ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.
Don't expect any help form their corrupt, incompetent moonbat governor, either.

Alsoplustoo, don't mistake those violent goons for anarchists.

Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.

Are you sure you aren't exaggerating just a tiny bit?
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.
Antifa are easily defeated, because they are a bunch of pussy wiped bitches
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.
Antifa Are nothing but juvenile delinquent’s… So shut the fuck up
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.

U wanna sugar coat a mob some more Sugar Plum?? From the article..

The mob was protesting the death of Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police on September 30th.

According to Oregon Live, Kimmons was armed and may have been involved in a shooting:
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.

A spokesman for the Portland Bureau of Transportation said "It's generally not safe for folks to be out in the street doing an unauthorized repair like this." While there's no city ordinance that expressly bans rogue pothole-patching, simply filling in a hole doesn't really fix a pothole, and can also leave the person making the repair liable.

It requires blowtorches and heated asphalt, and amateur cold-patching can actually cause more problems.
When the KKK starts helping the elderly cross the street in their Klan robes, I'm sure Bulldog will have a warm soft hearty take on that as well..

It's "creative destruction".. Like the Baltimore Mayor condoned.
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.

It is a free country you are allowed to get wet over them cupcake.
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.

Are you sure you aren't exaggerating just a tiny bit?


Brandon Farley (@FarleyFilms) | Twitter
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.

Don't do me any favors. I don't have to take crap like that below to get my potholes fixed in a city that WORKS for it's citizens.. Fixing potholes.. :finger3:

Andy C. Ngo on Twitter
When the KKK starts helping the elderly cross the street in their Klan robes, I'm sure Bulldog will have a warm soft hearty take on that as well..

It's "creative destruction".. Like the Baltimore Mayor condoned.

Room to destroy?
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.

Are you sure you aren't exaggerating just a tiny bit?


Brandon Farley (@FarleyFilms) | Twitter

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