All CAPS Trump Holiday Rant

Well, to his credit, he looks at the polls every day and has probably concluded that it's not hurting him. Evidently a large chunk of this country is just fine with a President who behaves like an ignorant, petulant child.

I don't get it, you don't get it, but there it is.

But 20% of Republicans continue to vote for Nicki Haley. Think about that. Knowing she's not running, and that Trump is the de facto nominee, these people are nevertheless getting into their cars and driving to the polling stations and voting for someone who is not longer running, to make a statement to the party that they don't want Trump. 20% of Republicans.

Despite Trump's positive polling numbers, every time opens his mouth, he looks BAD. Meanwhile the US economy is running so well, that Trump is already taking credit for it, saying Biden's recovery is running on the "fumes" of his "greatest economy ever". Clearly he's high on his own farts, those are the only "fumes" left.

Last week, Trump said he'd "show mercy" to Hunter Biden if he's elected. Because the Joe is not going to pardon his son, or commute his sentence, making a mockery of Trump's claims of a 2-tiered system of justice for Republicans.

The Democrats reaction to the trial and the verdict have been calm and rational. The jurors, the judge, and the prosecutor aren't being harassed or threatened, and no gag orders had to be issued to protect them. The contrast could not be clearer.

Last but not least, Trump is NOT winning elections. Democrats continue to clean up in Special Elections. House Republicans now have a 2 - seat majority. Regardless of how much Republicans like Trump, the incompetence, the chaos, and now the utter insanity of his rhetoric, are just getting to be too much.

Lol. The TDS is off the hook. Trigger alerts everywhere. How sinister will the left become as their satanic seething white hot rage increases?
But 20% of Republicans continue to vote for Nicki Haley. Think about that. Knowing she's not running, and that Trump is the de facto nominee, these people are nevertheless getting into their cars and driving to the polling stations and voting for someone who is not longer running, to make a statement to the party that they don't want Trump. 20% of Republicans.

Despite Trump's positive polling numbers, every time opens his mouth, he looks BAD. Meanwhile the US economy is running so well, that Trump is already taking credit for it, saying Biden's recovery is running on the "fumes" of his "greatest economy ever". Clearly he's high on his own farts, those are the only "fumes" left.

Last week, Trump said he'd "show mercy" to Hunter Biden if he's elected. Because the Joe is not going to pardon his son, or commute his sentence, making a mockery of Trump's claims of a 2-tiered system of justice for Republicans.

The Democrats reaction to the trial and the verdict have been calm and rational. The jurors, the judge, and the prosecutor aren't being harassed or threatened, and no gag orders had to be issued to protect them. The contrast could not be clearer.

Last but not least, Trump is NOT winning elections. Democrats continue to clean up in Special Elections. House Republicans now have a 2 - seat majority. Regardless of how much Republicans like Trump, the incompetence, the chaos, and now the utter insanity of his rhetoric, are just getting to be too much.
It'd be interesting to see how this goes if he wins and ends up with a mixed Congress.

But guaranteed, he'll do everything he can do outside of that, and he has the Supreme Court to back him up. People like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, the Heritage Foundation and others will push him to find any authoritarian cracks he can take advantage of.
It'd be interesting to see how this goes if he wins and ends up with a mixed Congress.

But guaranteed, he'll do everything he can do outside of that, and he has the Supreme Court to back him up. People like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, the Heritage Foundation and others will push him to find any authoritarian cracks he can take advantage of.

Bannon is openly shouting what they're going to do. They're going to ban the mailing of abortion pillls and birth control pillls, via the Comstock Act. States will be allowed to prosecute women getting abortions.

Expand the powers of the President, who will have "complete immunity". Restructure the DOJ, so that it WILL prosecute his "enemies", and other prosecutors, like Fani Willis and Bragg and Smith. Use the army to put down "resistance".

They're going to limit the powers of the House and Senate, and prosecute all of the leftist leaders, and anyone who opposes, criticizes or investiigates Trump. Liz Cheney, Gen. Milley, the Bidens, the Clintons, Pelosi. The White House will control FCC licenses and those outlets which criticize Trump will lose their licenses.

Welcome to South America, 1975.
Bannon is openly shouting what they're going to do. They're going to ban the mailing of abortion pillls and birth control pillls through the mail, via the Comstock Act.

Expand the powers of the President, who will have "complete immunity". Restructure the DOJ, so that it WILL prosecute his "enemies", and other prosecutors, like Fani Willis and Bragg and Smith.

They're going to limit the powers of the House and Senate, and prosecute all of the leftist leaders, and anyone who opposes, criticizes or investiigates Trump. Liz Cheney, Gen. Milley, the Bidens, the Clintons, Pelosi. The White House will control FCC licenses and those outlets which criticize Trump will lose their licenses.
Good luck with all that nonsense they spew. They need to win the election(s) first. The voters in this country won't tolerate anarchy.
Bannon is openly shouting what they're going to do. They're going to ban the mailing of abortion pillls and birth control pillls, via the Comstock Act. States will be allowed to prosecute women getting abortions.

