And the dominos begin to fall...

ho hum. Spastics have been chirruping about the fall of the Catholic Church since her inception.
The Catholic Church is a staple of Christianity in the US. JFK was a Catholic. The Church's only political power lies in it's staunch resistance to abortion. Why not worry about the peculiar brand of quasi jihad anti-American religion the president adheres to? I guarantee the Hussein administration has a lot more impact on your lives and mine than the Pope.
The Catholic Church is a staple of Christianity in the US. JFK was a Catholic. The Church's only political power lies in it's staunch resistance to abortion. Why not worry about the peculiar brand of quasi jihad anti-American religion the president adheres to? I guarantee the Hussein administration has a lot more impact on your lives and mine than the Pope.

What administration? is ALMOST getting to the point...ALMOST...where saying one supports the current Catholic Hierarchy IS to say one supports child molestation.

People have been corrupt since the beginning of time.

Probably a lot more corrupt 500 years ago. :lol:

I think mankind has been consistently corrupt forever.

We are, however, less intelligent than we were 500 years ago. That should strike fear into the heart of all good anti-Christians because it puts the theory of evolution, as it pertains to creation, in a wavering and unsteady light.

What is the Catholic Hierarchy resigning for? How bad is it really? Was the child molestation cases only the tip of the iceberg?

My guess is, pretty bad.

Here's the problem,

"Help Wanted. Job requires you to spend a lot of time with children. Must have no sexual interest in adult women."

Now, in my generation of Catholics, the "Holy Orders" were for people who were not good fits for marriage due to their sexuality. Most of the nuns were pretty obviously lesbians and most of the priests were gay. Which means you have an entire heirarchy that is pretty much trying to beat down its sexuality with religion.

Which means that if you are spending your life in sexual confusion, you aren't going to see that Father McCreepy spending all that time with teenage boys being as weird as most people would.

The other part of the problem is that now that it's more acceptable to be gay, all they have left are the pedophiles. There are less than 41,000 priests in the US. Most of them are elderly.

Final component, and this is what totally fucking infuriates me, even though I stopped being a practicing Catholic decades ago. Whenever this happens, the talk is "how will this effect the image of the church".

With all due respect to the OP, I'm less concerned about the fact that there is a scandal and more concerned with the fact that children were abused and it was covered up.

What is the Catholic Hierarchy resigning for? How bad is it really? Was the child molestation cases only the tip of the iceberg?

My guess is, pretty bad.

Here's the problem,

"Help Wanted. Job requires you to spend a lot of time with children. Must have no sexual interest in adult women."

Now, in my generation of Catholics, the "Holy Orders" were for people who were not good fits for marriage due to their sexuality. Most of the nuns were pretty obviously lesbians and most of the priests were gay. Which means you have an entire heirarchy that is pretty much trying to beat down its sexuality with religion.

Which means that if you are spending your life in sexual confusion, you aren't going to see that Father McCreepy spending all that time with teenage boys being as weird as most people would.

The other part of the problem is that now that it's more acceptable to be gay, all they have left are the pedophiles. There are less than 41,000 priests in the US. Most of them are elderly.

Final component, and this is what totally fucking infuriates me, even though I stopped being a practicing Catholic decades ago. Whenever this happens, the talk is "how will this effect the image of the church".

With all due respect to the OP, I'm less concerned about the fact that there is a scandal and more concerned with the fact that children were abused and it was covered up.

No offense taken...I TOTALLY agree.
One of the most troubling aspects of the revelation that the RC church was rife with pederast is this

The fact that the world is pretending this is NEWS!

Hell folks, CAtholic priests molesting alter boys was a standard joke of vaudville during your GREAT GRANDFATHERS time.

Everybody knew this was happening.

Catholics and non catholics alike.

But now that the scandal comes out the world is pretending they didn't know?

I find that hypocracy nearly as troubling as the crimes against children.
One of the most troubling aspects of the revelation that the RC church was rife with pederast is this

The fact that the world is pretending this is NEWS!

Hell folks, CAtholic priests molesting alter boys was a standard joke of vaudville during your GREAT GRANDFATHERS time.

Everybody knew this was happening.

Catholics and non catholics alike.

But now that the scandal comes out the world is pretending they didn't know?

I find that hypocracy nearly as troubling as the crimes against children.


Exactly. I grew up Catholic in the 1960's and 70's, and we all knew, you didn't let yourself end up in a room alone with a priest or a Christian brother. We all knew what was up, but our parents all scowled at us if we stated the obvious.

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