Amongst Budget&Israel Border Crisis,Tornado Destruction,Obama Parties In Europe?

Imagine the horror! An American President representing American interests around the world. How very dare he! I am filled with faux outrage. Really. I am.

No. Really.


I am.

He doesn't represent American interests.

Does not matter. Traveling to foreign nations is part and parcel of the job. I don’t care where he is when he signs an order, as long as it is signed. If he were going on another apologetic tour there would be something there but, as far as I know, this is not one of those. The complaints here are the ones that we hear no matter what OB does and those are the type that drown out real problems and make us look like children.
and who wasn't crushed when Mitch Daniels bowed out? I was praying for either combination of a Romney/Daniels ticket ! so what next? Romney/Pawlenty or Bachmann?
When things get tough he needs to leave and get an ego boost.
Sirs, do you notice anothed state asking for Federal hand outs?
Oh, and as I drove by bars in St Louis last night I noticed ppl were in them drinking and partying!

Ug. The relief workers are probably happier they do not have to deal with Presidential motorcades and security.

There are real issues out there open for debate. Republicans need to read and try harder or else the next election is lost.
I really can't believe some people. You're ready to bash Obama, who is briefed multiple times a day on world events from Libya to Joplin, for 'partying' in Europe? He's the PRESIDENT. You guys are making it seem like he's ignoring everything. To put things in perspective, Bush set the record for most days on vacation either on his ranch in Texas or abroad out of all other presidents. It's easy to bash him, but you don't need to be in the White House or on the ground in wherever to do your job effectively.

I can see you are new here.. Three things.

Ya reap what ya sow


Cry us a river whydonchya?
When things get tough he needs to leave and get an ego boost.

Don't worry there, Mikey, old boy, our President will be back in time to win the 2012 election, and you will have another four years for mindless bitching.:lol:
Iv'e been around since Kennedy (ok,,,guess I gave away my age) and have NEVER SEEN A PRESIDENT TAKE SO MANY TRIPS TO EUROPE & NORTH AFRICA !!! Obama has a pattern of running away from all our problems, he can't deal with them,,,always uses the excuse,,,WELL,,LETS SEE HOW IT ALL PLAYS OUT,,,,and in the meantime,,Leave Me Alone While I Enjoy My Three Week Vacacation On Marthas Vinyard!!!

You're such a moron.

No more needs to be said. :eusa_hand:

Great counter!
I really can't believe some people. You're ready to bash Obama, who is briefed multiple times a day on world events from Libya to Joplin, for 'partying' in Europe? He's the PRESIDENT. You guys are making it seem like he's ignoring everything. To put things in perspective, Bush set the record for most days on vacation either on his ranch in Texas or abroad out of all other presidents. It's easy to bash him, but you don't need to be in the White House or on the ground in wherever to do your job effectively.

I can see you are new here.. Three things.

Ya reap what ya sow


Cry us a river whydonchya?


Yep, we sowed votes for a competant President, and we have the basis for a Health Care System in this nation now. We also got a President that was 'concerned' about Bin Laden, and that fellow is now history. And, after a real cliffhanger brush with the Second Great Republican Depression, we are now growing our economy again.

Boooosh! Oh yah, wasn't he the fellow that had the shitty touch?

Cry you a river? Why? Major disasters being compentantly handled at every level of government. Bin Laden dead. An improving economy. The beginnings of a switch to alternative energies, enough so that it is bringing in thousands of jobs in the area that I live in. Hmmm..... Then again, considering the present field of GOP candidates, perhaps you would like to cry a river.:lol:
Iv'e been around since Kennedy (ok,,,guess I gave away my age) and have NEVER SEEN A PRESIDENT TAKE SO MANY TRIPS TO EUROPE & NORTH AFRICA !!! Obama has a pattern of running away from all our problems, he can't deal with them,,,always uses the excuse,,,WELL,,LETS SEE HOW IT ALL PLAYS OUT,,,,and in the meantime,,Leave Me Alone While I Enjoy My Three Week Vacacation On Marthas Vinyard!!!

You're such a moron.

No more needs to be said. :eusa_hand:

Great counter!

Absolutely. Accurate and to the point.
I really can't believe some people. You're ready to bash Obama, who is briefed multiple times a day on world events from Libya to Joplin, for 'partying' in Europe? He's the PRESIDENT. You guys are making it seem like he's ignoring everything. To put things in perspective, Bush set the record for most days on vacation either on his ranch in Texas or abroad out of all other presidents. It's easy to bash him, but you don't need to be in the White House or on the ground in wherever to do your job effectively.

