Amy Comey Barrett Federal Judgeship Confirmation Hearing

Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

“First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate.”

Conservative dogma is comprehensively out of step with today’s climate.

Indeed, conservatives relish being out of step, contrary, reactionary, and at odds with the majority of the American people – they’ll do anything to maintain their minority rule.

They didn't use to.

Today....they are trying to (and succeeding) be as disgusting as possible.
I hear the Confirmation hearing is on hold because one of the Republicans has COVID
McConnell will find a way to force a vote before the end of the year.

It will be McConnell the consummate rightwing partisan hack – confirming a justice to the Supreme Court appointed by a president just voted out of office.

If it is a Lame Duck President and Senate that just lost by a wide margin......Let McConnell defend his “Let the voters decide” from 2016
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
Be interesting to see Mitch bring contagious Senators onto the Senate floor
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
Be interesting to see Mitch bring contagious Senators onto the Senate floor

You think he gives a shit? He'd french kiss Typhoid Mary if it meant getting a blob-nominee on the court.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

“First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate.”

Conservative dogma is comprehensively out of step with today’s climate.

Indeed, conservatives relish being out of step, contrary, reactionary, and at odds with the majority of the American people – they’ll do anything to maintain their minority rule.

They didn't use to.

Today....they are trying to (and succeeding) be as disgusting as possible.

Republicans are “running out of angry white guys.”

Conservatives have successfully used the government’s un-democratic institutions – the Executive, the Senate, and the Judiciary – to maintain their minority rule in an America that is changing, becoming more diverse and inclusive, and more hostile to the conservative agenda.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

“First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate.”

Conservative dogma is comprehensively out of step with today’s climate.

Indeed, conservatives relish being out of step, contrary, reactionary, and at odds with the majority of the American people – they’ll do anything to maintain their minority rule.

They didn't use to.

Today....they are trying to (and succeeding) be as disgusting as possible.

Republicans are “running out of angry white guys.”

Conservatives have successfully used the government’s un-democratic institutions – the Executive, the Senate, and the Judiciary – to maintain their minority rule in an America that is changing, becoming more diverse and inclusive, and more hostile to the conservative agenda.

Trump and the GOP are gaining with young black men, latino's and those from Cuba.

Sorry, chump your bullshit is....just that....bullshit.
I hear the Confirmation hearing is on hold because one of the Republicans has COVID
McConnell will find a way to force a vote before the end of the year.

It will be McConnell the consummate rightwing partisan hack – confirming a justice to the Supreme Court appointed by a president just voted out of office.

If it is a Lame Duck President and Senate that just lost by a wide margin......Let McConnell defend his “Let the voters decide” from 2016
McConnell can’t defend his 2016 position – but like most on the right he abandoned integrity long ago to wallow in a cesspool of partisan hypocrisy.

And McConnell’s ‘same party’ sophistry about 2020 being different than 2016 is as lame as it is ridiculous.
I hear the Confirmation hearing is on hold because one of the Republicans has COVID
McConnell will find a way to force a vote before the end of the year.

It will be McConnell the consummate rightwing partisan hack – confirming a justice to the Supreme Court appointed by a president just voted out of office.

If it is a Lame Duck President and Senate that just lost by a wide margin......Let McConnell defend his “Let the voters decide” from 2016
McConnell can’t defend his 2016 position – but like most on the right he abandoned integrity long ago to wallow in a cesspool of partisan hypocrisy.

And McConnell’s ‘same party’ sophistry about 2020 being different than 2016 is as lame as it is ridiculous.

It never existed.

Mitch should have been more of a stand up guy and told Obama, we'll hear your boy out and then we'll give him a no vote.

It's the least he could. After all, Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy smeared Robert Bork before he ever got to his hearing. His defeat was sealed long before he showed up.

Garland should have suffered the same fate.

The constitution gives McConnell the power.

And after Kavennaug, you guys can shove an "propriety" up your asses...sideways.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
The problem is that her decisions will be joined by the decisions of four other conservative ideologues – decisions that will result in some Americans not being able to vote, or not being able to marry, or not being able to decide whether to have a child or not.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

“First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate.”

Conservative dogma is comprehensively out of step with today’s climate.

Indeed, conservatives relish being out of step, contrary, reactionary, and at odds with the majority of the American people – they’ll do anything to maintain their minority rule.

They didn't use to.

Today....they are trying to (and succeeding) be as disgusting as possible.

Republicans are “running out of angry white guys.”

Conservatives have successfully used the government’s un-democratic institutions – the Executive, the Senate, and the Judiciary – to maintain their minority rule in an America that is changing, becoming more diverse and inclusive, and more hostile to the conservative agenda.

The post-mortem they did after 2012 is still in effect. The election of Trump was a fluke I think. Either way, its' been a long 4 years and will perhaps be a long next 4 years.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
The problem is that her decisions will be joined by the decisions of four other conservative ideologues – decisions that will result in some Americans not being able to vote, or not being able to marry, or not being able to decide whether to have a child or not.
I doubt it will ever go that far.

In fact, Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion that LGBTQs were covered by the the 1964 Civil Rights act.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
The problem is that her decisions will be joined by the decisions of four other conservative ideologues – decisions that will result in some Americans not being able to vote, or not being able to marry, or not being able to decide whether to have a child or not.
I doubt it will ever go that far.

In fact, Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion that LGBTQs were covered by the the 1964 Civil Rights act.

Don't confuse dumbass with the facts.

Gorsuch was never a lock stepper. Kavennaugh is more so.

Barrett will be a good indpendent judge.

C_Clayton_Jones is an alarmist of the best kind. Transparent as hell.

Wonder if dufus thinks Kagen and SotoMeyer are independent.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed
Really? Someone flipped?

Seems three Republican Senators have COVID, one on the Judiciary Committee

You have to vote in person

They'll wheel in an oxygen tent to get this vote done before election day. And I can't blame them one bit. If you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound on this. Garland shown they are all in when it comes to using any means necessary and exploiting loopholes in the Constitution.

The "good news" is that, to me, Barrett seems like she's pretty qualified. I'm sure I'll disagree with some of her decisions and agree with her on others. The court has a way of moderating itself.
The problem is that her decisions will be joined by the decisions of four other conservative ideologues – decisions that will result in some Americans not being able to vote, or not being able to marry, or not being able to decide whether to have a child or not.

There is no problem.

There is what there is.
Not that it will matter in the least to her Supreme Court nod but this exchange between Senator Franken and ACB is somewhat disturbing from two srandpoints;

First that she holds this view on LGBTQ community. Its out of step with today's climate. She took speaking fees 4 times (if I recall the video correctly) from a group that wants to sterilize gay people abroad.

Second,,,for whatever reason, she strikes me as being what I would call "the real deal"...that feeling you get when you encounter someone with whom you're unfamiliar but you just know from the first moment..."yep, she's got this."

Its concerning but I don't think it's alarming. Give the exchange a listen, See what you think:

PS: The "NOW THIS" folks are decidely left wing. So there may be some creative editing in what was left out on the video. There is also some liberties taken with the presentation of the "last word" if you will. A good video but you got to know where they are coming from.

This was very informative.

She has no business in this position, neither the one she's trying to get nor the one she has now.

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