America: Putting the Despicable on a Pedestal.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The great Victor Davis Hanson looks at where secularism has gotten us.... a place we've come to.....and gives us a chance to reconsider, to ask if this is really what we wish.

We live in an American 'Satyricon'.....

1. " the mid-first century A.D., ...Gaius Petronius, wrote a brilliant satirical novel about the gross and pretentious new Roman-imperial elite. The Satyricon is an often-cruel parody about how the Roman agrarian republic of old had degenerated into a wealth-obsessed, empty society of wannabe new elites, flush with money, and both obsessed with and bored with sex..... Petronius might as well have been describing our own 21st-century nomenklatura.

a. Think of someone like the feminist mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner, who once railed about the need to enforce sexual-harassment laws, now only to discover ever creepier ways to grope, pat, grab, squeeze, pinch, and slobber on 18 co-workers and veritable strangers, whether in their 20s or over 60. ... one of his would-be replacements is already under attack by his opponents on allegations that as a city councilman he was caught masturbating in the city-hall restroom between public meetings.

b. ...the narcissist Anthony Weiner sent pictures of his own genitalia to near-strangers, ... Was Eliot Spitzer any better? As the governor of New York, he preferred anonymous numbers — “Client #9” — to false names, real to virtual sex, very young to mature women, and buying rather than romancing his partners.

2. Transvestitism and sexual ambiguity are likewise Petronian themes... The politically correct term “transgendered” trumps biology; and if you doubt that, you are a homophobe or worse.

3. As in the Roman Satyricon, our popular culture also displays a sick fascination with images of teen sex...the now-boring sexual shamelessness of Lady Gaga — ...former Disney teenage star Miley Cyrus in a vinyl bikini, wearing some sort of huge foam finger on her hand to simulate lewd sex acts.

4. The orgies at Trimalchio’s cool Pompeii estate ... suggest that in imperial-Roman society Kardashian-style displays of wealth and Clintonian influence-peddling were matter-of-fact rather than shocking. Note that in our real version of the novel’s theme, Mayor Filner was not bothered by his exposure, and finally had to be nearly dragged out of office.

a. Bill Clinton, feminist champion, protector of female subordinate employees from workplace harassers, survived Monicagate. John Edwards might have saved his political career had the tabloid National Enquirer not caught him red-handed with his mistress during the 2008 campaign, while his wife was dying of cancer. To an unimpressed masseuse, Al Gore appeared as a “crazed sex poodle.” That sobriquet did no more damage to Gore’s green empire than Trimalchio’s randy escapades imperiled his latifundia.

5. ... [t]he wannabes equate influence and money with status and learning and so pontificate about current events, with made-up mythologies and half-educated references to history... learning has become as inane a commodity as food or sex, and only sort of half consumed, rather like the 2008 campaign of faux Greek columns and Vero possumus ('yes, we can') which were supposed to convey gravitas.

6. ... what does a $200,000 Ivy League education or a graduate degree really get you any more? In the sophisticated world of our political and highly credentialed elites, there are 57 states.... Corps-men serve in the military (as zombies?). Medgar Evans was a civil-rights icon, but you know whom we mean. President Roosevelt addressed the nation on television after the stock-market crash in 1929 — well, he would have, had he been president then and if only Americans had had televisions in their homes. And how are we to know that what we read from celebrity authors is not just made up or plagiarized, whether a Maureen Dowd column or a Doris Kearns Goodwin book?

7. It is hard to guess on any given summer weekend which populist progressive family — the Obamas, the Clintons, the Kerrys, the Gores — will be ensconced on what particular Hamptons, Nantucket, or Martha’s Vineyard beach, rubbing shoulders with just the sort of Silicon Valley or Wall Street new zillionaires who during work hours are supposed to be the evil “1 percent” and “fat cats” who need to be forced to pay their “fair share.”

8. Al Gore, like Trimalchio, does not mutter a word without revealing his ignorance — or hypocrisy. Over the last 15 years, the planet has not heated up, and the science of global warming is not established, which is why the nomenclature had to change from global warming to climate change...

9. [Gore] became a near-billionaire both hyping global warming and selling medieval-style indulgences as antidotes, now claims those who disagree with him are comparable to fascists and racists. All this comes from a wheeler-dealer who made big money damning fossil fuels only to sell a failing cable station to an anti-Semitic, anti-American fascistic enterprise, fueled by the millions garnered from the vast export of oil and gas from the Arabian peninsula. And to complete Gore’s Trimalchian man-of-the-people profile, he rushed the sale in hopes of beating the new, higher capital-gains taxes that he had been urging for lesser folk — sort of like progressive John Kerry buying and berthing his grand new yacht in Rhode Island to avoid the high excise and sales taxes in his home state of Massachusetts.

