And then there were 12...

Thanks for the link.

You saved me the trouble to prove I was right. Not sure why you did that, but hey, THANKS.

Now, will you apologize for calling me those names?

I dont know why you claim this article proves your point , maybe your are insane or a fucking liar.

"After that summer, some found oil traces in their lungs, in their blood cells, in the fatty tissue of their buttocks. They got treated for headaches, nausea, chemical burns and breathing problems, and went home. But some never got well.

Steve Cruikshank of Wasilla, Alaska, has headaches that go on for days. Two years ago, he was hospitalized when his lungs nearly stopped working. "The doctor said, 'I'm going to give you the strongest antibiotic known to man, and you're either going to survive or not survive. I don't know what's wrong with you.' What's wrong is, I haven't felt right since that oil spill.","

Excuse me?

I never denied there were toxins in the dispersements.

I denied the fact that the average life span of a clean up worker was 52.

We all know there are toxins in the dispersements. There are toxins in Windex you moron.

Go away. You are too frustrating to deal with.

This is what you claimed:
Truthdoesntmatter said:
The majority of the people who cleaned up The Exon Valdez are dead.

They had an average lifespan of arround 52 years.

The link from this 2001 article you provided does not backup those claims...

Swing and a miss...

Try again, loser...

Dear asshole how can a 9 year old article prove a statistic that was quoted this year?

LMAO...Rikki Ott?


Jeez TM.

LKike I said. It is quite obvious what your problem is. You can not discerne between fact and fiction.

Take care. I am done with this.

Please note. No one on the left is defending you here. I believe they are sahmed of your "links".

LMAO. SUch a sad figure you are.

She is a medical Dr and an expert on the exxon spill effects you fucking hack

Medical Doctor perhaps. So are many people.

Expert on Exxon spill?

WHy? Becuase she said so?

Go away.

This is what you claimed:
Truthdoesntmatter said:
The majority of the people who cleaned up The Exon Valdez are dead.

They had an average lifespan of arround 52 years.

The link from this 2001 article you provided does not backup those claims...

Swing and a miss...

Try again, loser...

Dear asshole how can a 9 year old article prove a statistic that was quoted this year?

You're the asshole who posted it to backup your lies...

Prove your claims or STFU...

Thanks for the link.

You saved me the trouble to prove I was right. Not sure why you did that, but hey, THANKS.

Now, will you apologize for calling me those names?

I dont know why you claim this article proves your point , maybe your are insane or a fucking liar.

"After that summer, some found oil traces in their lungs, in their blood cells, in the fatty tissue of their buttocks. They got treated for headaches, nausea, chemical burns and breathing problems, and went home. But some never got well.

Steve Cruikshank of Wasilla, Alaska, has headaches that go on for days. Two years ago, he was hospitalized when his lungs nearly stopped working. "The doctor said, 'I'm going to give you the strongest antibiotic known to man, and you're either going to survive or not survive. I don't know what's wrong with you.' What's wrong is, I haven't felt right since that oil spill.","

Excuse me?

I never denied there were toxins in the dispersements.

I denied the fact that the average life span of a clean up worker was 52.

We all know there are toxins in the dispersements. There are toxins in Windex you moron.

Go away. You are too frustrating to deal with.

The illnesses caused by this mess to the workers are undeniable.

So then why did you knee jerk call this experts numbers wrong on absolutly no facts?

Ill tell you why, because you are a closed minded partisan hack who chooses lies over facts on a knee jerk baisis
I dont know why you claim this article proves your point , maybe your are insane or a fucking liar.

"After that summer, some found oil traces in their lungs, in their blood cells, in the fatty tissue of their buttocks. They got treated for headaches, nausea, chemical burns and breathing problems, and went home. But some never got well.

Steve Cruikshank of Wasilla, Alaska, has headaches that go on for days. Two years ago, he was hospitalized when his lungs nearly stopped working. "The doctor said, 'I'm going to give you the strongest antibiotic known to man, and you're either going to survive or not survive. I don't know what's wrong with you.' What's wrong is, I haven't felt right since that oil spill.","

Excuse me?

I never denied there were toxins in the dispersements.

I denied the fact that the average life span of a clean up worker was 52.

We all know there are toxins in the dispersements. There are toxins in Windex you moron.

Go away. You are too frustrating to deal with.

The illnesses caused by this mess to the workers are undeniable.

So then why did you knee jerk call this experts numbers wrong on absolutly no facts?

Ill tell you why, because you are a closed minded partisan hack who chooses lies over facts on a knee jerk baisis


I am a level headed person who saw your post and googled it and found nothing to back it up. I will admit, the "age 52" concerned me. One google and in 2 minutes of nothing to back it up and I knew it was left wing rhetoric.

Look in the mirror TM. You took something and believed it as fact and then took other information and allowed your mind to see it as confirming it as fact even though it did nothing of the kind.

You are a very dangerous person Truthmatters. You are the tool those wing nuts count on.
The illnesses caused by the cleanup of this mess are undeniable.

Why They are sick , dying and dead.

You choose to defend a foriegn oil company and shit all over these people for political reasons.

