America Is Becoming A More Angry Country

When the shit hits the fan unarmed cowards ^^^ will hide in caves to evade our wrath after all other methods to exterminate us fail, LOL.
I go to the Dixie Gun & Knife shows. Every time there's 25-30 thousand show up for the weekend buying guns and ammo. What I see with all the vitriol and anger fomenting, that something big will happen and the shit will hit the fan. People who don't believe in and hate guns will not fare well.
I don't think Right Wingers could be any more angry. Or nuts. Or strange. And most, if not all, of the problems facing this country, they started. The Bush Tax Deficits. The two unfunded wars. The hatred of minorities. The broken economy. Voter suppression.

All total fabrications to make the dummies get mad at other Americans.
The more multicultural we become the angrier we will get. The happiest most peaceful nation is Denmark. They have draconian immigration laws limiting immigration to a mere trickle and those have to be skilled and agree to become fully, culturally, Danish.

BBC News - Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

I disagree to a point, multicultural may pay a part in the anger, but more than anything else I think it's the direction the country is going. Those that want the country to go in that direction are angry at those who will fight to prevent it. Change when you move away from your fundamentals that created this country is not good.
The more multicultural we become the angrier we will get. The happiest most peaceful nation is Denmark. They have draconian immigration laws limiting immigration to a mere trickle and those have to be skilled and agree to become fully, culturally, Danish.

BBC News - Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

I disagree to a point, multicultural may pay a part in the anger, but more than anything else I think it's the direction the country is going. Those that want the country to go in that direction are angry at those who will fight to prevent it. Change when you move away from your fundamentals that created this country is not good.

Obama is not only transforming American into a country that the founders didn't intend but he's using social justice to even some scores.

It's pure racism.
As we lose touch with things which are innately rewarding, frustration increases.

We are an instant gratification culture. An increasingly graceless culture. An increasingly uncultured culture. Courtesy has been undervalued.

Things we could rely on are no more.

We're like fractious 3-year-olds who need a nap. No wonder anger is on the rise.
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Absolutely. The key word here, IMO, is frustration.
I love truisms, those small statements that say so much more [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION]
She said it perfectly and succinctly - "As we lose touch with things that are innately rewarding...."
America is no longer the land of opportunity, at least not the land of OPEN and FREE opportunity. With each passing year, there are fewer and fewer independent small businesses all across America. This is lost opportunities for individuals to pursue their dreams - "pursuit of happiness". We have become a corporatist society, and in such an economy - there is no room for small businesses. Not only is it extraordinarily hard if not impossible to compete with them - but the government has written many laws and regulations that were specifically written to kill the small markets (agriculture is one of the best example of this, but there are many more)
At the same time, manufacturing has left America. And with it went security and good wages for those without a degree.
I could easily write an 30 or 40 pages on this topic.
We are indeed an angry society...and it will get worse.
And BTW - this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing...
I don't think Right Wingers could be any more angry. Or nuts. Or strange. And most, if not all, of the problems facing this country, they started. The Bush Tax Deficits. The two unfunded wars. The hatred of minorities. The broken economy. Voter suppression.

This is the type of lies and misinformation I have been talking about If the higher ups want to clean the board up they should start with shit like this

You don't have any idea what you are talking about, just using liberal talking points
If Bush tax deficit were so bad why did obama continue them and when he let them sun set why have the middle class felt the affect of the increase?
And speaking of taxes hows that largest tax increase on the middle class and poor that we have had in a very long long time, called obamacare? Really dude whats the deficit right now?

What two unfounded wars? are you saying are troops were not funded?

Where is your supporting evidence that the right wing hates minorities, and voters suppression?

Broken economy? started under whose government control?

Hows this for a rebuttal class?
No cussing insulting or name calling.
I don't think Right Wingers could be any more angry. Or nuts. Or strange. And most, if not all, of the problems facing this country, they started. The Bush Tax Deficits. The two unfunded wars. The hatred of minorities. The broken economy. Voter suppression.

This is the type of lies and misinformation I have been talking about If the higher ups want to clean the board up they should start with shit like this

You don't have any idea what you are talking about, just using liberal talking points
If Bush tax deficit were so bad why did obama continue them and when he let them sun set why have the middle class felt the affect of the increase?
And speaking of taxes hows that largest tax increase on the middle class and poor that we have had in a very long long time, called obamacare? Really dude whats the deficit right now?

What two unfounded wars? are you saying are troops were not funded?

Where is your supporting evidence that the right wing hates minorities, and voters suppression?

Broken economy? started under whose government control?

Hows this for a rebuttal class?
No cussing insulting or name calling.

rdean is simply a bigot.

He's using politics to provide cover for it.
Why is this nonsense in philosophy? Americans are no more angry today than they ever were, the primary difference today is the whiners on the right and the can't do GOP. This faux anger is kinda like the whining of children who don't get what they want. In a sense it is the result of years of privilege and the empty values that often brings to people. When nothing is required of you, and you are provided with all, and when you do not suffer either need or the requirement to serve, you become the modern whining wingnut of the right and of the tea party. The tea party represents the other end of the contented, the old contented and mentally lazy. Bah humbug, whine on whiners, it's what you do best. Excellent reading below for the interested.

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"To serve contentment, there were and are three basic requirements. One is the need to defend the general limitation on government as regards the economy; there must be a doctrine that offers a feasible presumption against government intervention...The second, more specific need is to find social justification for the untrammeled, uninhibited pursuit and possession of wealth....There is need for demonstration that the pursuit of wealth or even less spectacular well-being serves a serious, even grave social purpose....The third need is to justify a reduced sense of public responsibility for the poor. Those so situated, the members of the functional and socially immobilised underclass, must, in some very real way, be seen as the architects of their own fate. If not, they could be, however marginally, on the conscience of the comfortable." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment

"'Practical' politics, it is held, calls for policies that appeal to the fortunate. The poor do not vote; the alert politician bids for the comfortable and the rich. This would be politically foolish for the Democratic Party; those whose primary concern is to protect their income, their capital and their business interest will always vote for the party that most strongly affirms its service to their pecuniary well-being. This is and has always been the republicans. The Democrats have no future as a low grade substitute.." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'
Politically, it's quite clear that a majority of Americans are mad at BOTH parties. All they do is play politics and get nothing done. A for a majority of Washington politicians it's do it my way or hit the highway.
Americans want a functional compromising environment that represents the welfare of all Americans, not just a minority. But they are not getting their wishes. Thus the uncertainty that leads to anger.
When Washington flounders, the whole country flounders.
The more multicultural we become the angrier we will get. The happiest most peaceful nation is Denmark. They have draconian immigration laws limiting immigration to a mere trickle and those have to be skilled and agree to become fully, culturally, Danish.

BBC News - Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

Not so. Two countries that I know well suffer from excessive immigration. Sweden and the UK. The Swedish net immigration rate has shifted from 1.68/1000 to 1.67 over the last 8 years, and the UK's from 2.1 to 2.6.

The Danish stats are a shift from 2.55 to 2.35; a modest decrease. But its not a 'trickle' - its still a flood. And if you believe that 'fully culturally Danish' spiel you'll believe anything! Most immigrants will get themselves a Danish passport for convenience and carry on hating Denmark and the Danes.

You haven't seen angry.

Not yet.

But you will when Americans finally learn that their country is broke and that they are living way beyond their means on money borrowed from foreigners. When interest rates double and triple then you will see anger like never before.

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