Diamond Member
- Nov 8, 2011
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Nope, I am not going to pollute my Sunday afternoon with your pointless hostility. If you cannot deliver your opinion in a reasonable tone it is not a reasonable opinion to begin with.I didn't read past the first sentence jackass.really? you are totally ignorant of American history gooberSo what if you let in a bunch of radicals,mex and islam's, and made them law enforcement? Maybe they'll fire at American's now?
remember kent state ?
Demonizing an adversary is the mindset used to create
hatred of the ‘other’ side to make it easier to fire
upon them.
The universal soldiers mind is molded to kill or be
killed by whom ever their superiors dictate is an
enemy of the state and a threat to the country.
There is little guilt or remorse on the soldiers part
as he is just following orders for ‘Gawd and Country’.
Don't disparage our soldiers. That being said, the important thing to look at is the zero support the Bundy bunch got when they occupied that national wildlife refuge. They actually thought that a groundswell of patriots would show up and end the siege in their favor. Didn't happen, these people love to talk but in the end they have too much to lose. Revolutions are fought by people who have nothing left to lose.
STFU, you disgusting little puke....your beloved "soldier" doesn't defend freedom nor does it "spread "democracy"....whatever the fuck that is because we were formed as a republic. A democracy is nothing but two wolves and a sheep deciding on what is for dinner. It is stupid pieces of shit like you that make me not care about educating the masses as to what is REALLY happening and what is coming towards us. You are the kind of dumb fuck that makes me want to stock up on popcorn and watch stupid little "my gubermint loves and protects me" idiots run around like a head-less chicken....there is a part of me that really wants to see that.
As far as the Bundys and those at the wildlife refuge goes?? They were standing up for a family that is but one of thousands o that have been under attack by the BLM, a private corporate entity that has been bullying people off their lands using tactics that would make the mafia proud....and stupid, disgusting little sycophants like you applaud it because they are "da gubermint" and you revere them as if they were some kind of god. This corporate entity that tries to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body doesn't mean shit to me and I give them the double middle finger salute on a daily basis. I know gutless pussies like you believe that only "da gubermint" should have guns but that's not gonna happen without a fight that will have stupid little fucks like you caught in the cross fire. I hope that you and your whole sloped-skulled family get caught up in it....the gene pool is in need of some serious culling.
Too many multi-syllable words with correct punctuation was too much for you to handle?
Learn what a comma is, ya dumb fuck.