You suck.
Exxon Valdez oil risks spur warning for gulf cleanup crews - News -

After she wrote her book in 2003, Savage teamed up with marine toxicologist Riki Ott to warn about the dangers involved with cleaning up oil spills. In a video with Ott, Savage described the shoreline cleanup as being "like a war zone."

"What we know now is the oil is 1,000 times more toxic than we thought," Savage said. "The BP spill is going to be worse. I'm warning workers to understand how toxic the crude oil can be."

Savage's personal experience is that the ill effects have lingered for years.

"When I came to Las Vegas in 1995, I was sick. I had bronchial problems," she said. "I lived with extreme diarrhea day in and day out for years."

During that time she has had severe pain in her joints and underwent a biopsy for a spot on her liver.

"They said I was an alcoholic, but I don't drink and I don't smoke," she said.

'Decades of Misery'

After studying cleanup workers from the Exxon Valdez spill, Ott is convinced that today's Gulf fishermen are not merely risking their short-range health. "The Exxon Valdez oil was considerably less toxic than Louisiana sweet crude, and it wreaked havoc on any life forms that encountered it," she says, including brain lesions, coma, and death. "We are setting up here for a giant human tragedy — decades of misery — especially if a storm or hurricane spreads it to normal everyday people onshore."

Ott claims that Exxon exploited OSHA loopholes, such as a two-year filing limit even though overexposure symptoms can take decades to appear (another loophole: rejecting early claims as negligible cold and flu symptoms), to deny medical coverage to cleanup workers. "Now BP is using the loopholes. People are not supposed to be getting sick, but it's happening."
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Prove your claims, asshole...

Prove this claim: The majority of the people who cleaned up The Exon Valdez are dead.

Prove this claim: They had an average lifespan of arround 52 years.
I gave my source to that info already you brain dead con.

Now that I have a source you must prove the source wrong if you wish to prove your point.
The illnesses caused by the cleanup of this mess are undeniable.

Why They are sick , dying and dead.

You choose to defend a foriegn oil company and shit all over these people for political reasons.

You suck.

For the recoed. Nowhere in this thread have I defended a foreign oil company. To be frank, the nationality of the oil company is not even an issue. Nowhere in this thread have I defended an oil company.

To the contrary, I do not blame nor do I excuse BP for the incident. Until I hear that it was negligence on the part of BP or until I hear that it was a "cost saving" move that caused the accident, I will refer to it as a tragic accident and nothing more. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, unlike others on this board.

Hey Truthmatters. You are currently on the internet. Likely, your computer is either powered by electricity or recharged by electricity. Therefore you are a consumer of oil. I know it means little, but I am curious as to how you are suppoorting oil companies any less than I am?

Like I said, I never defended or supported the actions of an oil company on this or any board. Likewise, I have not criticized them....yet.

All I did was refute your rediculous regurgitation of the words of an activist when you stated those words as "fact".
I gave my source to that info already you brain dead con.

Now that I have a source you must prove the source wrong if you wish to prove your point.

It WAS proven worng. There is no factual data anywhere to be found to back it up.

There is no DoH study with data that I have found supporting it.

The dispersements are still being used.

If I said that I saw a man that was 30 feet tall and I had someone else say they saw the same 30 foot tall man, exactly how would you prove me wrong?

Do you think there is some study that shows the exact height of every human being on earth?

Grow up Truthmatters. You are acting like a child.
I gave my source to that info already you brain dead con.

Now that I have a source you must prove the source wrong if you wish to prove your point.

holy shit..

NOWHERE in your "source" was the following substantiated:

The majority of the people who cleaned up The Exon Valdez are dead.

They had an average lifespan of arround 52 years.

Orange Beach, Alabama (CNN) -- Allen Kruse had turned his boats into what BP dubs "vessels of opportunity." For two weeks, the charter captain worked for the oil giant, helping haul boom and look for oil.

But those closest to him say Kruse's life unraveled when the oil spill hit the Gulf waters where he worked. Authorities say deck hands found the 55-year-old dead in his boat's cabin, with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, before he was scheduled to head out on the water Wednesday morning.

For all of you on here defending BP, please keep this in mind.:(

Family: Oil disaster devastated captain who committed suicide -

He wasted his death. He should have taken out one of the people responsible for this mess.....or at least tried. Then his death would not be in vain.
Read slowly.

I gave a link to my source of the information I stated.

You claimed the source had incorrect information based on .....well....... some idea you pulled straight out of your ass.

Now its your turn to provide a source to back up what you claimed..

I know being a con means never having to use facts and proof of your information source but if you wish to proove anything to rest of the world then you have to back up what you claim with sources and facts.

You have offered nothing but the shit you pulled out of your ass.

Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Keep container tightly closed. Do not get
in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not take internally. Avoid breathing vapor. Use with adequate ventilation. In case
of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. After contact with skin, wash
immediately with plenty of soap and water.
Wear suitable protective clothing.
Low Fire Hazard; liquids may burn upon heating to temperatures at or above the flash point. May evolve oxides of
carbon (COx) under fire conditions. May evolve oxides of sulfur (SOx) under fire conditions.

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