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American Psychosis: How The GOP lost it's mind & embraced mentally ill authoritarians like Trump, Gingrich, Gaetz, & MTG as it's party leaders

Democrats are either trying to kill kids, screw them, indoctrinate them, traffick them, groom them, and / or mutilate their genitals.

They don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, believe biological males can give birth, want guys with penises in girls' bathrooms / locker room / sports competing against them, and fill their administrations with women ' half of whom ate actually biological females - the others being cross-dressing luggage thieves andchild genital mutilation advocates posingcl as health experts.

Other nations are lioking at this insane shit, scratching their heads, laughing, and asking aloud 'WTF?!'
You voted for an old, elitist, corrupt, treasonous, criminal, compromised, racist, dementia-ravaged, cognitively impaired serial liar because of 'Mean Tweets'.

You voted for a POS who showered with his young daughter,who grabbed an aide by tbe vagina, and who sniffs and gropes small children.

You voted for a man who bragged on video of how he extorted the PM of Ukraine...

You voted for the POS who has violated both Constitution and law to endanger our national security while facilitating the masdive o -going invasion of illegals, which include thieves / violent gang members / rapists / sexual.predators / pedophiles / murderers / terrorists. Human / drug / child / sex traffickers

Your party is responsible for the largest criminal political scandals in US history, responsible for violations of both Constitution and law, for defraudibg tve FISA Court for decades, violating the Patriot Act and illegally spying on US citizens..

Your party is responsible for failed coup attempts, criminal Impeachment attempts, violent rhetoris abd calls for violence tbat resulted in 2 political assassination attempts, 1 resulting in a GOP Rep being shot...for personally threatening USSC Justices and calling for violence against them.

Your party is targeting young children for CRT, Trans-indoctrination, and grooming ... have used tbe federal govt to target and label.parents who oppoose this as 'domestic terrorists '

And on and on yet you attack others while giving Democrats al free pass.

i voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and nobody in 2020
Democrats are either trying to kill kids, screw them, indoctrinate them, traffick them, groom them, and / or mutilate their genitals.

They don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, believe biological males can give birth, want guys with penises in girls' bathrooms / locker room / sports competing against them, and fill their administrations with women ' half of whom ate actually biological females - the others being cross-dressing luggage thieves andchild genital mutilation advocates posingcl as health experts.

Other nations are lioking at this insane shit, scratching their heads, laughing, and asking aloud 'WTF?!'
the Dems are no prize either. i give you that. i'll get to the Dems in other threads. i've always criticized the Dems

Americans are sick of woke culture. The Dems don't wanna face that. FACE IT, DEMS!
hold him accountable for his crimes?

The FBI admitted they knowingly, willingly participated in a failed coup attempt, that they conducted their own internal investigation prior to Mueller being named Special Counsel and discovered for themselves there was NOTHING to Hillary's Russian Collusion Scandal.

The FBI was exposed for violating both Constitution and Laws, for defrauding the FISA Court numerous times, violating the Patriot Act, and for illegally spying on US citizens.

The FBI has been exposed for violating Americans' 1st Smendment rights by censuring and silencing citizens while spreading disinformation and propaganda, for coordinating with Biden & teachers' unions to brand parents 'domestic terrorists, for targeting Conservatives , for attempting to target Catholics / Christians...

Trying to hold Trump accountable?

Again, they admitted to knowingly engaging in acts of treason, whistleblowers from within their own ranks are stepping forward to testify about the agency's / their bosses' / leaders' crimes.

Democrats hot their panties in a wad over Trump's mean tweets, his exposing them and the fake news media, and beating them on every desperate 'We've got him this time' failed attempt to 'Get Trump'. Each time they failed they becake more desperate, more psychotic, and more willing to do anythibg to 'Get Trump'.

Snowflakes became SO UNHINGED they LITERALLY ran out into the streets and screamed at the sky ... because Democrats told them to do so.


Yet they still deny this behavior is NOT normal and still deny they are indoctrinated sheep for answering their masters' call to do something this mentally unstable.
Good for you - my apologies -- replace the word 'you' with 'every Democrat and snowflake who voted for Biden'.
fair enough. as i said, in my opinion, both GOP and Dems are bad for America. we need a fresh start
"We are Republicans, and don't propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been rum, Romanism, and rebellion."

they should have said we are mentally ill republicans

GOP Vice President Thomas Riley Marshall once endorsed a lynching, as he quipped: "A little hanging goes a long way toward national peace"!
GOP Vice President Thomas Riley Marshall once endorsed a lynching, as he quipped: "A little hanging goes a long way toward national peace"!

...and putting an end to such open treason as we have witnessed. Doing nothing in response, especialy defending it, emboldens the traitors.and does nothing to discourage it ftom happening again.

We learned under 3 seperate FBI Directors over a period of decades the FBI violated the Constitution,violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Courts, and illegally spied on Americans approcimately a dozen (12) times.

Director Mueller was reportedly called before the FISA Court to explain why the FBI had perpetrated these crimes srveral times on his watch. Neither he nor any FBI agent was punished, the Patriot Act was never rescinded, and the crimes were repeated under Comey and now under Wray.

