Analysis: Trump Is Not Responsible For the Actions of a Mentally-Disturbed Supporter

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.

He was a "ROIDS HEAD" Nutbag!

He’s the maniac who’s been doing this,” Sayoc’s cousin, who asked to remain anonymous, in an extensive interview with Newsweek...“He took a lot of steroids and he also danced as a male stripper…. He was dancing at clubs.”...The cousin explained that Sayoc also adopted the Italian surname “Altieri” because while he was half-Filipino and half-Italian he leaned toward his late grandfather's roots on his mother’s side.

(Read more at ...
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.
Yes first bullshit hypocrite ABNORMAL....NOTHING about you fucks calling him Hitler, mentally Il,l 25th Amendment, starting WW III....what a complete ashole you are!
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.
Yes first bullshit hypocrite ABNORMAL....NOTHING about you fucks calling him Hitler, mentally Il,l 25th Amendment, starting WW III....what a complete ashole you are!

You misspelled asshole asshole and I never called for anything in your deranged mind. You do sound like one of those I described. Go for it punk.
I knew I'd find this here. I suppose the fact that he had stickers on his van of all of the people trump attacked at all of his rallies with cross hairs over their faces was just a coincidence? And he practically made his van a shrine to trump, that was not a factor either?

The common thread among the bomb targets was obvious: their critical words for Trump and his frequent, harsher criticism in return.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.
Democrats will do nothing but stab him in the back if he does this.

They should be judged by their refusal to deal with their own lunatics and even their encouragement of such people for political gain. The Democratic party is nothing but a terrorist cell that must be eliminated.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.
Yes first bullshit hypocrite ABNORMAL....NOTHING about you fucks calling him Hitler, mentally Il,l 25th Amendment, starting WW III....what a complete ashole you are!

You misspelled asshole asshole and I never called for anything in your deranged mind. You do sound like one of those I described. Go for it punk.
Got anything else but a typo, asshole would be better off doing Dallas!
I knew I'd find this here. I suppose the fact that he had stickers on his van of all of the people trump attacked at all of his rallies with cross hairs over their faces was just a coincidence? And he practically made his van a shrine to trump, that was not a factor either?

The common thread among the bomb targets was obvious: their critical words for Trump and his frequent, harsher criticism in return.
And your explanation of the Scalise shooting...or just ANY REPUBLICAN WILL DO....More ABNORMAL logic@
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.
A mentally disturbed individual hears Nancy Pelosi and Maxine (fire)Waters' cries for violence and acts. But they feign innocence?

Or it could be a mentally ill person has been hearing the crap the left and the media has been spewing for over 2 years...
Works both ways.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

You couldn't have drawn up a more Trumpian Trumpie than this guy. He is straight out of Central Casting.
Or it could be a mentally ill person has been hearing the crap the left and the media has been spewing for over 2 years...
Works both ways.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.

So what's you're saying is you go both ways?
Or it could be a mentally ill person has been hearing the crap the left and the media has been spewing for over 2 years...
Works both ways.
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.

A mentally disturbed person here's the shit trump has been spewing for over two years over and over they will not be able to separate facts from fiction and eventually act on it. There are more out there on both sides.

So what's you're saying is you go both ways?
But YOU just go down!
To the loony libs Trump is responsible for the screwed up coffee order they got at Starbucks this morning.....:auiqs.jpg:
Just like Bernie Sanders was not responsible for the Steve Scalise shooter....or do you liberals have a problem with that?....Let's see who the first HYPOCRITE will be!

More at ^ | October 26, 2018 | Guy Benson

The biggest story of the day is the arrest of a Florida man, in connection with the series of mail bombs sent to prominent critics of President Trump. In addition to reportedly having a criminal record for minor offenses and threats, the suspect appears to be a mentally unstable and cartoonishly-fanatical Trump supporter. This is unsurprising information. As I wrote yesterday, based on the identities of the bomb targets, Occam's Razor suggested that these acts of terrorism were politically-motivated. It now seems likelier than ever that they were. Allow me to make a handful of non-mutually-exclusive observations:

(1) Our country would be better off if our public officials and other prominent political figures debated issues with more substance, greater civility, and less hysteria. This very much applies to the president, who likes to claim -- among other things -- that his opponents "favor" or "love" ruthless gangs who murder Americans. It also very much applies to Democrats, who frequently frame Republican proposals as world-ending, or tantamount to mass killings.

(2) Overheated partisan rhetoric that falls well short of direct incitement to violence can be grotesque and counter-productive, but it should not be blamed for the actions of disturbed people. It's possible, if not likely, that this bomber heard Trump's words and decided to take it upon himself to punish or eliminate Trump's opponents. If so, that's a reflection on the bomber's evilness or mental illness, not Trump. Similarly, it's quite likely that the Congressional baseball shooter heard the words of numerous high-profile leftists and decided he needed to save the country by assassinating Republicans. That was a reflection on the shooter's evilness or mental illness, not the leftists he followed or favored.

(3) Demands that politicians and commentators calibrate their language in order to prevent depraved and insane people from engaging in depraved and insane conduct is more likely to harm free speech, or be exploited to disqualify legitimate political dissent as "dangerous," than it is to achieve that ostensible goal. Crazy people find reasons and imagine "cues" to do crazy things; the argument that non-incitement speech might push someone over the edge strikes me as slippery and specious. Couldn't something as simple as politician X alleging that politician Y is "hurting America" have this effect? The threshold for 'triggering' harmful impulses in the mind of a deranged person is unknowable, inconsistent and subjective. We therefore cannot shape our rules for discourse based upon that standard -- even if we agree that our broader discourse needs serious rehabilitation.

(4) Presidential tweets like this are unseemly and unhelpful:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

Publicly lamenting that the arrival of pipe bombsat the homes and offices of your political opponents may slow your own party's momentum is a colossally terrible take. And it's not the news media's fault that it's devoting major coverage to this issue (the press frequently deserves plenty of criticism, but not for paying close attention to this story). Trump would be far better off expressing further solidarity with the targets of the explosive devices, and unleashing his famous fury against his apparent supporter who is allegedly responsible for this spate of terror. "If you think harming my opponents is somehow 'helping' me, you're dead wrong. You're dead to me. You're an animal who's hurting America -- and I always put America first." If Trump's overarching concern is putting the GOP in the best possible position ahead of the midterms, he should wield his megaphone to condemn these acts so vociferously and relentlessly that nobody -- from hostile journalists, to any members of MAGA Nation with a few screws loose -- could misinterpret his meaning. Prosecute this bomber to the fullest extent of the law, and pivot back to good news. For instance:

U.S. GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, putting the economy on track for its best year since before the recession.U.S. Economy Charged Ahead in the Third Quarter— Ben Casselman (@bencasselman) October 26, 2018

GDP growth beat expectations in the third quarter, keeping the US economy on pace to exceed three precent annual growth for the first time in 13 years. There's every reason in the world for the president to share these developments far and wide. But first, he must lead.


This from a guy who think "abnormal" is a noun and types in all caps.
If the left says Trump is responsible then Bernie Sanders is responsible for the softball practice shooting.


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