And the Mother of the Year Award goes to...

Notice how this creature has marginalized the murder of young children? And to think the Marxists were always saying "FOR THE CHILDREN". Bullshit.
Murder is murder no matter who gets it. The Christians were saying "for the children" bullshit.
You want empathy for a monster that murdered her own children?


So quick to judge.

She realised , although a little late , that she had made a mistake . Or five .
Well done for her .

They say you learn from your mistakes .
Mt husband was mine but I stabbed him more than five times . So that he won't forget in a hurry.
So quick to judge.

She realised , although a little late , that she had made a mistake . Or five .
Well done for her .

They say you learn from your mistakes .
Mt husband was mine but I stabbed him more than five times . So that he won't forget in a hurry.

Your husband probably should have done the dishes more often. Like they say, "No husband ever got stabbed while doing the dishes."
Murder is murder no matter who gets it. The Christians were saying "for the children" bullshit.
I am more old testament type of guy, i believe that Murdough and the bitch both should be put to death, but that wont happen because they wont vote Demofacists if they are dead(well even the dead vote Democrat)_especially in Chicago.
The mile long stare with blank eyes. Drugs, possessed, one flew over the cuckoo clock insanity. All three of the before mentioned??? One will never know for sure. Like what a crying shame.
Could be just shock from the situation. I sure am not going to preemptively give her excuses. If it comes out that she has been previously diagnosed with something like schizophrenia, I will consider it as a contributing factor, and that is sll
Could be just shock from the situation. I sure am not going to preemptively give her excuses. If it comes out that she has been previously diagnosed with something like schizophrenia, I will consider it as a contributing factor, and that is sll
So we keep mentally ill people alive, and since we have no asylums for crazy people, we just let them roam the streets till they kill again?
I am more old testament type of guy, i believe that Murdough and the bitch both should be put to death, but that wont happen because they wont vote Demofacists if they are dead(well even the dead vote Democrat)_especially in
So we keep mentally ill people alive, and since we have no asylums for crazy people, we just let them roam the streets till they kill again?
Why do you think we have no asylums?

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