A result of no one being held accountable was more than a decade of repeated same crimes. A criminal stIll remains as Director of the FBI, no one has been held accountable, and - as whistleblowers continue to describe in sworn testimony - the FBI continues to partisanly abuse its power, the Patriot Act has still not been terminated despite continuous violations and Americans having been victimized.

Perhaps a few traitors should be hung.
...and putting an end to such open treason as we have witnessed. Doing nothing in response, especialy defending it, emboldens the traitors.and does nothing to discourage it ftom happening again.

We learned under 3 seperate FBI Directors over a period of decades the FBI violated the Constitution,violated the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Courts, and illegally spied on Americans approcimately a dozen (12) times.

Director Mueller was reportedly called before the FISA Court to explain why the FBI had perpetrated these crimes srveral times on his watch. Neither he nor any FBI agent was punished, the Patriot Act was never rescinded, and the crimes were repeated under Comey and now under Wray.

A result of no one being held accountable was more than a decade of repeated same crimes. A criminal stIll remains as Director of the FBI, no one has been held accountable, and - as whistleblowers continue to describe in sworn testimony - the FBI continues to partisanly abuse its power, the Patriot Act has still not been terminated despite continuous violations and Americans having been victimized.

Perhaps a few traitors should be hung.
would you like to name the "traitors" you think should be hung?

excerpt from 1964:

Nelson Rockefeller stared into a sea of hate.

Standing at the podium of the Republican National Convention of 1964, the 56-year-old patrician politician who symbolized dynastic American power and wealth was enveloped by waves of anger emanating from the party faithful. Delegates and activists assembled in the Cow Palace on the outskirts of San Francisco hurled boos and catcalls at the New York governor.

He was the enemy. His crime: representing the liberal Republican establishment that, to the horror of many in the audience, had committed two unpardonable sins. First, in the aftermath of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, these turncoat, weak-kneed Republicans had dared to acknowledge the need for big government programs to address the problems and challenges of an industrialized and urbanized United States. Second, they had accepted the reality that the Cold War of the new nuclear age demanded a nuanced national security policy predicated on a carefully measured combination of confrontation and negotiation

Worse, Rockefeller had tried to thwart the hero of the moment: Barry Goldwater, the archconservative senator from Arizona, the libertarian decrier of government, the tough-talking scolder of America’s moral rot, and the hawkish proponent of military might who had advocated the limited use of nuclear arms.

Rockefeller, a grandson of billionaire robber baron John D. Rockefeller, had competed for the presidential nomination against Goldwater, but his campaign had been subsumed by the right wing’s takeover of the party. Still, at this late stage, on July 14, the second night of Goldwater’s coronation, Rockefeller and other moderate Republican dead-enders were praying for a last-minute political miracle that would rescue their party from the conservative fringe — the kooks, as they were widely called. This evening they were taking one final stab at keeping those kooks at bay.

Clenching his square jaw, Rockefeller had hit the stage with an immediate task: to speak in favor of a proposed amendment to the Republican Party platform denouncing extremism, specifically that of the Communist Party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the ultraconservative, red-baiting John Birch Society. The platform committee, controlled by Goldwater loyalists, had rejected this resolution. Yet the moderates hadn’t given up. On the opening night of the convention, Gov. Mark Hatfield of Oregon had declared, “There are bigots in this nation who spew forth their venom of hate. They parade under hundreds of labels, including the Communist Party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the John Birch Society. They must be overcome.”

That was not the predominant sentiment within the Cow Palace. Hatfield was met with a barrage of hisses and boos. He later called the response “frightening” and reflected, “It spoke to me not merely of strong political disagreement, but of a spiteful kind of enmity waiting to be unleashed to destroy anyone seen as the enemy — domestic or foreign.”

The delegates were strident anticommunists — many feared evil reds were subverting the government and the nation’s most revered institutions — and for them, Goldwater was the leader of a do-or-die crusade against leftism. They would eagerly back a resolution reviling commies. And though the Grand Old Party — founded a century earlier by antislavery politicians — was now actively moving to court racist Southern voters opposed to desegregation and civil rights, they might disavow the Klan. But including the John Birch Society in this lineup of extremists to be deplored was a not-subtle-at-all dig at Goldwater and his fanatic followers. Everyone in the room knew what — and who — this resolution was aimed at.

Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a onetime candy manufacturer, the John Birch Society was the most prominent exponent of right-wing conspiratorial paranoia. It proselytized that the commies were everywhere, in secret control of the U.S. government and subverting many of America’s most cherished organizations: schools, churches, the media and PTAs. Though many Americans might have looked upon it as a fringe outfit — the kookiest of the kooks — the John Birch Society and its members were mightily assisting the Goldwater effort as volunteers and funders.

The Goldwater zealots in the Cow Palace — a project of FDR’s Works Progress Administration originally built as a livestock pavilion — were sure as hell not going to let Rocky and those establishment Republicans vilify and ostracize this crucial component of the Goldwater coalition.

