An Honest Leftist

I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.

That's what Clinton did and we didn't vote for that fat fuck.

Trump loves all Americans and is willing to give everyone a chance. Just don't attack him because he does strike back.
What alternate universe do you live in? Trump won in the primaries by promising all out war against the beliefs and values of what the general election proved to be the majority of American citizens. He has carried that into his Presidency. Trump does not strike back; he STARTED it all. Fuck you and fuck that fat traitor.

Maybe you and your ilk need to get out of your liberal,shithole, cities every once and a while to see how MOST of the country lives.

Thanks to the Framers for the Electoral College.
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.

That's what Clinton did and we didn't vote for that fat fuck.

Trump loves all Americans and is willing to give everyone a chance. Just don't attack him because he does strike back.
What alternate universe do you live in? Trump won in the primaries by promising all out war against the beliefs and values of what the general election proved to be the majority of American citizens. He has carried that into his Presidency. Trump does not strike back; he STARTED it all. Fuck you and fuck that fat traitor.

Maybe you and your ilk need to get out of your liberal,shithole, cities every once and a while to see how MOST of the country lives.

Thanks to the Framers for the Electoral College.
Most of the country lives in or around cities. So FUCK OFF.
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter

Does he even realize he is paraphrasing O'Brien from 1984?

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were- cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?"
Most of the country lives in or around cities. So FUCK OFF.
Watch your mouth, Junior! We don't live in a democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way
You don't have the attention span to read anything, but there is the truth anyway.
I learned that in elementary school. Are you retarded?

Get rid of the EC, and we’re still a republic. Enact the 100% constitutional National Popular Vote interstate compact, and we’re still a republic. So fuck off.
I learned that in elementary school. Are you retarded?
No but I fear you are. If you learned we are a republic but not a democracy in school you definitely either forgot that lesson or never understood it to begin with.

Get rid of the EC, and we’re still a republic. Enact the 100% constitutional National Popular Vote interstate compact, and we’re still a republic. So fuck off.
You are advocating a pure person one vote, the most votes win.
So basically you want to go back to Greek system of city states where Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, etc. decide all things for all the people in America and if you don't live in a coastal population center then you are fucked...just pay your taxes, sit down and shut up, sir or madame, and we (the population mass) will tell you how things will be.

Only a retrograde moron wants that. So why don't you fuck off and go live in a land that runs the way you claim the US should be run. Or pick up a little gun and start a revolution...see how far ignorant shitbags like yourself will get.

You are so full of anger, stupidity and shit...not a good combination.
I learned that in elementary school. Are you retarded?
No but I fear you are. If you learned we are a republic but not a democracy in school you definitely either forgot that lesson or never understood it to begin with.

Get rid of the EC, and we’re still a republic. Enact the 100% constitutional National Popular Vote interstate compact, and we’re still a republic. So fuck off.
You are advocating a pure person one vote, the most votes win.
So basically you want to go back to Greek system of city states where Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, etc. decide all things for all the people in America and if you don't live in a coastal population center then you are fucked...just pay your taxes, sit down and shut up, sir or madame, and we (the population mass) will tell you how things will be.

Only a retrograde moron wants that. So why don't you fuck off and go live in a land that runs the way you claim the US should be run. Or pick up a little gun and start a revolution...see how far ignorant shitbags like yourself will get.

You are so full of anger, stupidity and shit...not a good combination.
Here you go, retard: Definition of REPUBLIC

I know home school doesn’t cover much
Here you go, retard: Definition of REPUBLIC

I know home school doesn’t cover much
I know what a Constitutional Republic is. I don't need an education. You, the idiot who wants to wipe that all away by abolishing the Electoral College, is the one who needs to remove his head from his anal canal.

You are so fucking dim you can't even start from zero. Astounding.
Here you go, retard: Definition of REPUBLIC

I know home school doesn’t cover much
I know what a Constitutional Republic is. I don't need an education. You, the idiot who wants to wipe that all away by abolishing the Electoral College, is the one who needs to remove his head from his anal canal.

