American Fiction


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Aug 30, 2011
It’s an about a black writer and his family. The writer doesn’t have much success selling books until he writes a book that is similar to other black authored fiction books. His book was written as a mockery, meanwhile it achieved commercial success. White liberals gave the simple minded book critical acclaim. That frustrated the author, because he believes that as a black writer he has more to offer the art of writing than what is being produced by other writers and what the critics expect of black writers.

I think it was a pretty good movie. The writers and this family are likable characters. All the characters were interesting, with the exception of the white liberals.
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I am stunned this movie received solid critical review.
Why? - Because 1/2 the movies content is making fun of, ridiculing and chastising white liberals.
It isn't chastising conservative white people, for the simple fact conservatives do not support forced diversity, BLM, and they don't fall over themselves virtue signaling about black people.
White liberals do that.
He writes a book about black people. But because it doesn't follow the approved narrative - a black man that can't escape white supremacy and systemic racism in America - no one buys it.
So, in anger, he writes a joke book about a fugitive black male forced into a life of crime that is over-the-top filled with ebonics, white blaming etc.
But - the white liberal publishers think it is the book of the year.

Are these critics so blind they don't realize the movie is making fun of them??????

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