America Should Be The Country Of CHOICE Donald Trump Jr To Speak (Live From Phoenix)

Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that apparently I misread it and Donald Trump JR. was supposed to speak and apparently I missed him. :/ (I asked the mods to change the title though since it's misleading. Sorry about that.)
Trump jr. is supposed to speak in Phoenix? What for? To lecture us on MAGA while beng a part of the biggest bunch of grifters in the history of this country?

What a joke.
Trump jr. is supposed to speak in Phoenix? What for? To lecture us on MAGA while beng a part of the biggest bunch of grifters in the history of this country?
If Donald Trump chooses not to run in the 2024 election, Trump Jr. will. Trump Jr. could be our next president.
Yes .. We import 8 million barrels per day and export 3 million barrels per day.

The US uses about 20 million barrels a day. Are you an adult?
You numbers are as wrong as you.
Hey DW, got a question for you, and I seriously do NOT know the answer-----------> Trump was talking about the only person who died on Jan 6th; said she was shot at point blank range and did NOT have a weapon of any kind.

Trump also said that the Left tried to hide who it was who did it, but then went on to explain that the person decided to take a media tour an out himself; also saying he was proud of what he did.

Do you know the name of this person? I have never seen it in the media, and yet Trump made it clear he was all over the news.

P.S. Sandman got paid-) Good for him. Rittenhouse is next!
At least two people died that day. One of them was a rioter who was trampled to death by her fellow rioters.

How come Trump never sheds any crocodile tears over that dead person?

How come none of you tards even know that person's name?
OK, thnx anyway. If anyone has this info, please let us know. Trump was confident in what he said, so I assume that people know who this clown was.

I just have to ask........and I know this is not the thread for it but I am asking you shoot an unarmed person and not get charged? I mean, if they had a gun on the property, that person had to be sanctioned by the government. Were it a police officer in a major city, that city would be owing millions because it was a young woman who was shot.

Something is really wrong here, and maybe that is something we should all be looking into!
If you assault a branch of government and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your retarded face.

You mean you learn a new lie every day.

Honestly, if you want to run against DJT in 2024, I am fine with that if he gets the nomination.

As far as 2022, we are going to FORCE you to run on your ideas, policies, and what would have been if your people had their way.

If you think you have winning policies, go for it! Defend your policies, because Americans for the most part, think you stink like poo. Everytime you mention Trump, all you do is show you fear debating what you want, lol.

It is the old routine..............make someone WORSE than the policy, so they will vote for the policy, against their own interest.

Sorry, not gonna work this time, at least in the midterms! You are going to have to defend your position, all alone, with no boogeyman to run against. Good luck!

We both know; in fact ALL of us know, you can't do it! It is not over, but the only reason it isn't is because we haven't got to vote to throw the lot of you out yet, but it is soon.

So keep singing Trump, lol. We like it, at least for 2022-)

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