

Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.

You're the stupidest person ever. What an awful thread. You don't even attempt to make any kind of point.

Go to bed.
I only worry about certain Black men. Those who mean harm to me and my white family. And there they are a-plenty.

I only care about certain Black men. Those who mean good toward all. And there they are a-plenty.

I've met both. And I prefer good over evil. No matter color.

Huey, you give your color too much credit, and my color not enough.

We all bleed the same.
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.

Or you could trust in Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior and not worry at all. How about that, Huey?
I'm a member of the 70's.

There is a blue one
Who can't accept the green one
For living with a fat one
Trying to be a skinny one
Different strokes
For different folks

We got to live together....

Live together or die apart.

What's it gonna be nigga?

Yeah, what's it gonna be?

My 70's negros. Those were some times.
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.
The black community is part of the problem. They are a GIGANTIC burdon on our economy. They arent participating in the work force enough, and their drug problems are rampant, which means we have to spend a huge portion of our tax dollars in an attempt to try and keep it under control, let alone the overwhelming drain on our welfare system. The amount of tax dollars spent on policing your neighborhoods is ridiculous too.

Are you under the impression that the US would be financially better off if the black community handled our economy? You live in a black neighborhood, so what makes you think THOSE guys are going to be able to handle the economy? The black community doesnt have their own finances under control, so what makes you think they can handle everyone elses?

Talk to me in a hundred years, assuming your community actually makes some progress by that point. If we see fiscal responsibility and earning potential at that ime, THEN we can talk about you guys taking over. For now, let the experts handle this shit.
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I'm a member of the 70's.

There is a blue one
Who can't accept the green one
For living with a fat one
Trying to be a skinny one
Different strokes
For different folks

We got to live together....

Dirty hippy! :biggrin:
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.

Or you could trust in Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior and not worry at all. How about that, Huey?
He's all I trust and no one else.
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.
The black community is part of the problem. They are a GIGANTIC burdon on our economy. They arent participating in the work force enough, and their drug problems are rampant, which means we have to spend a huge portion of our tax dollars in an attempt to try and keep it under control, let alone the overwhelming drain on our welfare system. The amount of tax dollars spent on policing your neighborhoods is ridiculous too.

Are you under the impression that the US would be financially better off if the black community handled our economy? You live in a black neighborhood, so what makes you think THOSE guys are going to be able to handle the economy? The black community doesnt have their own finances under control, so what makes you think they can handle everyone elses?

Talk to me in a hundred years, assuming your community actually makes some progress by that point. If we see fiscal responsibility and earning potential at that ime, THEN we can talk about you guys taking over. For now, let the experts handle this shit.
I live in a excellent community,we have crime about as much as your average white community. Our schools are fine as full each and every day. We have a great police force of which are friendly and do the job efficiently.We have no unemployment in our town and if we do its miniscle at the most.We have our finances in control since we got rid of the repoobs. So there .
Name this community you live in. Lets take a close look at it and see if what you say is true.
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.
The black community is part of the problem. They are a GIGANTIC burdon on our economy. They arent participating in the work force enough, and their drug problems are rampant, which means we have to spend a huge portion of our tax dollars in an attempt to try and keep it under control, let alone the overwhelming drain on our welfare system. The amount of tax dollars spent on policing your neighborhoods is ridiculous too.

Are you under the impression that the US would be financially better off if the black community handled our economy? You live in a black neighborhood, so what makes you think THOSE guys are going to be able to handle the economy? The black community doesnt have their own finances under control, so what makes you think they can handle everyone elses?

Talk to me in a hundred years, assuming your community actually makes some progress by that point. If we see fiscal responsibility and earning potential at that ime, THEN we can talk about you guys taking over. For now, let the experts handle this shit.
I live in a excellent community,we have crime about as much as your average white community. Our schools are fine as full each and every day. We have a great police force of which are friendly and do the job efficiently.We have no unemployment in our town and if we do its miniscle at the most.We have our finances in control since we got rid of the repoobs. So there .
Still waiting for the name of this place. Is it "Fantasy Island"?
Everybody's worrying about the Black man,well the white man is gonna bring this country down , when the dollar loses its power we are heading into a 25 year depression. No jobs ,no money no time to be worrying about the Blackman.You better start worrying about your selves.

You may well be right, in fact i hope you are. Maybe then white america will wake up and realize their country has been destroyed by racial diversity and socialism.

Are you under the impression that the US would be financially better off if the black community handled our economy? .

HAHAHA. Not even liberals think that. Blacks are mentally inferior and most can't read or count or even tell time. Even liberals know a modern economy run by blacks has no chance at all. Look at what happened in zimbabwe when blacks took over that formerly first world country. Same is happening as i type in South Africa.

If blacks can't run africa they sure as hell can't run america.

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