You are so fucking dim you can't even start from zero. Astounding.
The NPV compact has nothing to do with changing the constitution, home schooler :itsok:
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.

That's what Clinton did and we didn't vote for that fat fuck.

Trump loves all Americans and is willing to give everyone a chance. Just don't attack him because he does strike back.
What alternate universe do you live in? Trump won in the primaries by promising all out war against the beliefs and values of what the general election proved to be the majority of American citizens. He has carried that into his Presidency. Trump does not strike back; he STARTED it all. Fuck you and fuck that fat traitor.

Maybe you and your ilk need to get out of your liberal,shithole, cities every once and a while to see how MOST of the country lives.

Thanks to the Framers for the Electoral College.
Most of the country lives in or around cities. So FUCK OFF.

And they can make laws that apply to those cities via local rule. Why do you feel the need to impose your will on everyone in a given State or everyone in the whole country if what you want can be handled at the local level.
Here you go, retard: Definition of REPUBLIC

I know home school doesn’t cover much
I know what a Constitutional Republic is. I don't need an education. You, the idiot who wants to wipe that all away by abolishing the Electoral College, is the one who needs to remove his head from his anal canal.

You are so fucking dim you can't even start from zero. Astounding.
The NPV compact has nothing to do with changing the constitution, home schooler :itsok:

it's an end run, and probably an unconstitutional one at that.
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.
Clinton is a she.
^ Hey look everyone, the retard wants a cookie.

Fuck off
No, retard wants you to stop lying.
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.

That's what Clinton did and we didn't vote for that fat fuck.

Trump loves all Americans and is willing to give everyone a chance. Just don't attack him because he does strike back.
Clinton did not deserve to be President. As for the other, don't fool yourself. Trump loves Trump.
Nobody “deserves” to be President. Clinton was certainly far more qualified than the fatass dotard. We’ll be paying for the damage he’s doing for decades
You cant stop lying can you? You ignore the fact that congress does nothing but attack Trump. What damage is that doing?
The NPV compact has nothing to do with changing the constitution, home schooler
The National Popular Vote compact is intended to counter the Electoral College, to the degree it possibly can. It will not remotely succeed but it's intent is to nullify the Constitution and to that degree it is illegal.

Grow up, you little ad hom spewing monkey.
I'm curious as to how far he thought this through. I have to admire his honesty.

Jeffrey Wright

There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual - NONE. There’s only power. And when we get the power, everybody else fucking duck. Lesson for everybody else: Get the power.

Jeffrey Wright on Twitter
That is what won in 2016. Don’t like it, then don’t vote for a fat fuck who declared the majority of America’s citizens to be his personal enemies.

That's what Clinton did and we didn't vote for that fat fuck.

Trump loves all Americans and is willing to give everyone a chance. Just don't attack him because he does strike back.
Clinton did not deserve to be President. As for the other, don't fool yourself. Trump loves Trump.
Nobody “deserves” to be President. Clinton was certainly far more qualified than the fatass dotard. We’ll be paying for the damage he’s doing for decades
You cant stop lying can you? You ignore the fact that congress does nothing but attack Trump. What damage is that doing?
How much damage did it do during Obama’s 8 years? Go fuck yourself.
The NPV compact has nothing to do with changing the constitution, home schooler
The National Popular Vote compact is intended to counter the Electoral College, to the degree it possibly can. Grow up, you little ad hom spewing monkey.
If we don’t like what our representatives do, we can elect different ones; since we are a republic. It happens that people are electing representatives to enact the NPV on their behalf. So kindly go off somewhere private, and fuck yourself.
Maybe you and your ilk need to get out of your liberal,shithole, cities every once and a while to see how MOST of the country lives.

Thanks to the Framers for the Electoral College.
Red states are among the poorest, and run down, states in the country, moron.

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