American suicide rates overdoses reach alarming all time recordd


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
OPINION (Charisma) – According to a shocking new report from the Commonwealth Fund, the suicide rate in the United States is the highest that it has ever been. Sadly, the same thing can be said about the death rates from drug overdoses and alcohol. All three death rates are at an all-time record high, and yet our society is still fairly stable at the moment. So if we are seeing this many “deaths of despair” right now, what in the world are things going to look like when our society really begins to start crumbling? Today, Americans.....
American Suicide Rates, Overdoses Reach Alarming All-Time Record

Well then stop taking BIG PHARMA drugs for everything stop believing your gawd dadm Doctors are about you and not drug maker kick backs............. You might then realize your own reality is going to kill your dumbasses.. Your own reality is popping a pill for everything " Sad take a pill" piss your self take a pil, can sleep take a pill, to fat take a pill, to skinny take a pill, want to have a hard on for hours take a pill ( that's real normal to do), yep keep taking those FDA approved drugs bahahah

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