America: The Kardashian Years


Nov 13, 2012
By Clarice Feldman
January 13, 2013

Life in the Time of Low Information Voters​

I used to love American popular culture. I found it rich, diverse and endlessly amusing. These days, I rarely go to the movies or plays and cannot bear to watch television. Even the radio with its repetitive, uninformative news snippets annoys. Our popular culture has moved from family favorites like Your Show of Shows, The Wonder Years, and I Love Lucy to the minute by minute coverage of celebrities not known for their wit, charm, or beauty, They are known for nothing other than the willingness to put their every part of bodies on narcissistic display and to promote the latest chichi leftwing cause.

Alicia Colon examines the phenomenon of the low information voters such a dross culture produces

Right now they are clueless. Consequently they have allowed the Democrats to hijack and distort the GOP's positions on virtually every issue. Republicans, therefore, don't care about the middle class and only want to reduce the taxes of the rich. They are also racists who want to keep minorities down. These distortions are repeated often by anchors on MSNBC and the alphabet networks. CNN is always on in the social service offices and in airports and the formerly legitimate cable station is so far on the decline that it feels comfortable allowing disgusting antics by amoral hosts on its New Year's Eve broadcast.

But it is folly to assume that all the low-info voters are poorly educated or on the dole. College students and graduates of liberal academia have been completely indoctrinated in leftist ideology and loathe all things conservative. Their bibles include the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times which routinely carry and affirm the Democrat lies.


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Articles: America: The Kardashian Years
:lol: I love these conservative buzz words like low information voter because anytime someone uses them seriously, you know they're full of shit. There have been numerous studies that show Fox News watchers are the least informed and least intelligent people in the spectrum yet every time some shred of facts or truth leaks into the political spectrum you can count on conservatives to obfuscate, lie and spin it.
So, the slew of Obama voters interviewed on the street and couldn't tell you who Obama's running mate was or what his stand on any issues was, shouldn't be called low information voters. Some were told that Palin was his running mate and they said she was great. Some were told one of his policies was to make every household have a gun and they said it was a smart idea. Stupid, stupid people and they vote.

Clearly, there are stupid people in the world and they can be found in every occupation, party and walk of life.

Anyone who spends their time watching reality shows isn't too smart. I can barely tolerate the promos of different shows. So much garbage and I don't see how people get hooked on it.

As far as polls or studies, there are few these days that are really unbiased enough to even take seriously.
Yes, historians will likely refer to these years as the Teabagger/Kardashian period.
:lol: I love these conservative buzz words like low information voter because anytime someone uses them seriously, you know they're full of shit. There have been numerous studies that show Fox News watchers are the least informed and least intelligent people in the spectrum yet every time some shred of facts or truth leaks into the political spectrum you can count on conservatives to obfuscate, lie and spin it.


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