American gulag death of Jeffery Epstein will Juliann Assange be next


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
American Gulag Death Of Jeffrey Epstein: Will Julian Assange Be Next?

The death of millionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein behind bars should trigger “system-wide self-reflection” on how prisoners are treated. The Metropolitan Correctional Center “is sort of like an American gulag for people who have not been convicted of anything,” Epstein lawyer Marc Fernich said.


Funnnny how sheep think doing this will change the world it in fact pisses off the world esp those who are a gawd dam gov ass kissing moron!!
"Conspiracy theories are dangerous for many reasons. Among other things, they provide a way to reduce mental distress by changing our perception of a problem without actually doing anything to solve the problem. They're the mental equivalent of a pacifier." Caroline Orr

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

Learning By Thinking |

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." link above

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