Anchors away! Biden purges Trump appointees from Naval, Air Force academies, West Point


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Anchors away! Biden purges Trump appointees from Naval, Air Force academies, West Point​

9 Sep 2021 ~~ By Steven Nelson
President Biden is firing all military academy board members appointed by former President Donald Trump — regardless of their qualifications — in a purge drawing stiff pushback because their terms were supposed to last three years.
Six presidential appointees on each academy board — 18 people in total — were told to resign by 6 p.m. Wednesday or be fired.
“I think this complete purge shows that the administration is hellbent on the woke mob controlling or having input into military education. Otherwise, why do it?” said one of the board members, who pointed out that Trump didn’t perform a similar purge.
“This is why this is such a big deal: historically it has never been done. ‘Unprecedented’ is a word you could use here,” the board member said.
The ousted include former national security adviser HR McMaster, a retired Army lieutenant general who resisted Trump’s noninterventionist impulses and criticized Biden’s recent Afghanistan troop pullout.
A person close to McMaster said it was ironic that he would be dismissed from West Point’s board just days before he’s given the Army academy’s distinguished graduate award.
“Perfect timing since HR is being honored this weekend as distinguished military graduate at West Point — one of the youngest ever. … Who better to be on the board? I guess Biden is playing this little game of politics by kicking him off the board [that] even Trump kept Obama appointees on,” the person said.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the terminations by scoffing at the qualifications of former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to be on the Air Force Academy board and former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, a longtime Navy Reserve officer, to be on the Naval Academy board.
“I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified or not political to serve on these boards,” Psaki said at her daily press briefing.
“But the president’s qualification requirements are not your party registration. They are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.”
Conway shot back in a tweet: “President Biden, I’m not resigning, but you should.”
Spicer, now a TV host for Newsmax, said that Psaki “crossed a line today” in mocking his credentials and that he “will be joining a lawsuit to fight this.”
“So Jen, you want to know about my qualifications? … for 22 years I’ve had the honor of serving alongside some of the most talented, patriotic and brave individuals this country has to offer,” he said.
The White House has not identified new appointees to the boards.
Hiler said, “It’s not clear what the basis for this purge is. A plain reading of the statute that created the Board in 1879, which includes traditionally bipartisan appointments by congressional leaders, says the president’s appointees serve three-year terms.”
“To my knowledge, the Service Academy Boards have always enjoyed a tradition of bi-partisanship,” Hiler said.
“As an alum and a former naval officer, my only concern is making sure the U.S. Naval Academy is fulfilling its mission of developing officers capable of leading our country’s Navy. Defending the country’s interests at sea, especially with what’s going on in the world today, is not something that should be influenced by partisan politics, and I regret that this Administration apparently sees things differently.”
Former Naval officer Anthony Parker and retired Rear Adm. Joseph Walsh are also getting booted from the Naval Academy board, the White House confirmed.
The laws establishing the boards do not clearly explain a president’s power to fire members, saying, “The persons designated by the President serve for three years each…. The President shall designate two persons each year to succeed the members whose terms expire that year.”
It’s not immediately clear which board members will join the legal challenge announced by Spicer. An existing lawsuit led by Air Force Academy board member Heidi Stirrup challenges the Biden administration’s decision to suspend the operation of the boards earlier this year.

It's no secret that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies hate everything created by Trump in his four year term.
The deep seated hatred for Trump continues. Biden wants nothing Trump in his reign to remain.
Of all people retired General Jack Keane to be removed.
The entire Obama third term administration should resign immediately. Looking for all the good they've done, and looking, and looking. I'll be damned if I can find anything any one of them have done with the exception of trying to cover up each others lies. And by the way, it's not about Trump, it's about senility and unqualified uncle Joey Xi. Just look at what he's done to the country so far in less than seven months, Sad that we still have another year of he and his minions destructiveness. Fear for the country.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies want the military purged of conservatives, and be filled with those who’s ideals are the same as Joey Xi so there will not be any dissension among the ranks when the military is turned on the civilian population when the time comes.

