An Introducing post.

Welcome Sam;

No need to feel special, those two retards going at it in your introduction thread is just SOP around here.

I see A&D has graced you with her presence so you do currently have over watch to keep those nasty snipers off of you.

Got my wife out of Texas almost 30 yrs ago, and spent a many a good day down in Galveston and Houston.

Partied all over Mustang Galveston and South Padre islands.

Smoked dope just on this side of the border in B town.

I got lot's of fond memories from Texas and get to return on the reg in keeping my wife in touch with her family.
Welcome Sam;

No need to feel special, those two retards going at it in your introduction thread is just SOP around here.

I see A&D has graced you with her presence so you do currently have over watch to keep those nasty snipers off of you.

Got my wife out of Texas almost 30 yrs ago, and spent a many a good day down in Galveston and Houston.

Partied all over Mustang Galveston and South Padre islands.

Smoked dope just on this side of the border in B town.

I got lot's of fond memories from Texas and get to return on the reg in keeping my wife in touch with her family.

Sheesh, judged by a moronic pot head...:laugh:
Welcome Sam;

No need to feel special, those two retards going at it in your introduction thread is just SOP around here.

I see A&D has graced you with her presence so you do currently have over watch to keep those nasty snipers off of you.

Got my wife out of Texas almost 30 yrs ago, and spent a many a good day down in Galveston and Houston.

Partied all over Mustang Galveston and South Padre islands.

Smoked dope just on this side of the border in B town.

I got lot's of fond memories from Texas and get to return on the reg in keeping my wife in touch with her family.

Sheesh, judged by a moronic pot head...:laugh:

You are just butthurt because I did not share with you ..........
Good morning, lads
I realized that it's quite popular here to introduce yourself on the forum. Okay then.
I'm a typical Sam from Texas. I'm around 30 and if I lived a hundred years ago I would look exactly like the guy on the profile pic.
I believe that our country is at the edge and it's our business to work hard for the changes. And in this prospect the best change is the leap back to the traditions and conservatism.
Wish to have a nice chat with you!

You're from Texas? Okay...:eusa_whistle:

I'm from Texas too, and I think our country is actually doing great.......maybe you have it backwards, we have just spent almost 8 years trying to recover from what so-called conservatism did to the country.

Have fun posting here.
Hello my dear,
Would you just let the guy warm up first? A cup of tea, scones and a cigar with Sherry or Port would do it. Relax honey, OK?
Good morning, lads
I realized that it's quite popular here to introduce yourself on the forum. Okay then.
I'm a typical Sam from Texas. I'm around 30 and if I lived a hundred years ago I would look exactly like the guy on the profile pic.
I believe that our country is at the edge and it's our business to work hard for the changes. And in this prospect the best change is the leap back to the traditions and conservatism.
Wish to have a nice chat with you!
Welcome Sam.
Pull those belts down tight and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times


I'm from Texas too, and I think our country is actually doing great.......maybe you have it backwards, we have just spent almost 8 years trying to recover from what so-called conservatism did to the country.

Have fun posting here.
Hello my dear,
Would you just let the guy warm up first? A cup of tea, scones and a cigar with Sherry or Port would do it. Relax honey, OK?

Who appointed you moderater of the Intro threads?
Last edited:

I'm from Texas too, and I think our country is actually doing great.......maybe you have it backwards, we have just spent almost 8 years trying to recover from what so-called conservatism did to the country.

Have fun posting here.
Hello my dear,
Would you just let the guy warm up first? A cup of tea, scones and a cigar with Sherry or Port would do it. Relax honey, OK?

Who appointed you moderater or the Intro threads?
I am your self appointed hero my dear!!! ;););););)<<<<that's multiple winking
Here is another rotten source for you but the figures are far more realistic in regards to unemployment.

Chart What s the real unemployment rate
How quickly conservatives forget how badly the US was losing jobs under George W. Bush. They want to blame Obama for the terrible unemployment rate handed over to him by Bush and now criticize Obama for not reversing the trend the first year he was in office.....2009 is still Bush's legacy. And, no matter how hard you try to make it look bad for Obama, using your chart, the U-6 unemployment rate in 2015 is still lower than the U-6 unemployment rate Obama inherited from Bush. Bush took a pretty good economy and totally screwed it up, and here you are trying to make Obama look bad for it.

