America's real plague-higher education.

What change? I've always worked in various educational contexts. I've done some form of remote learning (in addition to traditional learning) for almost 20 years. You're lashing out blindly here.

The dishonest and unfounded attacks without provocation came from you. I am merely educating you to demonstrate that your bigotry is unfounded.

You seek to defame many people who worked hard to gain educations, and as already demonstrated, rose to the highest positions in society, because for profit (as if there is any other kind) education threatens the established bureaucracy.

You seek to defame many people who worked hard to gain educations, and as already demonstrated, rose to the highest positions in society, because for profit (as if there is any other kind) education threatens the established bureaucracy.

Where did your straw man go to school?
You really need to ask more questions and make fewer ridiculous assumptions. You're making yourself look like a buffoon at this point.

Why would I view the body of your posts in this thread any differently than I view the OP?

You post based on bigotry and ignorance.
For the first time in US history high school graduates and dropouts may have IQ’s that surpass those of college graduates. The theft of a major election in broad daylight has provided solid evidence that American education has done so much damage to the frontal cortexes of college students that the life expectancy of the world’s largest and freest democracy is declining. American colleges, once the realm of the best and brightest, have now become brain-damaging liberal arts indoctrination centers where four extra years of high school masquerade as higher education.

In the 1950’s only those with the greatest intelligence went to college, but as colleges proliferated in America it was quickly discovered that limiting college students to the best and brightest severely cut back on the financial base of educational institutions. This took place in tandem with federally guaranteed college lending that came about in the wake of the Sputnik scare in 1957 and colleges had to find some way to cash in on the bonanza. So, beginning in the 1960’s the Great Society got underway.

A myth was created and foisted on the American people that if seats in college classrooms were filled with minorities and females that had previously not been widely represented, people would become smarter and the world would improve due to Brainwashed wokeness proselytized into minds that were never college material to begin with. The resulting chaotic and disjointed state of affairs in the US and the emergence of a massive and mind-sapping welfare state are solid evidence that that experiment has failed miserably.

Then, in the 1980’s a great dumbing down took place at mostly liberal arts colleges to capitalize on growing factions of society that were convinced that a college credential made them more intelligent and likely to find success in the working world which has not panned out. Some smaller liberal arts colleges rolled back curriculums so that eighth-grade English was the norm in college classrooms.

The entire apparatus of higher education in America has become such a scam that any useful purpose in improving society has been lost. Instead, we find ourselves living in a bizarre world where police are defunded, white Americans are attacked as Holocaust bait, females are more miserable than ever, and opioid addictions are destroying young males from all racial and ethnic groups.

Grandparents must now raise grandchildren while higher education is booming. This is the real plague in America.
dunno. The West is producing workers with degrees in Gay and Lesbian Haiku, while China is producing serious degrees in science, IT and the like. Soon their students will stop coming to Silicon Valley, and then we're sunk.
For the first time in US history high school graduates and dropouts may have IQ’s that surpass those of college graduates. The theft of a major election in broad daylight has provided solid evidence that American education has done so much damage to the frontal cortexes of college students that the life expectancy of the world’s largest and freest democracy is declining. American colleges, once the realm of the best and brightest, have now become brain-damaging liberal arts indoctrination centers where four extra years of high school masquerade as higher education.

In the 1950’s only those with the greatest intelligence went to college, but as colleges proliferated in America it was quickly discovered that limiting college students to the best and brightest severely cut back on the financial base of educational institutions. This took place in tandem with federally guaranteed college lending that came about in the wake of the Sputnik scare in 1957 and colleges had to find some way to cash in on the bonanza. So, beginning in the 1960’s the Great Society got underway.

A myth was created and foisted on the American people that if seats in college classrooms were filled with minorities and females that had previously not been widely represented, people would become smarter and the world would improve due to Brainwashed wokeness proselytized into minds that were never college material to begin with. The resulting chaotic and disjointed state of affairs in the US and the emergence of a massive and mind-sapping welfare state are solid evidence that that experiment has failed miserably.

Then, in the 1980’s a great dumbing down took place at mostly liberal arts colleges to capitalize on growing factions of society that were convinced that a college credential made them more intelligent and likely to find success in the working world which has not panned out. Some smaller liberal arts colleges rolled back curriculums so that eighth-grade English was the norm in college classrooms.

