An Obamacare Horror Story


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
To President Obama�s now-infamous promise that Obamacare �will lower
premiums� for health insurance can now be added this whopper from Gary
Cohen, described by the Wall Street Journal as �a top regulator� at the
Department of Health and Human Services: �The prices are affordable.�
Judging by the schedule of health insurance premium prices made public
this week by the Obama administration for coverage offered on government-
run exchanges in 36 states, Cohen certainly has an odd idea of

Based on the example of a 27-year-old male nonsmoker living in Nashville,
Tenn., who presently can get a bare-bones policy for $41 a month, the
Journal said the equivalent coverage under Obamacare will cost $114 a
month. That�s a 178 percent increase. Obamacare defenders will say that�s
an apples-and-oranges comparison since the government mandates benefits
that aren�t presently included in a bare-bones policy. That�s true, but
it doesn�t change the fact that the young consumer is being forced to pay
178 percent more to buy a product he may not want or need.


We can stop Obamacare.
The issue is now before the US Senate.
Just call your Senators in Washington and tell them not to fund it.
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The same thing happened to the Wife & I. We were paying $65 each. Then Obamacare rules kicked in & it went to $145 each. I raised hell & re-qualified us for $132 each but that is still an outrage.
We can stop Obamacare.
The issue is now before the US Senate.
Just call your Senators in Washington and tell them not to fund it.

You're wrong. Check the law.

Sadly, it looks like rw's are paying a lot more than us lefties. Oh yeah, and rw's doctors are dropping like flies. Its a shame but you rw's are just going to have to buck up and accept that the law is obviously written to benefit only those who voted for Obama and would vote for him again.

/sarcasm off

There have been several calculators posted here and there even more available on line. You COULD choose to use them. Or not.
To President Obama�s now-infamous promise that Obamacare �will lower
premiums� for health insurance can now be added this whopper from Gary
Cohen, described by the Wall Street Journal as �a top regulator� at the
Department of Health and Human Services: �The prices are affordable.�
Judging by the schedule of health insurance premium prices made public
this week by the Obama administration for coverage offered on government-
run exchanges in 36 states, Cohen certainly has an odd idea of

Based on the example of a 27-year-old male nonsmoker living in Nashville,
Tenn., who presently can get a bare-bones policy for $41 a month, the
Journal said the equivalent coverage under Obamacare will cost $114 a
month. That�s a 178 percent increase. Obamacare defenders will say that�s
an apples-and-oranges comparison since the government mandates benefits
that aren�t presently included in a bare-bones policy. That�s true, but
it doesn�t change the fact that the young consumer is being forced to pay
178 percent more to buy a product he may not want or need.


We can stop Obamacare.
The issue is now before the US Senate.
Just call your Senators in Washington and tell them not to fund it.

Drivers need auto insurance. Homeowners need homeowner's insurance. People need health insurance. Please explain to us all who, other than self-insured multi-millionaires, does not need any of these types of insurance. I would suggest that every single person outside of the self-insured need health insurance. Just because a person may never need to use it does not mean they do not need it, but please explain to us all who does not need health insurance and why they do not need it. Please also explain how someone without health insurance will pay for their medical bills in the event they become seriously ill.

BTW, my wife was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 40. Some would say she was still very young. Even with her only being 40, this could have happened when she was 24 or 28 or 32. Her medical bills over the ten months before she lost her battle amounted to over $1.3 million. She needed insurance, and she had it. Her best friend died four years earlier from breast cancer. She was 34 when she died. I actually know many young people who have died from cancer, but please explain to us all why young people do not need insurance.

I can't wait for your response.
The law is a mess for many reasons. The money is only one of them. The man is a screw up who never understood America. He had the example of Queen Ema who was faced with the same problem Seh went around Hawaii and asked for donations and her Hospital is still in operation to day. She made the rich feel like they were helping. Obama Alinated everyone except his worshipers. He could have healed this land but by his bulling he has devided it so deeply it may not last.

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