I can see you are new here.. Three things.

Ya reap what ya sow


Cry us a river whydonchya?


Yep, we sowed votes for a competant President, and we have the basis for a Health Care System in this nation now. We also got a President that was 'concerned' about Bin Laden, and that fellow is now history. And, after a real cliffhanger brush with the Second Great Republican Depression, we are now growing our economy again.

Boooosh! Oh yah, wasn't he the fellow that had the shitty touch?

Cry you a river? Why? Major disasters being compentantly handled at every level of government. Bin Laden dead. An improving economy. The beginnings of a switch to alternative energies, enough so that it is bringing in thousands of jobs in the area that I live in. Hmmm..... Then again, considering the present field of GOP candidates, perhaps you would like to cry a river.:lol:


bin laden is dead, President Bush's policies are still in play, and the economy is not improving. why do you lie so much?
and that "counter excuse" of,,,well Bush went to his ranch in Texas a little too often is just another "Obama, My Dog Ate The Homework Excuse",,,,I don't recall George Bush running away to Egypt or France every time he was backed into a corner and/or didn't wanna deal with a crisis!!! I wonder how much Obama has spent fueling up air-force 1 and hospitality costs for all those overseas trips !!! you could of created a few thousand jobs with all those millions!
I will say the terrible events of Joplin are on a smaller scale than the terrible events of Katrina. Worth the national news it is getting, but smaller than Katrina. Even a big storm like Joplin hits a neighborhood, drives a 3/4, maybe a mile wide path through a town for a few miles. Hundreds or thousands may be left homeless.

Hurricanes are wider, slower, have more rain. Ocean surges like waves. Different storm.

New Orleans is low low low. A long term flooding issue. A whole stadium full of folks.

Heck, tonight on the news, and being in Missouri we get ALOT of Joplin news, I heard Task Force 1 search and rescue was packing up and leaving Joplin.

A catastrophe, but on a different scale than Katrina.
>>>still waiting for Bambi to offer some kind of financial assistance to all those states that were hammered by tornadoes this week !!,,,,Oh wait,,,Obama is broke,,,,guess the west/southeast/ohio/indiana will have to fend for themselves. and to think some of these states voted for Obama,,now they have been hit by tornado's and no money to pay for the re-construction.
and just to add to that,,,i mentioned this in a previous post,,,,,if one of those states on the west coast gets nailed with a 7.0,,,,,what will Obama do? NOTHING! Obama has made us bankrupt, no more money for FEMA !!! unless we borrow it!
Imagine the horror! An American President representing American interests around the world. How very dare he! I am filled with faux outrage. Really. I am.

No. Really.


I am.

He doesn't represent American interests.

That's the job he's employed to do. Personally, I'm glad he went to Ireland - it'll boost their economy and they really need the boost - of course, I don't know what it achieved from an American perspective.

I'm glad he went to the UK - the Brits needed to be assured that America values their friendship and this Administration appears to have gone out of its way to insult the British since the O took office.
I will say the terrible events of Joplin are on a smaller scale than the terrible events of Katrina. Worth the national news it is getting, but smaller than Katrina. Even a big storm like Joplin hits a neighborhood, drives a 3/4, maybe a mile wide path through a town for a few miles. Hundreds or thousands may be left homeless.

Hurricanes are wider, slower, have more rain. Ocean surges like waves. Different storm.

New Orleans is low low low. A long term flooding issue. A whole stadium full of folks.

Heck, tonight on the news, and being in Missouri we get ALOT of Joplin news, I heard Task Force 1 search and rescue was packing up and leaving Joplin.

A catastrophe, but on a different scale than Katrina.

It doesn't matter how big or small the catastrophe is if people die. Katrina was huge and i'll admit the govt made alot of mistakes. And they're still making them...i would think they would have learned from Katrina. If these tornado disasters aren't as big as Katrina, then what's their problem? What are they doing to help these people?

If the search and rescue teams are leaving Joplin, it's not that they don't still need the help, it's because our govt doesn't want to spend any more money on the people when they need it for their own special interests.

At least with Katrina...Bush showed his concern for the people. He had compassion...
With these tornado disasters, obama could care less and nothing anyone says would make me think otherwise. He has no compassion for anyone other than himself.

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