Using the U-6 unemployment rate, 2015 still looks a hell of a lot better than it did in 2008/2009.


and here's a refresher course on the realities of Obama/Democrats stupidly more than doubling the national debt over the past 6 1/2 years.
It always looks better for conservatives when they leave out the reason for the debt being so high is actually G W Bush. You have to be pretty stupid not to be able to see that. Piling the irresponsible spending by Bush on Obama may make you feel better, but it's totally dishonest and you're pretty good at that.

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.
Adding to the deficit Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

And another source:

But the national debt didn't just happen in the past three years, and President Obama's supporters point out that he inherited much the increase in the debt.

"The fact of the matter is," Obama said earlier this year, "is that when we came into office, the deficit was $1.3 trillion -- $1.3 trillion. So when you say that suddenly I've got a monthly deficit that's higher than the annual deficit left by Republicans, that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true. And what is true is that we came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is, we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."

Obama points out that he inherited an economy on the brink of collapse that needed more than $1 trillion in stimulus, two wars that were simply added to the national debt, a prescription drug program for seniors that wasn't paid for and the Bush-era tax cuts that were not matched by cuts in spending -- in other words, not paid for.

The National Debt How We Got There - ABC News

Q A Everything You Need to Know About the National Debt - Fix The Debt

Need we review the pathetic job Obama/Democrats have done on foreign policy which has made America the laughing stock and totally disrespected globally?

Need we review the results of Obama/Democrat absolute failures at the southern border?

Here's a little information on the crime rate...

Is a new crime wave on the horizon -

What has made America the laughing stock is your Republican leaders in Congress totally disrespecting the Constitution, writing to foreign countries and dissing their own country.......I don't expect you to own up to any of the buffoonery we have witnessed in the recent past, and now you have Donald Trump, making us the laughing stock of the entire world.

As a reason for his candidacy, Trump has said, "the world is laughing at us." With only a few exceptions, and if you change that to first person singular, this is true.
The World Considers Donald Trump - Yahoo News

I'm from Texas too, and I think our country is actually doing great.......maybe you have it backwards, we have just spent almost 8 years trying to recover from what so-called conservatism did to the country.

Have fun posting here.
Hello my dear,
Would you just let the guy warm up first? A cup of tea, scones and a cigar with Sherry or Port would do it. Relax honey, OK?

Who appointed you moderater of the Intro threads?
I am your self appointed hero my dear!!! ;););););)<<<<that's multiple winking

Well, dis-appoint yourself........:mad:
Here is another rotten source for you but the figures are far more realistic in regards to unemployment.

Chart What s the real unemployment rate
How quickly conservatives forget how badly the US was losing jobs under George W. Bush. They want to blame Obama for the terrible unemployment rate handed over to him by Bush and now criticize Obama for not reversing the trend the first year he was in office.....2009 is still Bush's legacy. And, no matter how hard you try to make it look bad for Obama, using your chart, the U-6 unemployment rate in 2015 is still lower than the U-6 unemployment rate Obama inherited from Bush. Bush took a pretty good economy and totally screwed it up, and here you are trying to make Obama look bad for it.

Using the U-6 unemployment rate, 2015 still looks a hell of a lot better than it did in 2008/2009.


and here's a refresher course on the realities of Obama/Democrats stupidly more than doubling the national debt over the past 6 1/2 years.
It always looks better for conservatives when they leave out the reason for the debt being so high is actually G W Bush. You have to be pretty stupid not to be able to see that. Piling the irresponsible spending by Bush on Obama may make you feel better, but it's totally dishonest and you're pretty good at that.

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.
Adding to the deficit Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

And another source:

But the national debt didn't just happen in the past three years, and President Obama's supporters point out that he inherited much the increase in the debt.

"The fact of the matter is," Obama said earlier this year, "is that when we came into office, the deficit was $1.3 trillion -- $1.3 trillion. So when you say that suddenly I've got a monthly deficit that's higher than the annual deficit left by Republicans, that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true. And what is true is that we came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is, we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."

Obama points out that he inherited an economy on the brink of collapse that needed more than $1 trillion in stimulus, two wars that were simply added to the national debt, a prescription drug program for seniors that wasn't paid for and the Bush-era tax cuts that were not matched by cuts in spending -- in other words, not paid for.

The National Debt How We Got There - ABC News

Q A Everything You Need to Know About the National Debt - Fix The Debt

Need we review the pathetic job Obama/Democrats have done on foreign policy which has made America the laughing stock and totally disrespected globally?

Need we review the results of Obama/Democrat absolute failures at the southern border?

