And Now We Have The Dreaded "E Word"...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
The last thing you'd want to be around the Trump yahoos is...."ESTABLISHMENT". :ack-1: They're furious with the current GOP Congress and Senate for "selling out" the conservative cause by not shutting down the government over this last engorged pork/earmarked budget. Ignoring that the last shutdown was used by the muslim fraud and his fawning media puppets to paint them as clowns and cold-blooded miscreants. I believe it's time to remind some of these types what it will take to keep a Rat out of the WH in 2017....the ESTABLISHMENT! That's right.

Consider for a moment what the DNC will be bringing at GOP candidates this summer and fall. Tens of millions of campaign dollars from all over the world and countless dirty tricks and lies pulled on citizens from Maine to SoCal. They're swimming in money, have the MSM in their pockets, leftist trash and union goons around the precincts to register illegals, rig voting machines, intimidate voters, and lie about exit polls. And who will the GOP depend on to counter these measures? Duh. WAKEY WAKEY....only the GOP ESTABLISHMENT is big enough, clever enough, well-financed and lawyered-up to enough to deal with the DNC tricks.

They've laid low for the past year since taking back the Senate and kept their eye on the prize...the White House. Only the politically naive and Trump's braying jackasses don't see it. And speaking of Trump, does anybody seriously believe he'll continue to "self-finance" when it comes to a national campaign in all 50 states? Hell, he's already bellyaching about the pittance he spent in Iowa. Trump will need help, hoping his supporters forget his pledge not to be in anybody's "pocket". And there goes his maverick status along with the corporate and RNC dollars required.

So let's stop the bullshit about the hated "E WORD". The GOP establishment got to BE the establishment because that's what's required to beat the Rat establishment......that's just reality in American politics. And those labeling one candidate or another as being a sell-out or a shill for them, is in the Paris Hilton class of air-head dingbats. :uhh:
Oh please the GOP establishment took it in the ass from Obama because they feared the liberal press? Get real the GOP establishment wants the spending same as the filth Democrats.
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Oh please the GOP establishment took it in the ass from Obama because they feared the liberal press? Get real the GOP establishment wants the spending same as the filth Democrats.

And that's your take-away from my OP?....seriously?
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