America without guns, what would really happen to us....

Trained in the old APCs when I was in basic training......even took them into a lake....
Did it leak? One day I had just gotten two pairs of new glasses. You know, the grey plastic Army ones. I put them in my jungle fatigue shirt breast pockets to take them back to base camp. For the life of me, I can't remember why I had to crawl into the back of an APC but when I did both pairs of glasses got busted! They were brand spanking new! I didn't even get to wear them! :mad:
This sounds serous. Have you started a thread on it?
Nobody cares. It was Sweden that got Assange into this situation and although the charges (not even officially "charged") were dropped the UK took over with ... oh shit ... I don't even want to talk about. Let me just say that Julian Assange committed no crime whatsoever and he's facing "life" in prison even though he's never been charged or had a trial. better get on a jet and fly over to Afghanistan to explain that to them so that we can win over there......seems like they drove us out of that country with little more than rifles, IEDs, and the ability to just not give up....

Except they didn't "drive us out", we just realized it was kind of pointless.

The problem we had in Afghanistan is that the average Afghan was unwilling to turn in his Taliban neighbor.

I'd GLEEFULLY turn in my gun nut neighbors if the government wanted to finally do something about them.
"We had napalm, Agent Orange, and all of the most advanced weaponry but the Vietnamese kicked the shit out of us with bamboo sticks and flip-flops".
I once saw a political cartoon during that conflict that depicted a US tank stuck in the mud while Ho Chi Minh drove a two-wheeled cart pulled by water buffalo past. You are spot on and we have been restricted by politicians that haven't any idea about how to win a conflict since. The Israelis are dealing with the same thing now. However, I think Netanyahu has had enough and he will drive Hamas into the sea before he is done.
I'd GLEEFULLY turn in my gun nut neighbors if the government wanted to finally do something about them.

Back in The Old Country, your relatives were equally gleeful about ratting out any neighbor that might be hiding Jews in their attic.

Once again, you show us your proud Nazi heritage.
Except they didn't "drive us out", we just realized it was kind of pointless.

The problem we had in Afghanistan is that the average Afghan was unwilling to turn in his Taliban neighbor.

I'd GLEEFULLY turn in my gun nut neighbors if the government wanted to finally do something about them.
If you did, you’d better hope no one found out.
The problem we had in Afghanistan is that the average Afghan was unwilling to turn in his Taliban neighbor.
No, that is part of your problem. You miserably failed to understand the reason for it. The Taliban brought some very wise philosophy to the Afghanis but I will assume you know nothing about that, right?
I once saw a political cartoon during that conflict that depicted a US tank stuck in the mud while Ho Chi Minh drove a two-wheeled cart pulled by water buffalo past.
That's a good one! :)
You are spot on ...
Thank you.

... and we have been restricted by politicians that haven't any idea about how to win a conflict since.
Actually, it is much worse than that. In Vietnam, we used to say, "It's the shitty politics!" What we didn't understand (what we simply could not understand) was the incentive for the government to send us over there. "Defeating Communism!" and "Bringing freedom!", they said. But that was a lie. The truth of it is both simple but unbelievable for that very reason.

I crawled up onto a tank one day just to see what it was like. In my 19-year-old head and naïvety, I assumed that military weaponry was ..... well ...... "military" stuff. I was surprised to see that the engine was made by GM. It didn't 'click' then and it was only after several years that the penny finally dropped.
The Israelis are dealing with the same thing now. However, I think Netanyahu has had enough and he will drive Hamas into the sea before he is done.
We are not going to agree on that issue so I'll leave it alone.
Actually, they are Bradley M2 fighting vehicles and M728 Combat Engineer Vehicles, which are classified as Armored personnel carriers, not tanks.

. But it brings up my point about any fucking loon who thinks he needs an AR-15 to "fights the gummit".

The "Gummit" has vehicles like these and no compunctions about using them, as the cultists at Waco found out.

Did you hear the Branch Davidians broke into two sects? Orthodox and Extra Crispy.
I think the 4 Dead ATF Agents and 11 wounded still gives pause to Alphabet Agencies doing No Knock Raids and sending Stacks into almost any situation that involves any chance of Guys with ARs & AKs resisting
In Vietnam, we used to say, "It's the shitty politics!" What we didn't understand (what we simply could not understand) was the incentive for the government to send us over there. "Defeating Communism!" and "Bringing freedom!", they said. But that was a lie. The truth of it is both simple but unbelievable for that very reason.