Here's a little information on the crime rate...

Is a new crime wave on the horizon -

What has made America the laughing stock is your Republican leaders in Congress totally disrespecting the Constitution, writing to foreign countries and dissing their own country.......I don't expect you to own up to any of the buffoonery we have witnessed in the recent past, and now you have Donald Trump, making us the laughing stock of the entire world.

As a reason for his candidacy, Trump has said, "the world is laughing at us." With only a few exceptions, and if you change that to first person singular, this is true.
The World Considers Donald Trump - Yahoo News
Here's what Conservatives see. Liberals too but they won't admit it.

Here is another rotten source for you but the figures are far more realistic in regards to unemployment.

Chart What s the real unemployment rate
How quickly conservatives forget how badly the US was losing jobs under George W. Bush. They want to blame Obama for the terrible unemployment rate handed over to him by Bush and now criticize Obama for not reversing the trend the first year he was in office.....2009 is still Bush's legacy. And, no matter how hard you try to make it look bad for Obama, using your chart, the U-6 unemployment rate in 2015 is still lower than the U-6 unemployment rate Obama inherited from Bush. Bush took a pretty good economy and totally screwed it up, and here you are trying to make Obama look bad for it.

Using the U-6 unemployment rate, 2015 still looks a hell of a lot better than it did in 2008/2009.


and here's a refresher course on the realities of Obama/Democrats stupidly more than doubling the national debt over the past 6 1/2 years.
It always looks better for conservatives when they leave out the reason for the debt being so high is actually G W Bush. You have to be pretty stupid not to be able to see that. Piling the irresponsible spending by Bush on Obama may make you feel better, but it's totally dishonest and you're pretty good at that.

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.
Adding to the deficit Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

And another source:

But the national debt didn't just happen in the past three years, and President Obama's supporters point out that he inherited much the increase in the debt.

"The fact of the matter is," Obama said earlier this year, "is that when we came into office, the deficit was $1.3 trillion -- $1.3 trillion. So when you say that suddenly I've got a monthly deficit that's higher than the annual deficit left by Republicans, that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true. And what is true is that we came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is, we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."

Obama points out that he inherited an economy on the brink of collapse that needed more than $1 trillion in stimulus, two wars that were simply added to the national debt, a prescription drug program for seniors that wasn't paid for and the Bush-era tax cuts that were not matched by cuts in spending -- in other words, not paid for.

The National Debt How We Got There - ABC News

Q A Everything You Need to Know About the National Debt - Fix The Debt

Need we review the pathetic job Obama/Democrats have done on foreign policy which has made America the laughing stock and totally disrespected globally?

Need we review the results of Obama/Democrat absolute failures at the southern border?

Here's a little information on the crime rate...

Is a new crime wave on the horizon -

What has made America the laughing stock is your Republican leaders in Congress totally disrespecting the Constitution, writing to foreign countries and dissing their own country.......I don't expect you to own up to any of the buffoonery we have witnessed in the recent past, and now you have Donald Trump, making us the laughing stock of the entire world.

As a reason for his candidacy, Trump has said, "the world is laughing at us." With only a few exceptions, and if you change that to first person singular, this is true.
The World Considers Donald Trump - Yahoo News
Here's what Conservatives see. Liberals too but they won't admit it.


Except that the picture should show Bush/Cheney.....:)

Here is another rotten source for you but the figures are far more realistic in regards to unemployment.

Chart What s the real unemployment rate
How quickly conservatives forget how badly the US was losing jobs under George W. Bush. They want to blame Obama for the terrible unemployment rate handed over to him by Bush and now criticize Obama for not reversing the trend the first year he was in office.....2009 is still Bush's legacy. And, no matter how hard you try to make it look bad for Obama, using your chart, the U-6 unemployment rate in 2015 is still lower than the U-6 unemployment rate Obama inherited from Bush. Bush took a pretty good economy and totally screwed it up, and here you are trying to make Obama look bad for it.

Using the U-6 unemployment rate, 2015 still looks a hell of a lot better than it did in 2008/2009.


and here's a refresher course on the realities of Obama/Democrats stupidly more than doubling the national debt over the past 6 1/2 years.
It always looks better for conservatives when they leave out the reason for the debt being so high is actually G W Bush. You have to be pretty stupid not to be able to see that. Piling the irresponsible spending by Bush on Obama may make you feel better, but it's totally dishonest and you're pretty good at that.

