America's lying press war against Trump.

Work for yourself and save for your own retirement, and you will fair better than your parents. Rely on the government or anyone else to provide for you and you deserve the scraps they brush off the table in your direction. Selling people on the idea they should become dependent on anyone else is just selling them short in whatever market you are trying to peddle that bullshit.

Everyone is dependent on someone else. If you own a business, you are dependent on your employees to show up and do their jobs, because if they don't, you have nothing. You're dependent on staff to provide good service to your customers so they'll keep coming back. You're dependent on your customers having jobs and being able to afford your products. You're dependent on the police, the fire department, and your government to provide stability and infrastructure.

Unless you live off the grid, growing your own food, and foraging, sewing your own clothes, from cloth you're woven, using tools you created yourself, you're dependent on others.
That sucks!Almost any presstutute lies, condemns, curses Trump.Reason.No reason. Better destruction of America and War against Russia as a guy like Trump as potus. Never trust presstitute mainstream 'medias'.

Pointing out what Trump actually says is lying?

Shit, if anything, I BLAME the media for Trump. INstead of calling him on his misogyny, his racism, his lack of facts or intelligence, they just let him get on the air day after day rambling because he was good for their ratings.

Who wants to listen to Marco Rubio talk about Immigration Reform when you can have Donald Trump call Mexicans rapists and promise to build a wall?

Donald Trump cheapened this process to the level of Reality TV, and we are all paying for it.
You do know Trump was one of the first to have a female ceo? Also show me how Trump is racist.
60 years ago us liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. But class warfare never ends and the rich & corporations never stopped fighting to undo what we did.

Their plan? Bankrupt/take over the monetary system. 1913 federal reserve act. Nixon going away from our money being backed by gold, bush 1 inventing NAFTA, corporations breaking the social contract and unions and pensions all gone.

Meanwhile the rich are doing great.

Americans today won't get pensions so don't be surprised they aren't doing as well as their parents did.

I'm going to benefit from a pension. My mom & dad have $700,000 saved because they worked for Ford in the 80's and 90's.

Work for yourself and save for your own retirement, and you will fair better than your parents. Rely on the government or anyone else to provide for you and you deserve the scraps they brush off the table in your direction. Selling people on the idea they should become dependent on anyone else i justs just selling them short in whatever market you are trying to peddle that bullshit.
Pensions are given in exchange for not paying employees more. If you don't like pensions then pay us more.

And is this your advice to the uneducated blue collar unemployed Trumps trying to attract?
How many general elections have you been through? Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

When you are counting on what you say more than the 60 years of failing Progressive Liberal policies, that's easy enough to understand. Gives a new meaning to "shovel ready jobs", because it's a bunch of bullshit either way.
60 years ago us liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. But class warfare never ends and the rich & corporations never stopped fighting to undo what we did.

Their plan? Bankrupt/take over the monetary system. 1913 federal reserve act. Nixon going away from our money being backed by gold, bush 1 inventing NAFTA, corporations breaking the social contract and unions and pensions all gone.

Meanwhile the rich are doing great.

Americans today won't get pensions so don't be surprised they aren't doing as well as their parents did.

I'm going to benefit from a pension. My mom & dad have $700,000 saved because they worked for Ford in the 80's and 90's.
And Hillary wants to raise taxes on what's left of the middle class, after Obama destroyed it.
That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.

No, what we have is a list of bullshit accusations that turn up nothing after millions of dollars spent looking into it.

"Well, I can't bring a charge that won't be laughed out of court, but I'll imply she did something really nefarious by deleting e-mails that were four years old."
How many general elections have you been through?

Sixteen, including this one.

Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.
Yes we know the rights spin. The independent and undecideds aren't buying it. Sorry. But keep saying it

I see you don't deny the circumstances. Comey clearly condemned her. To say otherwise is a lie, to believe otherwise is madness.

Trump has been sued by the government for discrimination and lost... Trump cheated on his ex-wives and sired a illegitimate child with one mistress that became his ex-wife. Then you have Trump connection to the Mafia...

So as you point out Clinton disgusting past, well when will you admit to Trumps?

Social Conservatives love to point their crooked little fingers at other criminals while ignoring their own worthless candidate criminal past and Trump companies have been convicted discrimination before you ask what crime have they done!

I will take Trump's moral past, which killed no one, over Clinton's criminal past any day of the week.
How many general elections have you been through?

Sixteen, including this one.

Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.

So you're citing Comey.....but ignoring Comey.

Do you often cite and ignore the same source on the same topic?

How am I ignoring Comey?

He indicated that Hillary committed no crime with her emails. And that she wasn't being protected by....anyone.

Yet you say the exact opposite. Who am I to, or Comey?

That sucks!Almost any presstutute lies, condemns, curses Trump.Reason.No reason. Better destruction of America and War against Russia as a guy like Trump as potus. Never trust presstitute mainstream 'medias'.

I see this is the current whining excuse.
That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.

