Americans once again prove we're dumbing down fast

Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Did a mob try to burn down the town afterwards?


Thanks for taking the time to 'wow' my post.

now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you expand on your Charlottesville comment?
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Did a mob try to burn down the town afterwards?


Thanks for taking the time to 'wow' my post.

now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you expand on your Charlottesville comment?
Got tired of clicking off the pop ups.

got anything short and succinct?
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.

It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

That tells me all I need to know.

Go away, adults are trying to talk.

Ignorant adults. You do remember conservative icon James Fields, right? It was his “very fine” buddies who viciously beat a black man.

You guys have a way of celebrating people who kill black folks. Zimmerman, Fields... I’m sure when you guys finally secede and print your own currency, the MSP cop will be on the script.
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Did a mob try to burn down the town afterwards?


Thanks for taking the time to 'wow' my post.

now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you expand on your Charlottesville comment?
Got tired of clicking off the pop ups.

got anything short and succinct?

Your attention span.
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.

It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

That tells me all I need to know.

Go away, adults are trying to talk.

Ignorant adults. You do remember conservative icon James Fields, right? It was his “very fine” buddies who viciously beat a black man.

You guys have a way of celebrating people who kill black folks. Zimmerman, Fields... I’m sure when you guys finally secede and print your own currency, the MSP cop will be on the script.

James fields?

Drove a car, hit a woman. Seem to remember she was white.

I also remember he's doing several life terms

His buddies beat a black man?

Dont' suppose you have a link to that, do you?

Zimmerman and Trayvon?

Did they burn down the city over that?

I seem to remember he went to trial.

How did that end up?
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Did a mob try to burn down the town afterwards?


Thanks for taking the time to 'wow' my post.

now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you expand on your Charlottesville comment?
Got tired of clicking off the pop ups.

got anything short and succinct?

Your attention span.


I bring up riots, you bring up vague mentions of a vehicular homicide, and what ever happened in Jasper tx.

I dont' remember Jasper being on the national news for a major riot.

growing any other crops out there in Left Field?
328 MILLION people in the USA, a bad cop murders someone and OMG, we can't have this, burn the fucking place down and take no prisoners. Does anyone find this behavior rational? What happens the next time, declare it a trend among 328 million people right?

Oh wait, Obama already has declared it a trend saying "this shouldn't be the normal", which is code for he wants you to believe it's normal, because the Demonicrats depend on snowflakes and victim roles for support.

So remember, one occasion in 5 million is normal, cuz you know, PROGS are smart, Obama went to Harvard and he's "intelligent".

Here's a cop abusing a white elderly male. This is the new normal, let's protest.

A bad cop didn't murder someone. Half a dozen bad cops have murdered half a dozen black unarmed black people, on the streets, on the roads, in their homes, and only two of them have been charged with crimes thus far this year.

When Breanna Taylor was gunned down in her own home while she slept, by plain clothes police officers with a "no knock" warrant, the police charged her boyfriend, who is a licensed firearm owner, with attempted murder of a police officer. Those charges have since been dropped on the evidence of her boyfriend's frantic 911 calling to say that armed intruders broke into his apartment and shot his girlfriend. The man whose name was on that warrant was already in police custody, and he hadn't lived in that apartment in over a year. Police lied on the warrant application and said the postmaster had confirmed the address, and the postmaster said they had received no such request from the Nashville police. No police officer has been charge with anything in this woman's murder.
328 MILLION people in the USA, a bad cop murders someone and OMG, we can't have this, burn the fucking place down and take no prisoners. Does anyone find this behavior rational? What happens the next time, declare it a trend among 328 million people right?

Oh wait, Obama already has declared it a trend saying "this shouldn't be the normal", which is code for he wants you to believe it's normal, because the Demonicrats depend on snowflakes and victim roles for support.

So remember, one occasion in 5 million is normal, cuz you know, PROGS are smart, Obama went to Harvard and he's "intelligent".

Here's a cop abusing a white elderly male. This is the new normal, let's protest.

Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
The usual, average, or typical state or condition.

One in 328 million is normal now? How about three incidences over a six year span when cops probably confront people say 500-800Kish times a day, that normal too?

Obama calls it normal. He says it shouldn't be, cuz you know, he's a caring individual who mother fucking lies for sake of chaos, confusion and votes. The core of Demonicrats has become the party of victim-engineering aimed at those most vulnerable.
The Republicans are the ones doing the fear mongering. Quote from Trump "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" sounds like a man very scared about what is happening, and is resorting to baseless violence. Remember, there are only two basic human emotions -- fear and love. Love leads to peace, fear leads to the dark side (war)!
How dare Trump tell the truth or remind rioters of how the Koreans dealt with looters in Los Angeles.
I decided to create my own pan de mic.
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
KKK members or Southern White Democrats, who beat a black man to death. Why is it you liberals love to kill people?
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
1/2 white president, who threw his white grandmother under the bus. But hey, he was a true African(Kenyan) American(Socialist mother) who almost fundamentally transformed this country into a 3rd world nation. Do you think that the United States would be rioting against the liberal police force of Minnesota or the whole fucking country, like in Venezuela? Stupid ***** like you deserver to be murdered by the criminals let loose by the Demoncrap Governors..

deserver? LOL...

