You mean you learn a new lie every day.
Honestly, if you want to run against DJT in 2024, I am fine with that if he gets the nomination.
As far as 2022, we are going to FORCE you to run on your ideas, policies, and what would have been if your people had their way.
If you think you have winning policies, go for it! Defend your policies, because Americans for the most part, think you stink like poo. Everytime you mention Trump, all you do is show you fear debating what you want, lol.
It is the old routine..............make someone WORSE than the policy, so they will vote for the policy, against their own interest.
Sorry, not gonna work this time, at least in the midterms! You are going to have to defend your position, all alone, with no boogeyman to run against. Good luck!
We both know; in fact ALL of us know, you can't do it! It is not over, but the only reason it isn't is because we haven't got to vote to throw the lot of you out yet, but it is soon.
So keep singing Trump, lol. We like it, at least for 2022-)