What's new is you have a presidential candidate who has been slandered by the Republican Party for 25 years, and who has been cleared by countless Congressional Investigations, investigations by Special Counsel, and investigations by the FBI - all of them based on Republican rumours, and all of these investigations have cleared Mrs. Clinton of any wrong-doing. Not a single charge has ever been filed against, and no law suits.

As I said, protected.

If she was so slandered, why did she not sue? The allegations certainly had an effect on her career standing. It would seem a clear case.

You spell "rumour" in the Brit fashion. Not an American?
That sucks!Almost any presstutute lies, condemns, curses Trump.Reason.No reason. Better destruction of America and War against Russia as a guy like Trump as potus. Never trust presstitute mainstream 'medias'.

How many general elections have you been through? Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

I'm thinking being presidential went out with BJ Bill and his side kick sexual harassment enabler Hillary.. years ago..
Was Bill Clinton ever re-elected after that? And RWrs are today trying to hold that against Hillary as your post shows.
I will take Trump's moral past, which killed no one, over Clinton's criminal past any day of the week.

Yes, you guys on the "Christian Right" have been pretty quick to drop your moral values...

Just remember, it's wrong when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, but not Trumpenfuhrer...

I am not a part of the "Christian Right" in any way.
CNN's Cuomo comes right out and admits it: 'We couldn't help Hillary any more than we have'

Witness CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the man who called Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort a liar and debated Rudy Giuliani for 32 break-less minutes on the ridiculous liberal interpretation of Trump’s Second Amendment statement, wax eloquent during a 2014 segment during which he and another host were discussing Clinton’s potential entry into the race.

“It’s a problem because she’s doing what they call in politics “freezing pockets,” because the donors are giving her money thinking she’s going to run, that means they’re not going to have available money for other candidates if she doesn’t.” Cuomo said. “And I don’t think she’s going to give it to them. We couldn’t help her any more than we have, she’s got just a free ride so far from the media, we’re the biggest ones promoting her campaign, so it had better happen.”
Because showing Drumpf and his own words DOES help Hillary. Duh.
How many general elections have you been through?

Sixteen, including this one.

Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.
"condemned as criminal by the FBI"? Where's that indictment then?
How many general elections have you been through?

Sixteen, including this one.

Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.
Yes we know the rights spin. The independent and undecideds aren't buying it. Sorry. But keep saying it

I see you don't deny the circumstances. Comey clearly condemned her. To say otherwise is a lie, to believe otherwise is madness.
Where's that indictment?
That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.

What's new is you have a presidential candidate who has been slandered by the Republican Party for 25 years, and who has been cleared by countless Congressional Investigations, investigations by Special Counsel, and investigations by the FBI - all of them based on Republican rumours, and all of these investigations have cleared Mrs. Clinton of any wrong-doing. Not a single charge has ever been filed against, and no law suits.

As I said, protected.

If she was so slandered, why did she not sue? The allegations certainly had an effect on her career standing. It would seem a clear case.

You spell "rumour" in the Brit fashion. Not an American?
You say "protected"....not the
How many general elections have you been through? Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

When you are counting on what you say more than the 60 years of failing Progressive Liberal policies, that's easy enough to understand. Gives a new meaning to "shovel ready jobs", because it's a bunch of bullshit either way.
60 years ago us liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. But class warfare never ends and the rich & corporations never stopped fighting to undo what we did.

Their plan? Bankrupt/take over the monetary system. 1913 federal reserve act. Nixon going away from our money being backed by gold, bush 1 inventing NAFTA, corporations breaking the social contract and unions and pensions all gone.

Meanwhile the rich are doing great.

Americans today won't get pensions so don't be surprised they aren't doing as well as their parents did.

I'm going to benefit from a pension. My mom & dad have $700,000 saved because they worked for Ford in the 80's and 90's.
And Hillary wants to raise taxes on what's left of the middle class, after Obama destroyed it.
Show where she has stated that.
How many general elections have you been through?

Sixteen, including this one.

Every candidate is very careful what they say. One stupid comment can sink them.

Trump has said 20 stupid things that make him unpresidential

That presidential candidates say stupid things is not new.

What's new is we now have a presidential candidate buried under a history of criminal circumstances and condemned as criminal by the FBI, among others, but protected by a president and Justice Department of her own political party.
Yes we know the rights spin. The independent and undecideds aren't buying it. Sorry. But keep saying it

I see you don't deny the circumstances. Comey clearly condemned her. To say otherwise is a lie, to believe otherwise is madness.

Trump has been sued by the government for discrimination and lost... Trump cheated on his ex-wives and sired a illegitimate child with one mistress that became his ex-wife. Then you have Trump connection to the Mafia...

So as you point out Clinton disgusting past, well when will you admit to Trumps?

Social Conservatives love to point their crooked little fingers at other criminals while ignoring their own worthless candidate criminal past and Trump companies have been convicted discrimination before you ask what crime have they done!

I will take Trump's moral past, which killed no one, over Clinton's criminal past any day of the week.
Where's those indictments again?

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