And the Winner for dumbest title to an article goes to-The newfangled wind powered ships!


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Are they really this ignorant of history, or were they just too lazy to say "modern" cargo ship instead of just cargo ship?


n a historic move towards sustainable shipping, Cargill and BAR Technologies have initiated a pioneering project that could reshape the future of cargo vessels.1 The project involves retrofitting a cargo ship, Pyxis Ocean, with innovative WindWings, and gigantic metal sails that harness the power of wind to create wind-powered cargo ships.2 This groundbreaking technology is poised to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, making it a significant stride toward decarbonizing the shipping industry.

I guess clipper ships never existed, or galleons, or carracks.

Shitlibs aren't really known for a firm grasp on science and technology.... raping children, stealing elections and your money, they're fucking subject matter experts.... "wind" and shit, not so much.

Imagine THIS driving your technology and innovations now....

liberal twinka.jpg

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