It was late in the evening when Rockefeller hit the rostrum for his allotted five minutes. As he had walked toward the stage, people threw paper at him.

As soon as Rockefeller proposed adding the anti-Bircher amendment to the platform, the crowd shouted, “No! No!” A rumbling of boos resounded through the hall. Rockefeller pushed on: “It is essential that this convention repudiate here and now any doctrine —” Another cascade of jeers interrupted him. He smiled and waited for it to subside. At least he was now showing the world the true nature of this new Goldwater-bewitched GOP. In Goldwater’s command center, top campaign aides dispatched a message to their delegates: Knock it off.

A defiant Rockefeller continued, assailing “any doctrinaire militant minority, whether Communist, Ku Klux Klan, or Bircher.” The booing got louder. Rockefeller noted that Eisenhower, addressing the convention two hours earlier, had called on the GOP to reject radicalism of the left and right. He quoted himself — from a speech he had given a year before — warning that the Republican Party “is in real danger of subversion by a radical, well-financed, highly disciplined” minority that was “wholly alien to the sound and honest conservatism.” More boos. He was clearly referring to the Birchers, and he urged his fellow Republicans to heed “this extremist threat” and “its danger to the party.”

As veteran political correspondent Theodore White, who was present, later put it, Rockefeller “was the man who called them kooks, and now, like kooks, they responded to prove his point,” and the “kooks” were “hating and screaming and reveling in their own frenzy.” A call for reasonableness, a plea to spurn the paranoid, irrational, and conspiratorial tenets of the far right — this was not what Goldwater’s people wanted to hear. Some reporters feared Goldwater supporters were about to storm the stage and physically attack the governor.

Maintaining a wry and cocky smile, Rockefeller told the audience, “This is still a free country, ladies and gentlemen,” and he condemned the “infiltration and takeover of established political parties by Communist and Nazi methods.” He added, “Some of you don’t like to hear it ... but it’s the truth.” He declared, “The Republican Party must repudiate these people."

The Republican Party — those then in control of it — thought otherwise. On a voice vote, the nays overwhelmed. “God save the Union,” Sen. Tom Kuchel, a moderate Republican, remarked.
/——/ Cut and paste much??? YAWN
"I just realized that the subtitle is a bit of a misnomer, for the book, which chronicles how the GOP has encouraged and exploited right-wing extremism for at least seven decades, shows that the Republican Party has always been somewhat crazy—at least since World War II. That is, if you define “crazy” as the acceptance and promotion of irrationality, bigotry, paranoia, conspiracy theories, and other elements of fanaticism."

The world has seen group psychoses before. They don't end well, for anyone.

I don't really agree with the above quote, though. Seems to me that this particular iteration of the party began in the Gingrich/Limbaugh era. Newt led the party down the road towards combat, and Rush led the party into isolation and insulation from the rest of the country. Newt was the father of political warfare, Rush was the father of the alternate universe. That's a pretty destructive combination. What we're seeing now is the full manifestation of that template.
how dare i try to discuss politics on a political forum? indeed very deplorable of me!
/----/ You're not "discussing" anything. You're just reposting some points written by someone else. Anyone can do that. Try and come up with something original. I know it will be a challenge for you.
"I just realized that the subtitle is a bit of a misnomer, for the book, which chronicles how the GOP has encouraged and exploited right-wing extremism for at least seven decades, shows that the Republican Party has always been somewhat crazy—at least since World War II. That is, if you define “crazy” as the acceptance and promotion of irrationality, bigotry, paranoia, conspiracy theories, and other elements of fanaticism."

The world has seen group psychoses before. They don't end well, for anyone.

I don't really agree with the above quote, though. Seems to me that this particular iteration of the party began in the Gingrich/Limbaugh era. Newt led the party down the road towards combat, and Rush led the party into isolation and insulation from the rest of the country. Newt was the father of political warfare, Rush was the father of the alternate universe. That's a pretty destructive combination. What we're seeing now is the full manifestation of that template.
Progs have gotten near everything they wanted. And the nation is in decline with a percentage of people getting poorer. The Prog voters who will find surviving harder and harder for their stupidity will know what people in 2nd and 3rd world nations face at some point. Only stupid people live off their sovereign nation while pushing for a globalist world. The infrastructure alone destroyed or denied y Progs over the decades is an insurrection y itself.
Progs have gotten near everything they wanted. And the nation is in decline with a percentage of people getting poorer. The Prog voters who will find surviving harder and harder for their stupidity will know what people in 2nd and 3rd world nations face at some point. Only stupid people live off their sovereign nation while pushing for a globalist world. The infrastructure alone destroyed or denied y Progs over the decades is an insurrection y itself.
No, they haven't gotten everything they've wanted. Not even close.

This has been a team effort. I know you don't want to look in the mirror, but it would help.

“Maga American are a threat to the country”

USMB: “anyone who voted for or supports trump is a maga American!”

…who’s peddling fear and hate?

Donald Trump and the Republican Party are the ones who are lying to you and dividing the nation. Democrats are just pointing out the lies and deceptions and you're blaming the messenger.

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