Anchors away! Biden purges Trump appointees from Naval, Air Force academies, West Point​

9 Sep 2021 ~~ By Steven Nelson
President Biden is firing all military academy board members appointed by former President Donald Trump — regardless of their qualifications — in a purge drawing stiff pushback because their terms were supposed to last three years.
Six presidential appointees on each academy board — 18 people in total — were told to resign by 6 p.m. Wednesday or be fired.
“I think this complete purge shows that the administration is hellbent on the woke mob controlling or having input into military education. Otherwise, why do it?” said one of the board members, who pointed out that Trump didn’t perform a similar purge.
“This is why this is such a big deal: historically it has never been done. ‘Unprecedented’ is a word you could use here,” the board member said.
The ousted include former national security adviser HR McMaster, a retired Army lieutenant general who resisted Trump’s noninterventionist impulses and criticized Biden’s recent Afghanistan troop pullout.
A person close to McMaster said it was ironic that he would be dismissed from West Point’s board just days before he’s given the Army academy’s distinguished graduate award.
“Perfect timing since HR is being honored this weekend as distinguished military graduate at West Point — one of the youngest ever. … Who better to be on the board? I guess Biden is playing this little game of politics by kicking him off the board [that] even Trump kept Obama appointees on,” the person said.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the terminations by scoffing at the qualifications of former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to be on the Air Force Academy board and former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, a longtime Navy Reserve officer, to be on the Naval Academy board.
“I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified or not political to serve on these boards,” Psaki said at her daily press briefing.
“But the president’s qualification requirements are not your party registration. They are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.”
Conway shot back in a tweet: “President Biden, I’m not resigning, but you should.”
Spicer, now a TV host for Newsmax, said that Psaki “crossed a line today” in mocking his credentials and that he “will be joining a lawsuit to fight this.”
“So Jen, you want to know about my qualifications? … for 22 years I’ve had the honor of serving alongside some of the most talented, patriotic and brave individuals this country has to offer,” he said.
The White House has not identified new appointees to the boards.
Hiler said, “It’s not clear what the basis for this purge is. A plain reading of the statute that created the Board in 1879, which includes traditionally bipartisan appointments by congressional leaders, says the president’s appointees serve three-year terms.”
“To my knowledge, the Service Academy Boards have always enjoyed a tradition of bi-partisanship,” Hiler said.
“As an alum and a former naval officer, my only concern is making sure the U.S. Naval Academy is fulfilling its mission of developing officers capable of leading our country’s Navy. Defending the country’s interests at sea, especially with what’s going on in the world today, is not something that should be influenced by partisan politics, and I regret that this Administration apparently sees things differently.”
Former Naval officer Anthony Parker and retired Rear Adm. Joseph Walsh are also getting booted from the Naval Academy board, the White House confirmed.
The laws establishing the boards do not clearly explain a president’s power to fire members, saying, “The persons designated by the President serve for three years each…. The President shall designate two persons each year to succeed the members whose terms expire that year.”
It’s not immediately clear which board members will join the legal challenge announced by Spicer. An existing lawsuit led by Air Force Academy board member Heidi Stirrup challenges the Biden administration’s decision to suspend the operation of the boards earlier this year.

It's no secret that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies hate everything created by Trump in his four year term.
The deep seated hatred for Trump continues. Biden wants nothing Trump in his reign to remain.
Of all people retired General Jack Keane to be removed.
The entire Obama third term administration should resign immediately. Looking for all the good they've done, and looking, and looking. I'll be damned if I can find anything any one of them have done with the exception of trying to cover up each others lies. And by the way, it's not about Trump, it's about senility and unqualified uncle Joey Xi. Just look at what he's done to the country so far in less than seven months, Sad that we still have another year of he and his minions destructiveness. Fear for the country.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies want the military purged of conservatives, and be filled with those who’s ideals are the same as Joey Xi so there will not be any dissension among the ranks when the military is turned on the civilian population when the time comes.

Don't forget the ones the Pentagon shit canned in February.

President Biden is slowly but surely purging the government at all levels of Trump traitors.

And he still has 3 1/2 years to go.
Don't forget the ones the Pentagon shit canned in February.

President Biden is slowly but surely purging the government at all levels of Trump traitors.

And he still has 3 1/2 years to go.

