American Justice


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
In a little less then 48 hours the largest gathering of American jurists will begin. Standing before them is one Hillary Clinton a woman whose crime spree goes back as long as I have been alive. The American people have had to stand down and remain quiet as law enforcement and the Department of Justice gave this woman a pass over and over again.

There have been rapes, murders and thefts committed in the name of this woman. Many civilians and military from many nations have been murdered because of her greed and simply put her raw hate of people. Her raw hate and greed have led her to become America's most prolific serial killer.

Another judgement will take place on November 8th. It will take place on the world stage as the world waits to see IF America is truly a nation of laws of justice OR a nation of criminals and run by a criminal. If America chooses to be run by a Psychotic Serial Killer they will judge us ALL by that lone fact. If they see America choose to rebuild and retake its place in the world they will see that.

On November 8th Americans will be the judges. On November 9th America will be the judged.

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Is it so difficult for the majority of Americans to understand that since Clinton keeps receiving the millions from those donors like Saudis, Qatar, Goldman, Soros,..., whom do they think she will be "protecting and serving", those donors or American people?

And on the top of everything, take a look at this cherry on the cake:
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
Well I have my guns and a huge amount of ammo.
Is it so difficult for the majority of Americans to understand that since Clinton keeps receiving the millions from those donors like Saudis, Qatar, Goldman, Soros,..., whom do they think she will be "protecting and serving", those donors or American people?

And on the top of everything, take a look at this cherry on the cake:
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
Well I have my guns and a huge amount of ammo.

You think it's enough to protect your country from Globalists? I hope all the decent people will stand and unite against Globalists/cheaters.
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  • #6
Is it so difficult for the majority of Americans to understand that since Clinton keeps receiving the millions from those donors like Saudis, Qatar, Goldman, Soros,..., whom do they think she will be "protecting and serving", those donors or American people?

And on the top of everything, take a look at this cherry on the cake:
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
Well I have my guns and a huge amount of ammo.

You think it's enough to protect your country from Globalists? I hope all the decent people will stand and unite against Globalists/cheaters.
Its enough to be part of the fight. And if she is elected there will be a fight.
Is it so difficult for the majority of Americans to understand that since Clinton keeps receiving the millions from those donors like Saudis, Qatar, Goldman, Soros,..., whom do they think she will be "protecting and serving", those donors or American people?

And on the top of everything, take a look at this cherry on the cake:
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
Well I have my guns and a huge amount of ammo.

You think it's enough to protect your country from Globalists? I hope all the decent people will stand and unite against Globalists/cheaters.
The tribulation is right around the corner.
I thought this thread was about the Oregon militia freaks who walked despite being guilty as sin.

White justice system !!!
Is it so difficult for the majority of Americans to understand that since Clinton keeps receiving the millions from those donors like Saudis, Qatar, Goldman, Soros,..., whom do they think she will be "protecting and serving", those donors or American people?

And on the top of everything, take a look at this cherry on the cake:
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)
Well I have my guns and a huge amount of ammo.

You think it's enough to protect your country from Globalists? I hope all the decent people will stand and unite against Globalists/cheaters.
. Yep and cast their vote for Trump.
American justice, as flawed as it is, will be served in two days.

The contest will be between

The one with email scandals

Or the one that embraces

Sexual assault
Pathological liar
Tax dodger

and this bothers me most: Trump's and his followers' commitment to an homegrown form of fascism that disrespects American democratic institutions and the constitution
American justice, as flawed as it is, will be served in two days.

The contest will be between

The one with email scandals

Or the one that embraces

Sexual assault
Pathological liar
Tax dodger

and this bothers me most: Trump's and his followers' commitment to an homegrown form of fascism that disrespects American democratic institutions and the constitution
. If Hillary somehow pulls this off, the final stake will be thrust into the heart of our laws in this nation. We will become a lawless corrupt nation. It will be far worse than we could have ever imagined in our life times. Ohh and where has all that white privilege speak gone by the blacks as they watch Hillary skate the law ???? Hypocrite much ??? I tell ya folks, that it doesn't apply to her whiteness, because they see her as a shell of a woman who will do and say anything for anyone just to have a position of power. Her husband talking to us like we are so dumb that we would give her the job because it's her turn y'all ???? Give me a break already.
Anonymous threatened her to drop out or they'd release something that would end her, and then Reno dies the day it was set to release and you don't see a fucking connection?!? OMG... We cannot let this woman in office >.<

Wikileaks is back up from NWO China DDOS attack -- they dropped media working with DNC -- Wikileaks dump of over 8,000 emails shows DNC prepared Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump and Cruz | Daily Mail Online See also -- THEY'RE CONNECTED! FBI Director Comey Announces Child Sex Slave Arrests on Same Day as Re-Opening Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation
Anonymous threatened her to drop out or they'd release something that would end her, and then Reno dies the day it was set to release and you don't see a fucking connection?!? OMG... We cannot let this woman in office >.<

Wikileaks is back up from NWO China DDOS attack -- they dropped media working with DNC -- Wikileaks dump of over 8,000 emails shows DNC prepared Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump and Cruz | Daily Mail Online See also -- THEY'RE CONNECTED! FBI Director Comey Announces Child Sex Slave Arrests on Same Day as Re-Opening Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation
What would Janet Reno, an old woman with an incurable wasting disease, have to do with wikileaks?

The far right revolution, anti-democratic because it cannot win major elections, continues a fascist propaganda campaign against American democracy.
Oh, NO, yet ANOTHER right wingers' venting thread.......Lots more coming, I'm sure.

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