The entire apparatus of higher education in America has become such a scam that any useful purpose in improving society has been lost. Instead, we find ourselves living in a bizarre world where police are defunded, white Americans are attacked as Holocaust bait, females are more miserable than ever, and opioid addictions are destroying young males from all racial and ethnic groups.

Grandparents must now raise grandchildren while higher education is booming. This is the real plague in America.
link? OP are supposed to have links unless they are opinions.
What I hate about IT is you went to college, got a master maybe, go certified in Sysco or Linux or FORTRAN or cobalt or Novell. Next thing you know something new comes out and you got to learn it.

How many different new things have you learn throughout your career? I could never do what you do.


But the technical certificates don't teach the skills of how computers interact with systems. COBOL is a long dead language. Even when I went to Cal Poly for my bachelors the world had move on to C and other such languages. The point though is that a CNA will certify a technician, not a systems administrator or manager.

You can't design a system to manage inventory if you don't grasp the concepts of product flow, increments and decrements of locations, dimensional inventory where product changes nature. Masking a subnet does nothing to prepare one for this. And yes, I can mask (IP v.4) subnets by hand using binary masking if needed.

Big picture does require higher education. I make no secret that manufacturing, production is my focus. I use technology to empower production. Multitier product flow across diverse locations with gazintas altering the form fit and function of elements requires meticulous design. It is not the job of technicians.

I obtained an Sc.D. because I needed the skills to pursue my goals.
My first professional job out of college I sold New Horizons Computer Learning Center training B2B. Back then in the 90's it was Novell and Microsoft then Cisco came after.

A guy with no college degree could do a 6 month MCSE or CNA Microsoft or Novell certification and easily find a $80,000 a year job. Later the market got flooded with MCSE's and the pay started to go down. It was great selling computer training back then everyone needed it. We even sold Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Windows level 1, 2 and 3 classes. It was a great job because the owner paid us 15% commission. I sold $600,000 a year so I made $90K. Some guys who sold training to the Big 3 sold $3 million dollars a year in training. We didn't realize it wouldn't last forever. Today New Horizons is struggling.

And in the 90's in Metro Detroit the Big 3 still ruled so there were so many tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers to the Big three that also took our classes. Now that a lot of that manufacturing is gone, so are the suppliers. I live near where the Lincoln ford plant used to be. I remember when it left I thought that the area would turn into a shit hole but luckily so far we're still strong. Michigan took a hit during the Great Recession but we're doing much better now.
Oh so suddenly you are against for profit companies delivering a good education? What are you a socialist?

University of Phoenix was a great program for a lot of working adults. And the school was accredited just like the school you got your degree from. If you didn't go to Harvard or Michigan, you just got a generic degree from some random university that no one has ever heard about, then you are no better off than someone with a Phoenix degree. Check the box. You have a degree. And of course I'm talking about a basic business degree.

Do you know who else Phoenix was great for? Teachers trying to get their masters. Lots of teachers got their masters from UofPhoenix. Maybe that's why you guys suck?
Right wingers hate education because educated people do not vote for them.
Splendid observation, care to expand?
Educated people are harder to manipulate with lies and deception. If you look at the people who voted for trump they are generally shitkickers. In the UK we saw it in the brexit scandal. The big university cities all voted to remain. Oxford,Cambridge and the rest of them all solid remain..Low education shitholes voted brexit.

Tommy you must feel better now that you've admitted to the facts. Wales voted for Brexit. As you said in your post: "Low education shitholes voted brexit.".

By your own admission, although always clear to others, you've finally made the realization - Wales is a low education shithole.

Oh so suddenly you are against for profit companies delivering a good education? ...

At least buy your straw man dinner before you take him to bed.
The gold mine of higher education is in trouble as competition for students with lower IQ's than in the past heats up. But the real evil in higher education is that those in control of it are using the new dumber multitudes coming through the gates as a captive audience for all sorts of idiosyncratic plans to create a slave society of morons in total subservience to the state.

If a fraud election and the ridiculous claim that 80 million people voted for Joe Biden doesn't wake the people up, nothing will. The media, the political infrastructure, and the state are all the products of modern higher education.

When organized education becomes tantamount to a head injury the country of origin is in freefall from which it will not recover.

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