I crawled up onto a tank one day just to see what it was like. In my 19-year-old head and naïvety, I assumed that military weaponry was ..... well ...... "military" stuff. I was surprised to see that the engine was made by GM. It didn't 'click' then and it was only after several years that the penny finally dropped.
My "AHA" moment was one day riding in a jeep outside of Danang. Just off the road was a fenced compound with a Philco/Ford sign on it.
So, you also discovered our raison d'être in Vietnam by the greedy hand of the Military-Industrial Complex/corrupt shirt-and-ties in Washington. Nothing has changed. Irak (in particular but not an isolated example) and now Ukraine.

I take it you were the Marine Corps? I was in the Central Highlands in the Army during the war but I had a look-see at Danang in 1999 when I went back to travel around Vietnam and make my apologies and do some soul-searching.
Back in The Old Country, your relatives were equally gleeful about ratting out any neighbor that might be hiding Jews in their attic.
They did? Actually, I had one cousin who was a Catholic Priest who was sent to Nordhausen because he said something in a sermon that upset the Nazis. (Ironically, my dad was with the US VII Corps, which liberated Nordhausen).

If you did, you’d better hope no one found out.

If you guys tried to make good on your threats to overthrow the government, you should be the ones who are worried.

No, that is part of your problem. You miserably failed to understand the reason for it. The Taliban brought some very wise philosophy to the Afghanis but I will assume you know nothing about that, right?
No, the Taliban were a bunch of backwards goat fuckers, that we made the mistake of arming because those dirty stinking commies might teach girls how to read or something. Then we all stood there like a bunch of slack-jawed idiots when they flew planes into buildings.

The problem in Afghanistan was that we didn't treat it like a war. World War II was a war. We started a draft, we limited press coverage to only reflect our side, and we rationed commodities for the war effort.

In Afghanistan, we waited for people to sign up, and when they stopped doing that because 9/11 happened when they were babies, we signed up mutants like Bowe Bergdahl and Chelsea Manning and wondered why they broke bad.

Don't fight wars in a halfass way.
I think the 4 Dead ATF Agents and 11 wounded still gives pause to Alphabet Agencies doing No Knock Raids and sending Stacks into almost any situation that involves any chance of Guys with ARs & AKs resisting

Not really. The guys with the AR's realize fighting the government is a losing battle, and usually give up when they show up.
The problem we had in Afghanistan is that the average Afghan was unwilling to turn in his Taliban neighbor.
No, that is part of your problem. You miserably failed to understand the reason for it. The Taliban brought some very wise philosophy to the Afghanis but I will assume you know nothing about that, right?

No, the Taliban were a bunch of backwards goat fuckers .....
I was sure you were oblivious (as I said in my previous reply) and you have just now (so quickly, in fact) proved me correct.

You've never heard of Bacha bazi, of course. It was rife in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. The Taliban put a stop to it and the Afghanis appreciated the Taliban for that (and other reasons) and it is only one example of why Islam (in a relatively more fundamental form) is highly regarded in Afghanistan. So why would "the average Afghani be willing to turn in his Taliban neigbour"? Your ignorance (voluntary or otherwise) is why the US is in a world of shit. :cool:
You've never heard of Bacha bazi, of course. It was rife in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. The Taliban put a stop to it and the Afghanis appreciated the Taliban for that (and other reasons) and it is only one example of why Islam (in a relatively more fundamental form) is highly regarded in Afghanistan. So why would "the average Afghani be willing to turn in his Taliban neigbour"? Your ignorance (voluntary or otherwise) is why the US is in a world of shit.

Nope. Our mistake was not fighting that war effectively or ruthlessly, which is the only way you win wars.

The War on Terror was the first war where we worried about hurting the enemy's feelings.
I was sure you were oblivious (as I said in my previous reply) and you have just now (so quickly, in fact) proved me correct.

You've never heard of Bacha bazi, of course. It was rife in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. The Taliban put a stop to it and the Afghanis appreciated the Taliban for that (and other reasons) and it is only one example of why Islam (in a relatively more fundamental form) is highly regarded in Afghanistan. So why would "the average Afghani be willing to turn in his Taliban neigbour"? Your ignorance (voluntary or otherwise) is why the US is in a world of shit. :cool:
Nope. Our mistake was not fighting that war effectively or ruthlessly, which is the only way you win wars.

The War on Terror was the first war where we worried about hurting the enemy's feelings.
So, you chose to remain a dunce. Too bad. :(
So, you chose to remain a dunce. Too bad.
Naw, I just don't think a regime that stones women for "sexual immorality" (read, having sex with someone they love) in a stadium has any merit.

I'm sorry you do.
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