Hanoi Jane Fonda is officially campaigning for Biden. Just think about that.

Trump called our POWs from Vietnam losers for being captured

If not for his Bone Spurs we could have won that war
Good point. Not only Trump, but Trumpers themselves, have mocked John McCain. We are not taking 50 years ago either. We are talking only a few years ago. So, now we have this faux outrage over Jane Fonda. Trumpers and their hypocrisy.
Well of course the Democrats would recruit good old Hanoi Jane Fonda to campaign for Biden and trash Trump. After all, she did such a great job trashing 20 year old Viet Nam Vets, helping create the "Baby Killer" backlash our Vets received when they returned from that Hellish war. How this vile woman is still spewing her venom 60 years later is mind boggling. She is a disgrace as an American.

Her one vote won't make much difference to Biden. They really need to concentrate on making boxes and boxes of Biden ballots that they will mysteriously find after the election is over, claiming that every vote should be counted.
Her one vote won't make much difference to Biden. They really need to concentrate on making boxes and boxes of Biden ballots that they will mysteriously find after the election is over, claiming that every vote should be counted.

I hope that this time, when they fill out fake ballots, they check off ALL Democratic candidates at all levels.

Last time, those fake ballots had Biden checked but for some reason voted for Republicans down ballot
You can stop mean-mouthing Jane Fonda, asshole. I am a Vietnam Veteran and I was 19 when I was sent over there. Jane Fonda didn't send me there, the fucking US government did, so stick your uninformed crap up your ass. Jane Fonda was a hero who helped to stop the illegal war in Vietnam and don't you forget it. The stigma of "Baby Killers" was due to the American Military 'do what you want' attitude very much like the illegal invasion and occupation of Irak and the illegal torture of innocent men & murder of 1 million innocent men, women and children there. So, fuck you. As far as her supporting the war mongering Biden emissary of the Military-Industrial Complex she ought to suffer but what she did for the US and for us Vietnam Veterans is beyond reproach. So keep her name out your fucking mouth, asshole.
Im sure you served in uniform at mcdonalds but that is all.
The war was legal and she did not helpo stop it. She supported the enemy. Thaty si fact and dont you forget it you filthy liar. The stigma was manufactured by the left. There was no such do what you want attitiude and do not pretend you were there again chicken hawk. TYhe invasion of iraw was also legal. She did nothing for the us or veterans.
Stop lying about that worthless hag you stolen valor mothertfucker

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