
Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
A second slay attempt on NYPD officers was narrowly avoided early Sunday when a gunman’s weapon jammed as he took aim at two cops outside a Bronx housing project, sources said.

Investigators grabbed the wannabe cop killer after he dropped his gun and ran into the Millbrook Houses on Saint Anns Ave. in Port Morris, sources said....

Two NYPD cops assassinated in Brooklyn revenge killing - NY Daily News
The cops are doing their jobs of protecting our citizens, LIKE IT OR NOT, and they are now under direct attack by BLACK THUGS UNDER the influence of the race baiters such as Sharpton, Jackson, Di Blasio, ERIC HOLDER and the chief enabler B. HUSSEIN OBAMA! If not for the president MEETING with Ferguson protestors, stating "STAY ON COURSE" and allowing that piece of shit, Al Sharpton access to the White House, and directly influencing the POTUS, NONE of these attacks would be happening. You can see the Brooklyn Black, THUG killers remarks on his Facebook page, and You can see the groups of degenerates that march to the tune of "What do you want?...COPS DEAD!" ....It's time GOOD FOLK stand behind our police!.....They are what's keeping you from vicious attacks by the criminal elements of our society!
A second slay attempt on NYPD officers was narrowly avoided early Sunday when a gunman’s weapon jammed as he took aim at two cops outside a Bronx housing project, sources said.

Investigators grabbed the wannabe cop killer after he dropped his gun and ran into the Millbrook Houses on Saint Anns Ave. in Port Morris, sources said....

Two NYPD cops assassinated in Brooklyn revenge killing - NY Daily News
I noted this comment - the truth is spoken:


The blood of 2 executed police officers is on the hands of Mayor de Blasio. May God bless their families and may they rest in peace.

8:09 PM - 20 Dec 2014

NYC needs to demand the resignation of Mayor De Blasio immediately.
The Progressives will not lift a finger to oust the Mayor, quite the opposite, they will rally to his side. The Agenda must go on. All of this chaos is just part of it, the progressives want to see all of America become Detroit. They want to make the country so bad that all the middle class white people will just move out. The destruction and eradication of what they perceive to be "white America" is the goal of the progressive racists. There is no better way to do that then to change every city and town into a gangland full of thugs killing whoever they please. If it drives whites out...then it's "progress."
The Progressives will not lift a finger to oust the Mayor, quite the opposite, they will rally to his side. The Agenda must go on. All of this chaos is just part of it, the progressives want to see all of America become Detroit. They want to make the country so bad that all the middle class white people will just move out. The destruction and eradication of what they perceive to be "white America" is the goal of the progressive racists. There is no better way to do that then to change every city and town into a gangland full of thugs killing whoever they please. If it drives whites out...then it's "progress."

Hey man....eventually we are going to end up with an "Escape from New York" scenario in many urban area's of the big cities. It will be cleverly engineered too and set up to let these savages destroy each other ftw.........happening in smaller scale in Chicago suburbs as we speak. Smart and very clever policy.............segregation creep. Its a win-win for everybody as these people just need to be separated from the general, even Jimmy Carter campaigned on this idea back in 1976.

Jimmy Carter s racist campaign of 1970

Let the savages reduce the population on their own!!

Fuck the welching loser savages.........its for the betterment of society. And now, cops are going to ensure the hastening of the process FTMFW!!!:boobies::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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