10. Civil rights once meant an existential struggle between the oppressed and villains like Bull Connor with his dogs and fire hoses. Now Oprah is miffed over being treating rudely while eyeing a $38,000 purse in Switzerland; the NAACP wants sensitivity training for a rodeo clown with an Obama mask;...."
An American Satyricon | National Review Online

And yet the liars, fools, hypocrites get re-elected......

...and we get the government we deserve.
I think part of the problem is education and part of that is because responsible people have to go to work and do their job. People don't read enough of the news every day to be informed on the issues and they let these politicians do the informing or misinforming.

The other problem is that some educated and moral people aren't friendly enough to the other side. Example: Their platform is ridiculous so it is not logical for me to hold a discussion and in a sense, I don't make friends with people who may get my viewpoint.

Immoral people will talk to anybody except maybe a pastor because to them, there is no evil and everyone's vote is for them to get. Therefore, they won't turn away and they will talk to everyone on election day and be friendly.

There are people like this but I'm not saying it is always the case.

These people are being judged by their cover instead of character in a lot of ways.
When you make friends and get what you want, you often vote that way.

If you got favors as a business man from one politician, it doesn't matter what a politician says or what his values are. They know they are going to get work from being helped by a politician.
When I saw the name of this chat, the first name that came to my mind was Miley Cyrus.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

As the great Lord Acton stated, Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing could be more true and it certainly applies to the political class in the United States.

Hayek's chapter in his great book, The Road to Serfdom outlines why the worst get on top. Again, applies well to the United States of today.

Obama and many of his predecessors, are good examples of "failing up." Yet some Americans continue to believe their government is a force for good. CRAZY!
As the great Lord Acton stated, Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing could be more true and it certainly applies to the political class in the United States.

Hayek's chapter in his great book, The Road to Serfdom outlines why the worst get on top. Again, applies well to the United States of today.

Obama and many of his predecessors, are good examples of "failing up." Yet some Americans continue to believe their government is a force for good. CRAZY!

Isn't it astounding that the most popular figure to the Democrat Liberal is a lying rapist who was impeached as President, and lost his law license based on perjury in court?

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Clinton Misogyny - Other
Linda Tripp - coerce, intimidate, deny - Bob Bennett calls her a liar, release her job application, transfer her.
Julia Hiatt-Steele - Willey's friend and neighbor - used the machine to change her story.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - used as a cover humiliated
Chelsea Clinton - ignored
Betty Currie - used as cover and enabler
Donna Shalala - used as cover, used as whipping post in Cabinet meeting
Madeline Albright - used as cover
Secret Service - female agent complaints
Kathy Ferguson – unwelcome advances

"The comments were significant coming from Clinton, perhaps the most popular figure in the Democratic Party and a longtime supporter of ..."
Clinton, Democrats Pressure White House to Amend Healthcare Law

Clinton....American Satyr.....
Just to be fair, since we know you are. Where is your list of GOP halo polishers?
Just to be fair, since we know you are. Where is your list of GOP halo polishers?

I am fair.

My job is to expose evil.

And I do.

My motto: "Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"

I believe this might apply to you: Caput tuum in ano est

Feel free to add it to your coat of arms....the one with the TV remote...
Yes let us remember those saints of the GOP.

Acton and Hayek have nothing to do with today's R party.

When you realize the Rs and Ds are not that different, you will become enlightened. But for now, you live in darkness...allowing the elites to dupe you day in and day out.

Both men were advocates for limited government and individual you and your kind, they no doubt are considered extremists. Merely proving how far America has fallen thanks to leftism.
Yes let us remember those saints of the GOP.

Acton and Hayek have nothing to do with today's R party.

When you realize the Rs and Ds are not that different, you will become enlightened. But for now, you live in darkness...allowing the elites to dupe you day in and day out.

Both men were advocates for limited government and individual you and your kind, they no doubt are considered extremists. Merely proving how far America has fallen thanks to leftism.

Maybe your job as a psychic is not supporting your abilities to maintain a boogey man.
Just to be fair, since we know you are. Where is your list of GOP halo polishers?

I am fair.

My job is to expose evil.

And I do.

