An Inter-College Cyber-Circle*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's one more non-heist modernism vignette about American campuses enhanced by new age cyber-design and threatened by new era daggers. This dollar short-story was inspired by Hackers. Thanks for reading,


One campus in the USA featured an idyllic layout and prestigious faculty. This New England college was considered one of the finest undergraduate environments in America. The students there were happy.


ADMINISTRATION: "Our student satisfaction rate ranks among the highest in the country steadily."


This college featured social groups and academic clubs reflecting the school's mission to create both an academic and a cultural atmosphere in evolving America.


On a very faraway college campus in America, students were equally happy and enjoying the benefits of an equally esteemed university. This campus was also idyllic and featured awesome amenities and terrific dormitories.


ADMINISTRATION: "Our student satisfaction rate is competitively high and has been over the years."


The social and academic groups at this other American college were also invested in creating both an academic and cultural atmosphere. That's what made the students at this other college equally stimulated!


One of these colleges featured a special group invested in campus security, while the other featured its own cop-insignia!


COLLEGE 1: "The female students at our college, and on the campus itself, are expected to feel safe and secure!"


COLLEGE 2: "Our female students are gorgeous and are afforded the expected securities to make their education ideal."


Now, these two colleges wouldn't enjoy such atmospheric/institutional amenities and luxuries were it not for institutional and even sociocultural investments enhanced by an alumni network encouraged to see all these nifty American links between education and campus life. None of this would be possible without the macro-social diadems that create these special campus views. The students at both these American campuses therefore enjoyed much leisure time surfing on the Internet and linking up with each other as inter-college cyber pen-pals.


As the two American colleges created a cyber-club between each other, they realized they'd become as linked and special online as, say Harvard and Radcliffe from yesteryear, or Oxford and Cambridge from the UK. These two colleges became the ultimate inter-college ring. However, a terrorist-hacker quickly threatened this idealized cyber-educational American paradise.


Two computer clubs from the two cyber-linked colleges teamed up to generate protective algorithms designed to weed out the super-viruses designed and inserted by this terrorist-hacker who went by the alias Michael Myers. Would this inter-college cyber-circle survive this terrible new era deformity?


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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