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.
Adding to the deficit Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

And another source:

But the national debt didn't just happen in the past three years, and President Obama's supporters point out that he inherited much the increase in the debt.

"The fact of the matter is," Obama said earlier this year, "is that when we came into office, the deficit was $1.3 trillion -- $1.3 trillion. So when you say that suddenly I've got a monthly deficit that's higher than the annual deficit left by Republicans, that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true. And what is true is that we came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is, we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."

Obama points out that he inherited an economy on the brink of collapse that needed more than $1 trillion in stimulus, two wars that were simply added to the national debt, a prescription drug program for seniors that wasn't paid for and the Bush-era tax cuts that were not matched by cuts in spending -- in other words, not paid for.

The National Debt How We Got There - ABC News

Q A Everything You Need to Know About the National Debt - Fix The Debt

Need we review the pathetic job Obama/Democrats have done on foreign policy which has made America the laughing stock and totally disrespected globally?

Need we review the results of Obama/Democrat absolute failures at the southern border?

Here's a little information on the crime rate...

Is a new crime wave on the horizon -

What has made America the laughing stock is your Republican leaders in Congress totally disrespecting the Constitution, writing to foreign countries and dissing their own country.......I don't expect you to own up to any of the buffoonery we have witnessed in the recent past, and now you have Donald Trump, making us the laughing stock of the entire world.

As a reason for his candidacy, Trump has said, "the world is laughing at us." With only a few exceptions, and if you change that to first person singular, this is true.
The World Considers Donald Trump - Yahoo News
Here's what Conservatives see. Liberals too but they won't admit it.


Except that the picture should show Bush/Cheney.....:)

Here is another rotten source for you but the figures are far more realistic in regards to unemployment.

Chart What s the real unemployment rate
How quickly conservatives forget how badly the US was losing jobs under George W. Bush. They want to blame Obama for the terrible unemployment rate handed over to him by Bush and now criticize Obama for not reversing the trend the first year he was in office.....2009 is still Bush's legacy. And, no matter how hard you try to make it look bad for Obama, using your chart, the U-6 unemployment rate in 2015 is still lower than the U-6 unemployment rate Obama inherited from Bush. Bush took a pretty good economy and totally screwed it up, and here you are trying to make Obama look bad for it.

Using the U-6 unemployment rate, 2015 still looks a hell of a lot better than it did in 2008/2009.


and here's a refresher course on the realities of Obama/Democrats stupidly more than doubling the national debt over the past 6 1/2 years.
It always looks better for conservatives when they leave out the reason for the debt being so high is actually G W Bush. You have to be pretty stupid not to be able to see that. Piling the irresponsible spending by Bush on Obama may make you feel better, but it's totally dishonest and you're pretty good at that.

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.
Adding to the deficit Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

And another source:

But the national debt didn't just happen in the past three years, and President Obama's supporters point out that he inherited much the increase in the debt.

"The fact of the matter is," Obama said earlier this year, "is that when we came into office, the deficit was $1.3 trillion -- $1.3 trillion. So when you say that suddenly I've got a monthly deficit that's higher than the annual deficit left by Republicans, that's factually just not true, and you know it's not true. And what is true is that we came in already with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. What is true is, we came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."

Obama points out that he inherited an economy on the brink of collapse that needed more than $1 trillion in stimulus, two wars that were simply added to the national debt, a prescription drug program for seniors that wasn't paid for and the Bush-era tax cuts that were not matched by cuts in spending -- in other words, not paid for.

The National Debt How We Got There - ABC News

Q A Everything You Need to Know About the National Debt - Fix The Debt

Need we review the pathetic job Obama/Democrats have done on foreign policy which has made America the laughing stock and totally disrespected globally?

Need we review the results of Obama/Democrat absolute failures at the southern border?

Here's a little information on the crime rate...

Is a new crime wave on the horizon -

What has made America the laughing stock is your Republican leaders in Congress totally disrespecting the Constitution, writing to foreign countries and dissing their own country.......I don't expect you to own up to any of the buffoonery we have witnessed in the recent past, and now you have Donald Trump, making us the laughing stock of the entire world.

As a reason for his candidacy, Trump has said, "the world is laughing at us." With only a few exceptions, and if you change that to first person singular, this is true.
The World Considers Donald Trump - Yahoo News
Here's what Conservatives see. Liberals too but they won't admit it.


Except that the picture should show Bush/Cheney.....:)

She is cute, isn't she?

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