Obama hasn't been in office for over 1,000 days. Tying the riots in MSP to his administration is only something a hopeless moron would try.

Glad to see you think we're a 3rd world nation and your blob has failed (in your eyes). But there was never any doubt.

PS: Fuck off.
Like you never made a typo in your stupid fucking life. Yeah, he hasnt been in office for over 1,000 days, but all during the brown turds admin, all the shitforbrains did was complain it was Bush's fault even after the 2nd term of 1000 days. Oh yeah, those riots in Ferguson, Balitmore and Washington DC, were all under the turds watch, and nothing was done but to fan the flames of you anarchists. Keep it up tard, you days are numbered....
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
The usual, average, or typical state or condition.

One in 328 million is normal now? How about three incidences over a six year span when cops probably confront people say 500-800Kish times a day, that normal too?

Obama calls it normal. He says it shouldn't be, cuz you know, he's a caring individual who mother fucking lies for sake of chaos, confusion and votes. The core of Demonicrats has become the party of victim-engineering aimed at those most vulnerable.
The Republicans are the ones doing the fear mongering. Quote from Trump "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" sounds like a man very scared about what is happening, and is resorting to baseless violence. Remember, there are only two basic human emotions -- fear and love. Love leads to peace, fear leads to the dark side (war)!
Just like in New Orleans after the Cat 3 hurricane katrina happened, the blacks decided that they were going to get free stuff, and people on top of their roofs had shotguns at hand ready to shoot anyone attempting to take what wasnt theirs. That, you fucking moron, was what president Trump was referring too, but idiots like you just parrot what the lame stream media tells you to....
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.
And who were the white mobs, democrats....Notice how the bitch left that part out...
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.

It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

That tells me all I need to know.

Go away, adults are trying to talk.

Ignorant adults. You do remember conservative icon James Fields, right? It was his “very fine” buddies who viciously beat a black man.

You guys have a way of celebrating people who kill black folks. Zimmerman, Fields... I’m sure when you guys finally secede and print your own currency, the MSP cop will be on the script.
Zimmerman was a Latino Democrat....Trayvon Martin thought he was beating to death a gay guy. Do you like black people who hurt gays? I knew you bitches hated gays all along.
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.

It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

That tells me all I need to know.

Go away, adults are trying to talk.

Ignorant adults. You do remember conservative icon James Fields, right? It was his “very fine” buddies who viciously beat a black man.

You guys have a way of celebrating people who kill black folks. Zimmerman, Fields... I’m sure when you guys finally secede and print your own currency, the MSP cop will be on the script.
Zimmerman was a Latino Democrat....Trayvon Martin thought he was beating to death a gay guy. Do you like black people who hurt gays? I knew you bitches hated gays all along.

Remember the part Zimmerman was a white dude, for affect? His mother is from Peru, father German and his great grandfather was black. But fucking-A white sounds much more cool.
Wow, having a black president really warped your train of thought.

328 Million people. About 5,000 are demonstrating and about 1,000 are/were actively looting out of 328,000,000. The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.
The only person thinking this is indicative of America at large is you who clearly represents the dumbest of the nation.

Ferguson, Baltimore, now Minnesota.

It seems to be coming the norm.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death. Or does that not count? #BLM.
You forgot Charlottesville where a bunch of white guys beat a black man to death.

Don't remember it.

Amazing how some forget white mobs murdering a black guy. It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

You do remember Jasper, Texas right? I’m guessing not.

It was some of your blob’s very fine people.

That tells me all I need to know.

Go away, adults are trying to talk.

Ignorant adults. You do remember conservative icon James Fields, right? It was his “very fine” buddies who viciously beat a black man.

You guys have a way of celebrating people who kill black folks. Zimmerman, Fields... I’m sure when you guys finally secede and print your own currency, the MSP cop will be on the script.
Zimmerman was a Latino Democrat....Trayvon Martin thought he was beating to death a gay guy. Do you like black people who hurt gays? I knew you bitches hated gays all along.

Remember the part Zimmerman was a white dude, for affect? His mother is from Peru, father German and his great grandfather was black. But fucking-A white sounds much more cool.
George should still go after the Lame Stream Media for editing his conversation with the 9-11 operator, that right there should get him about $250,000,000 for defamation of Character. Break those Commie pricks who are the LSM...

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