My motto: "Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"

I believe this might apply to you: Caput tuum in ano est

Feel free to add it to your coat of arms....the one with the TV remote...

I do actually have a coat of arms from my Grandfather that was from England, last name of Hawkins.

But with your eschewed reality we can apply this motto for you:

Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse

but we all know in your boring redundant threads with a sincere idiom:

Conlige suspectos semper habitos

Don't be dismayed , and I know that fanatics always are in a rut, but for you it should be:

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
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Yes let us remember those saints of the GOP.

Acton and Hayek have nothing to do with today's R party.

When you realize the Rs and Ds are not that different, you will become enlightened. But for now, you live in darkness...allowing the elites to dupe you day in and day out.

Both men were advocates for limited government and individual you and your kind, they no doubt are considered extremists. Merely proving how far America has fallen thanks to leftism.

Maybe your job as a psychic is not supporting your abilities to maintain a boogey man.

I tend to think it is your inability to recognize reality.
Just to be fair, since we know you are. Where is your list of GOP halo polishers?

I am fair.

My job is to expose evil.

And I do.

My motto: "Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"

I believe this might apply to you: Caput tuum in ano est

Feel free to add it to your coat of arms....the one with the TV remote...

I do actually have a coat of arms from my Grandfather that was from England, last name of Hawkins.

But with your eschewed reality we can apply this motto for you:

Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse

but we all know in your boring redundant threads with a sincere idiom:

Conlige suspectos semper habitos

Don't be dismayed , and I know that fanatics always are in a rut, but for you it should be:

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

First of honest: you know these threads aren't boring.
'Else you wouldn't run to jump into 'em..

Second....even those those phrases are silly....unlike mine....I love making you do research.
Now, don't you wish you did so in school?
Then, you might not be such an easy target.
I said 'might not.'
If any have seen the ads in Colorado designed to get the college set to sign up for ObamaCare, they suggest that students have no morality, and are merely interested in sex and beer....

"The latest offering from the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative (CCHI), ...features a young woman who’s excited that she’s about to bed a bro. “OMG, he’s hot!” reads the ad copy. “Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control.”.... It’s already been dubbed #hosurance on Twitter.

“My health insurance covers the pill,” she says, “which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.”

....depict young men and women as heavy drinkers who are in to casual sex.
'Brosurance' makes way for 'hosurance' in Obamacare ads | The Daily Caller

This, teaching our young that restraint, morals, and self-respect are passé....

....this, passed on by our government.

Yes....we get the government we deserve.
Acton and Hayek have nothing to do with today's R party.

When you realize the Rs and Ds are not that different, you will become enlightened. But for now, you live in darkness...allowing the elites to dupe you day in and day out.

Both men were advocates for limited government and individual you and your kind, they no doubt are considered extremists. Merely proving how far America has fallen thanks to leftism.

Maybe your job as a psychic is not supporting your abilities to maintain a boogey man.

I tend to think it is your inability to recognize reality.

I can recognize your fringe cult of disorder right away.
I am fair.

My job is to expose evil.

And I do.

My motto: "Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"

I believe this might apply to you: Caput tuum in ano est

Feel free to add it to your coat of arms....the one with the TV remote...

I do actually have a coat of arms from my Grandfather that was from England, last name of Hawkins.

But with your eschewed reality we can apply this motto for you:

Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse

but we all know in your boring redundant threads with a sincere idiom:

Conlige suspectos semper habitos

Don't be dismayed , and I know that fanatics always are in a rut, but for you it should be:

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

First of honest: you know these threads aren't boring.
'Else you wouldn't run to jump into 'em..

Second....even those those phrases are silly....unlike mine....I love making you do research.
Now, don't you wish you did so in school?
Then, you might not be such an easy target.
I said 'might not.'

I've written more term papers than you have wrinkles my dear.
I do actually have a coat of arms from my Grandfather that was from England, last name of Hawkins.

But with your eschewed reality we can apply this motto for you:

Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse

but we all know in your boring redundant threads with a sincere idiom:

Conlige suspectos semper habitos

Don't be dismayed , and I know that fanatics always are in a rut, but for you it should be:

Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?

First of honest: you know these threads aren't boring.
'Else you wouldn't run to jump into 'em..

Second....even those those phrases are silly....unlike mine....I love making you do research.
Now, don't you wish you did so in school?
Then, you might not be such an easy target.
I said 'might not.'

I've written more term papers than you have wrinkles my dear.

Well....thank heaven for that!!

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