists.

What does that mean?

Fyi, I don't want that evil bastard to know who I am.

I know you have the urge to eat 9 lengths of his shit but why do it in public?

It means your house isn't clean and youre trying daily and quite obsessively to disparage someone else's.

That's what that means.

I don't support the GOP.

Not the current leadership.

You, however, swallow every single lie that Dems tell. Then attack anyone who calls it a lie.

Fix your party first Dad.
What does that mean?

Fyi, I don't want that evil bastard to know who I am.

I know you have the urge to eat 9 lengths of his shit but why do it in public?

It means your house isn't clean and youre trying daily and quite obsessively to disparage someone else's.

That's what that means.

I don't support the GOP.

Not the current leadership.

You, however, swallow every single lie that Dems tell. Then attack anyone who calls it a lie.

Fix your party first Dad.

I don't shill for a party, dipstick. That's you. all day.
Well, with the millions of Americans who've had their health insurance plans cancelled recently, I can see why America is becoming more angry.

Millions? Are you sure, do you have evidence this is so? Please post in response to my question, otherwise you might be considered ... well, you know.

Is America Becoming More Angry?


Some are describing this as "America's anger epidemic." And there are a few reasons: uncertainty in the job market and the economy, working long hours -- on average about one month more now than they did in the 1970s and with less vacation.

So if it seems like Americans are angrier these days it's because we are.

What has you seeing red? Maybe it's the traffic or the ups and downs of the stock market. For one guy seen on a viral video, he threw a tantrum over a city street trombone player. I guess he didn't like the tune.

And of course, there are the celebrity meltdowns, like Alec Baldwin's epic fail last week when he blew up at Fox 5 reporter Linda Schmidt.

Singer Chris Brown was also just ordered to spend three months in rehab after reading he threw a rock through his own mother's car window.

Dr. Sudeepta Varma, a psychiatrist, said it is not all a coincidence. Americans really are angrier now than they've ever been before.

A recent study from the USA Today found 60 percent of Americans report feeling angry or irritable. That is up from 50 percent when a similar poll was taken in 2011.

Read more: America's anger epidemic: why? - New York News
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Well, that just pisses me off :evil:

Well, with the millions of Americans who've had their health insurance plans cancelled recently, I can see why America is becoming more angry.

Millions? Are you sure, do you have evidence this is so? Please post in response to my question, otherwise you might be considered ... well, you know.

5 million served so far..........

Now you know why Obama pushed back the group plan mandates till after the 2014 elections.

Is America Becoming More Angry?


Some are describing this as "America's anger epidemic." And there are a few reasons: uncertainty in the job market and the economy, working long hours -- on average about one month more now than they did in the 1970s and with less vacation.

So if it seems like Americans are angrier these days it's because we are.

What has you seeing red? Maybe it's the traffic or the ups and downs of the stock market. For one guy seen on a viral video, he threw a tantrum over a city street trombone player. I guess he didn't like the tune.

And of course, there are the celebrity meltdowns, like Alec Baldwin's epic fail last week when he blew up at Fox 5 reporter Linda Schmidt.

Singer Chris Brown was also just ordered to spend three months in rehab after reading he threw a rock through his own mother's car window.

Dr. Sudeepta Varma, a psychiatrist, said it is not all a coincidence. Americans really are angrier now than they've ever been before.

A recent study from the USA Today found 60 percent of Americans report feeling angry or irritable. That is up from 50 percent when a similar poll was taken in 2011.

Read more: America's anger epidemic: why? - New York News
Follow us: @myfoxny on Twitter | Fox5NY on Facebook

I don't know about more angry. But definitely more rude. More and more people, who have it all, like Alec Baldwin are airing their dirty laundry in public, which was a no no in times plast. These hateful liberals on here are exemplified by the two quotes in my signature line. Only a couple of feral apes would say something like that to anyone. It has always been liberals who were filled with venom, now THEY think America is 'unfair' for sure. Whether they see the opportunities that are there for us all, I cannot say. But they don't avail themselves of those opportunities, and then get a big ole victim schtick about what all they don't have. Time to sit and while away the hours on a message board is not one of those things. Moreover, I'd say that a lot of the rudeness is just the typical hateful north east attitude fanning out over the country via the mass media. If they came here, they would get put in their place in short order!

I wouldn't base much if anything on Alex Baldwin, he's a pompous prick.
It means your house isn't clean and youre trying daily and quite obsessively to disparage someone else's.

That's what that means.

I don't support the GOP.

Not the current leadership.

You, however, swallow every single lie that Dems tell. Then attack anyone who calls it a lie.

Fix your party first Dad.

I don't shill for a party, dipstick. That's you. all day.

And you sir are a liar......
Well, with the millions of Americans who've had their health insurance plans cancelled recently, I can see why America is becoming more angry.

Millions? Are you sure, do you have evidence this is so? Please post in response to my question, otherwise you might be considered ... well, you know.

Quote from Fox News:

For workers, their experience could mirror that of the 5 million or so on the individual market who already received cancellation notices because their plans did not meet new standards under the Affordable Care Act.

The worst is yet to come:

A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News
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OMG such profound philosophical dialogue, it just blows one away. I mean if there were a stupid Philosophy section, Sunshine would really shine. My post was disagreeable but the moronic crap above is not? I think the hardest thing for people is to see themselves.

Was it disagreeable because it required thought? Something you know nothing about.

Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -3861 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

That is a disagreeable post.


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OMG such profound philosophical dialogue, it just blows one away. I mean if there were a stupid Philosophy section, Sunshine would really shine. My post was disagreeable but the moronic crap above is not? I think the hardest thing for people is to see themselves.

Was it disagreeable because it required thought? Something you know nothing about.

Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -3861 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

That is a disagreeable post.


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OMG such profound philosophical dialogue, it just blows one away. I mean if there were a stupid Philosophy section, Sunshine would really shine. My post was disagreeable but the moronic crap above is not? I think the hardest thing for people is to see themselves.

Was it disagreeable because it required thought? Something you know nothing about.

Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -3861 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

That is a disagreeable post.


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Such a dimwit she doesn't even get the joke~! :lol:
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