Hah.... Joey Xi has 14 months left. His approval rate in in the dumpster, the majority of America believes he's suffering from Dementia, and his handling of the border, economy, foreign policies and overall handling of National Security are abysmal.
Hah.... Joey Xi has 14 months left. His approval rate in in the dumpster, the majority of America believes he's suffering from Dementia, and his handling of the border, economy, foreign policies and overall handling of National Security are abysmal.

He's on tv right now mandating all government workers, and anybody that wants to do business with the government get vaccinated. Go Joe.
What next, disbanding the space force? This petty man is totally consumed with negating everything Trump did but he will take credit for the vaccines and our rebounding economy even though he had nothing to do with either.
Right. The country will definitely suffer if we don’t have the best and brightest running our institutions.

Sean Spicer and Kelly Anne Conway have demonstrated they earned their positions on these boards after their relentless deduction to military education.
He's on tv right now mandating all government workers, and anybody that wants to do business with the government get vaccinated. Go Joe.

Of course he is.... He's trying real hard to deflect from his colossal clusterfuck of Afghanistan.
If there is an election and if Republicans win back the White House, we need Michael Franzese as Attorney General, and immediately fire 10,000 Federal Employees including the entire Joint Chiefs, the top 100 people at EVERY intelligence Agency, close the Board of Education, charge Fauxi as a bioterrorist, send China a bill for $4 Trillion for their Wuhan Bioweapon, and charge Ashli Babbitt's shooter with murder -- that's on Day 1
Don't forget the ones the Pentagon shit canned in February.

President Biden is slowly but surely purging the government at all levels of Trump traitors.

And he still has 3 1/2 years to go.
And no one he puts in there will be a left as you....
If there is an election and if Republicans win back the White House, we need Michael Franzese as Attorney General, and immediately fire 10,000 Federal Employees including the entire Joint Chiefs, the top 100 people at EVERY intelligence Agency, close the Board of Education, charge Fauxi as a bioterrorist, send China a bill for $4 Trillion for their Wuhan Bioweapon, and charge Ashli Babbitt's shooter with murder -- that's on Day 1
We will need a whole government purge.......
What next, disbanding the space force? This petty man is totally consumed with negating everything Trump did but he will take credit for the vaccines and our rebounding economy even though he had nothing to do with either.
This is the distinguished politician with 50 years in. Shown to be a spiteful and vindictive Prog woman.
Right. The country will definitely suffer if we don’t have the best and brightest running our institutions.

Sean Spicer and Kelly Anne Conway have demonstrated they earned their positions on these boards after their relentless deduction to military education.
Sean is a Lt. Commander in the Navy Reserve, and Kelly Ann knows the political side of what the dems always try to do to the military. She knows her "alternate facts". The other (14) are very qualified as well.


Bottom line: The LAW says that Xiden can't fire them. We'll see how the courts shake out. While you misspeak about "the best and brightest" (laughable in the Xiden admin) you didn't put up who Xiden plans to replace the real "best and brightest" with. Undoubtedly the dumb and dumbest.
It started with Obama appointing his generals like Lloyd and Milley - worthless treasonous fucks, into leadership positions.

Now the party that hates the military, who they hold a grudge against for remains and voting primarily Repunlica, is attempting to destroy the military once and for all.

Biden's massive failure in Afghanistan was good, but before the CCP decides to make its move on Taiwan it wants more assurances and weakening of our military - Biden, Austin, and Milley are delivering.

Purging conservatives/ Republicans from military-associated committees, Lloyd forcing military-wide down-days to conduct witch hints to find and purge consercativs from the military, Milley forcing our military academies to teach indoctrinating CRT - which he tried to force on active duty military but at which point thru pushed back and told Miley to go F* himself...

Democrats know the vast majority of our military are conservatives / Rrpublicans....which scares the hell out of them...which is why they need to.kndoctrinate if purge the military of them
Don't forget the ones the Pentagon shit canned in February.

President Biden is slowly but surely purging the government at all levels of Trump traitors.

And he still has 3 1/2 years to go.
The current administration wants to ensure that they will have only military leaders loyal to a Marxist ideology and willing to attack and kill Americans not willing to disarm and bend to their government.

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