"And the Russians are dying. It's the best money we've ever spent." - Lindsay Graham

You don't get to have nuance when a dictator is involved. With them you are either with them or against them.
You mean with someone like Zelinski? A dictator who has a history of persecuting his own citizens who disagree with him politically, and has outlawed all competing political parties, and also eliminated any "free" media in his country? That kind of "Dictator"..?
You mean with someone like Zelinski? A dictator who has a history of persecuting his own citizens who disagree with him politically, and has outlawed all competing political parties, and also eliminated any "free" media in his country? That kind of "Dictator"..?
Fuck off already. We already know you don't care how many Ukrainians get murdered.
Fuck off already. We already know you don't care how many Ukrainians get murdered.
On the contrary. The killing would have stopped a year ago, if war mongering fucks like you hadn't insisted on dragging this out. What's your sides battle cry again..? Oh yeah... That's right... "To the last Ukrainian"!
On the contrary. The killing would have stopped a year ago, if war mongering fucks like you hadn't insisted on dragging this out. What's your sides battle cry again..? Oh yeah... That's right... "To the last Ukrainian"!
It seems they are still willing to fight. This is because they know what awaits them if Russia wins, If Zelinsky and Ukraine were like the Russian propaganda portrays Ukrainians would already be slaves on their own land like the last time Russia decided to own the place.
You mean with someone like Zelinski? A dictator who has a history of persecuting his own citizens who disagree with him politically, and has outlawed all competing political parties, and also eliminated any "free" media in his country? That kind of "Dictator"..?
This is how to spot a propagandist, boys and girls. Markedly absent from any of his posts is saying the same thing about his very own dictator, Vladimir Putin, which would be actually true, were he to say that.
It seems they are still willing to fight. This is because they know what awaits them if Russia wins, If Zelinsky and Ukraine were like the Russian propaganda portrays Ukrainians would already be slaves on their own land like the last time Russia decided to own the place.
Who wouldn't still be willing to fight, when others will do the dying, and you can skim what you like off the top of the money pouring in, with no accountability, and the all but guaranteed golden parachute if the whole thing goes south..?
This is how to spot a propagandist, boys and girls. Markedly absent from any of his posts is saying the same thing about his very own dictator, Vladimir Putin, which would be actually true, were he to say that.
What I said about Zelinski is an incontrovertible fact. We already know the same applies to Putin so it doesn't bear repeating. Both are dictators. But don't let the Warmongers fool you into thinking Z is some Ukranian George Washington. He's not...
What I said about Zelinski is an incontrovertible fact. We already know the same applies to Putin so it doesn't bear repeating. Both are dictators. But don't let the Warmongers fool you into thinking Z is some Ukranian George Washington. He's not...
At this point I'm pretty sure you are on the Russian payroll.
Those of us who grew up during the cold war see the same Russians acting exactly the same way. It's kind of disgusting to see so many on the American right humping Putin's leg.
meanwhile yoj are the only person that mentioned putin…i think you project too much
The Russians went from being considered to having the second best military in the world to being the joke of the world. Now they are Nigeria with nukes.

All it cost the US to significantly weaken the Russians was the aid we gave to Ukraine. In world politics that is cheap.

We can argue that we shouldn't be giving any aid to Ukraine and that would be legitimate but the bottom line is that we contributed to significantly weaking a potential adversary.
Lindsey is not my fave politician, to be sure. He is a talker, not a doer. But I get where he is coming from here. A lot of people today were not alive during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union were our mortal enemy. Back then the only good Russian was a dead Russian. Frankly, I still see no good use for these backstabbing pricks into today’s world.

However, this does not mean that we must jump into every one of their conflicts to support their enemies. Ukraine is different. There are valid reasons to use Ukraine as a pretext to kill Russians. Plus, we don’t want to see the red slime slither into Europe. Third, NATO made certain security assurances related to Ukraine giving up their nuclear weapons.

Also, let’s be clear here. The leftists today are the same people who supported, or would have supported, the Soviet Union back in the day. They conflate right wing aversion to participating in the Ukraine war with being “pro-Putin”, which is absolutely idiotic. Such is merely anti-American rhetoric by assholes who more closely relate to communists than to America. Their criticism in this vein is, therefore, illegitimate and asinine.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I do not believe it is worth getting into a proxy war, let alone all out war, with the Skeevy fucking Russians over Ukraine. Obama virtually gave Putin Crimea; Barry had absolutely no idea what to do in that scenario so he just assented. We ALL knew Putin would be back to take a land bridge from Russia to Crimea.

America has more important things to worry about at the moment than a couple of swarthy fucking Third-World-like countries fighting each other. Our primary military and economic adversary right now is China. We are fighting, and losing, a shadow war against global neo-Marxist revolutionaries. The western world is undergoing an acute morality crisis. Energy is an ongoing and critical issue.

If we, for whatever reason, determine that Russia being in Ukraine was contra U.S. national interests, then the USA needs to go into Ukraine and slaughter Russians ourselves rather than transferring billions in hardware and cash to the corrupt Ukraine government. Zelensky is s formerly a fucking stand-up comic, for fuck’s sake. That’s just as bad as, say, a “community organizer”. Letting the fucking Ukrainians protect American national interests is fucking insane.

This should make you understand that there are no vital U.S. national interest implicated by the war in Ukraine. This does not mean that what is going on over there is not horrible and tragic. It is. But it is not our fight.
Reagan defeated the Russians without firing a shot. Spending money we don't have to defend a corrupt country isn't a good idea. Just because Graham is a republican it doesn't mean he is right.
I'm not so sure that the video isn't spliced out of context but yes, Graham is a sick individual.

To note:

In a video clip of the meeting, Graham’s comments were spliced in a way that made it seem that the Senator stated that the fact that Russians “are dying” in the invasion is “the best money we’ve ever spent.”

Head of RT Calls for Lindsey Graham’s Assassination After Edited Video

He is still a lousy excuse for a human being but so are the people who did the video like this.
Lindsey is not my fave politician, to be sure. He is a talker, not a doer. But I get where he is coming from here. A lot of people today were not alive during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union were our mortal enemy. Back then the only good Russian was a dead Russian. Frankly, I still see no good use for these backstabbing pricks into today’s world.

The vast majority of Russians are simply people trying to get through their day just like anyone else and for some reason you want them all dead. What does that say about you?

However, this does not mean that we must jump into every one of their conflicts to support their enemies. Ukraine is different. There are valid reasons to use Ukraine as a pretext to kill Russians. Plus, we don’t want to see the red slime slither into Europe. Third, NATO made certain security assurances related to Ukraine giving up their nuclear weapons.

To not expand Eastward.

Also, let’s be clear here. The leftists today are the same people who supported, or would have supported, the Soviet Union back in the day. They conflate right wing aversion to participating in the Ukraine war with being “pro-Putin”, which is absolutely idiotic. Such is merely anti-American rhetoric by assholes who more closely relate to communists than to America. Their criticism in this vein is, therefore, illegitimate and asinine.

Believing the world would be better off without millions of people who do absolutely nothing to us seems to be the Pro-American standard.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I do not believe it is worth getting into a proxy war, let alone all out war, with the Skeevy fucking Russians over Ukraine. Obama virtually gave Putin Crimea; Barry had absolutely no idea what to do in that scenario so he just assented. We ALL knew Putin would be back to take a land bridge from Russia to Crimea.

So we should have got involved in Crimea but not Ukraine?
So you are another one who thinks Putin should just be allowed to steal a country?
This admin did nothing but watch a months-long military buildup on that border. That would have been the time to do something. After the fact is nothing but problematic.

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