Expand the powers of the President, who will have "complete immunity". Restructure the DOJ, so that it WILL prosecute his "enemies", and other prosecutors, like Fani Willis and Bragg and Smith. Use the army to put down "resistance".

They're going to limit the powers of the House and Senate, and prosecute all of the leftist leaders, and anyone who opposes, criticizes or investiigates Trump. Liz Cheney, Gen. Milley, the Bidens, the Clintons, Pelosi. The White House will control FCC licenses and those outlets which criticize Trump will lose their licenses.

Welcome to South America, 1975.
What office is Bannon running for, Moron?
Bannon is openly shouting what they're going to do. They're going to ban the mailing of abortion pillls and birth control pillls, via the Comstock Act. States will be allowed to prosecute women getting abortions.

Expand the powers of the President, who will have "complete immunity". Restructure the DOJ, so that it WILL prosecute his "enemies", and other prosecutors, like Fani Willis and Bragg and Smith. Use the army to put down "resistance".

They're going to limit the powers of the House and Senate, and prosecute all of the leftist leaders, and anyone who opposes, criticizes or investiigates Trump. Liz Cheney, Gen. Milley, the Bidens, the Clintons, Pelosi. The White House will control FCC licenses and those outlets which criticize Trump will lose their licenses.

Welcome to South America, 1975.

Their own Pinochet. Who knew that this is what they've always wanted.
Trump the buzzkiller can't help himself. Especially on special days that Americans cherish.
Like Father's Day...



Yes, Trump has TFS. Trump Felony Syndrome. He breaks the law and cries about his convictions daily.

It’s funny when the retrograde left goes full TDS with their pointless rants.
It’s funny when the retrograde left goes full TDS with their pointless rants.

It’s even funnier when the idiot Cultists defend his verbal diarrhea and hate.

TDS is your unwavering devotion to your criminal, rapist and fraud artist. Nothing demonstrates your character, or lack thereof, more than your willingness to vote for such a loathsome individual
TDS is your unwavering devotion to your criminal, rapist and fraud artist. Nothing demonstrates your character, or lack thereof, more than your willingness to vote for such a loathsome individual.

Trump's Duped and Snookered.

Cults are gonna cult.

The challenge for Americans with intelligence and a competent education is to find the humor, satire, snark, and amusement in that fringie slice of today's America.

Let's hope Don Trump and his mouthpieces on the campaign trail will continue to repeat and exemplify his un-hingieness. Go ahead claim they will ban contraception. Ban in vitreo fertilization. Free or pardon all those arrested for beating the crap out of uniformed police on January 6th. Say it is OK for Trump supporters to piss and poop in halls and offices of the Capitol of the United States of America. Withdraw from the UN. Ban income taxes so to increase import taxes.

Sure, that all is nuttery. But the ridiculousness of that DonTrump/AlexJones/Rudy G. slice of our politics is worth digging into for satire and ridicule. Professional wrestling and dwarf tossing-----to a new my humble opinion.
Trump's Duped and Snookered.

Cults are gonna cult.

The challenge for Americans with intelligence and a competent education is to find the humor, satire, snark, and amusement in that fringie slice of today's America.

Let's hope Don Trump and his mouthpieces on the campaign trail will continue to repeat and exemplify his un-hingieness. Go ahead claim they will ban contraception. Ban in vitreo fertilization. Free or pardon all those arrested for beating the crap out of uniformed police on January 6th. Say it is OK for Trump supporters to piss and poop in halls and offices of the Capitol of the United States of America. Withdraw from the UN. Ban income taxes so to increase import taxes.

Sure, that all is nuttery. But the ridiculousness of that DonTrump/AlexJones/Rudy G. slice of our politics is worth digging into for satire and ridicule. Professional wrestling and dwarf tossing-----to a new my humble opinion.

It's the craven lying by these people. Standing on the court house steps saying things there that they would never say in court because they'd be charged with perjury, for saying them, or in the case of Gulliani, Powell, Easton, and Chesebro, disbarred.

The The Sharp Dressed Men at Trump's criminal trial, but not a family member in sight, except Eric. At ANY of his trials. Or on the campaign trail. Don Jr. tweets now and again, but that's about it.

Why are these fools begging to be Trump's VP? He tried to have his last VP murdered!!!! All of his closest associates and advisors are now awaiting trial, or have already plead guilty, including the ones he pardoned and let out of jail at the end of his administration.

Imagine - they impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a consenual blow job, because "morality matters", but they refused to impeach Trump for trying to extort the President of the Ukraine into investigating his opponents, or trying to overthrow the government.

And they're prepared to run him for President again, despite him admitting to sexual assault, bribery, extortion, and promising to use the legal system to punish his "enemies". I could understand this if his entire Presidency hadn't been such a clusterfuck of incompetence and open criminality and bribery, and complete fiscal lunacy.

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