How many politicians have 12 Dead Body Guards,7 murders,6 plane crashes and 11 Suicides of workers?

Summary of eRumor:This a list of people associated with Bill Clinton…all of whom have died, some of them under mysterious circumstances.

But oddly, the hit team hasn't gotten around to you yet.
To the OP, are you really going to recycle all this crap from the 1990's about the Clintons?

Hold on, let me set the music.

Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J. Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel Major
General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly Spec.
Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan

the last four are ATF agents killed in the Waco Siege, Feb 28, 1993.

Steven D. Willis | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Robert J. Williams | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Conway C. LeBleu | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Todd W. McKeehan | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

none of them was a clinton bodyguard.

4 of the others mentioned (robertson to rhodes) were killed in a helicopter crash in Wiesbaden, Germany. No bodyguards.

the first four were killed in a helicopter crash in the US. no bodyguards.
Summary of eRumor:This a list of people associated with Bill Clinton…all of whom have died, some of them under mysterious circumstances.

But oddly, the hit team hasn't gotten around to you yet.

i'm just pointing out, if you really think Hillary is out there killing people she doesn't like, why are you, Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky, that guy who said she was mean to him when he used to work the front desk at the White House tours... all still taking in oxygen?

Right. Because clearly the woman is a murdering maniac who randomly kills people.
How many politicians have 12 Dead Body Guards,7 murders,6 plane crashes and 11 Suicides of workers?

Yeah, because Hillary is dumb and would want to have scores of people close to her murdered while she's running for election; cuz you get more votes that way.

More like the CIA is offing people close to Hillary that "might" have gotten her ire or worries to create the illusion that the Clintons are ordering the hits. I smell Cheney...again.. Cheney with an oil slick around him. Kinda makes you take a second look at Benghazi, doesn't it?

When people die with an accompanying Fox News narrative (feeling rehearsed) making the deaths make Hillary look bad; you've gotta wonder, you know?
Summary of eRumor:This a list of people associated with Bill Clinton…all of whom have died, some of them under mysterious circumstances.

According to a May 5, 2000 article in the Arkansas Times, the “Body Count” list originated on an Internet site in 1994 run by an Indianapolis lawyer named Linda Thompson of the American Justice Federation. It has been circulating ever since. The list came up in sworn testimony that White House employee Linda Tripp gave to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman in December, 1998. Trip testified that a hand-written list of people who were involved with Clinton and who had suffered mysterious deaths ended up on her office chair in the White House. This was just before the sex scandal between White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton became known publicly. Tripp said that the list was accompanied by a note that said, “Linda, just thought you’d find this of interest.”

Heart attack - James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

Murdered- Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

Plane crash - Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

Plane crash - C. Victor Raiser II – & – Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July1992.

Plane Crash - Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “Dear friend and trusted advisor”.

Suicide - Ed Willey – Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

Murdered - Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files
were mysteriously removed from his house.

Suicide - James Bunch Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

Suicide - James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

Suicide - Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

Suicide - Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

Suicide - Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

Murder - Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

Suicide - Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

Accident -Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

Suicide - Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation

? - Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

Suicide -Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution TrustCorp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

? -Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

Plane crash - Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

Plane Crash - Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

Accident - Barry Seal – Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

Suicide, Plane explosion - Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released. Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded

Murder, ? - Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAD INFORMATION ON THE IVES/HENRY CASE: Accidents, Murder -Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88. Keith McMaskle – Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988 Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989. Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989. James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to “natural causes”. Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990. Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989

Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J. Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel Major
General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly Spec.
Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan

Murdered - A so-called top Democratic Party staffer named Seth Conrad Rich was assassinated in Washington, D.C., in July 2016 while on his way to testify about Hillary Clinton.

? -Former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe died suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2016 days before he was set to testify about a corruption case involving a Clinton donor.

Murdered - Scott Robert Makufa, a researcher and author who wrote books that were critical of the Clintons under the pen name Victor Thorn, was mysteriously shot and killed on the morning of his 54th birthday on a mountaintop in Pennsylvania.

? - Shawn Lucas, a 38-year-old man who released a viral video of himself serving the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a class action lawsuit alleging fraud for favoring Hillary Clinton in the presidential primaries, died suddenly a month later.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

Coincidence Definition: A striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.

Barbara Olsen -

Barbara Kay Olson (née Bracher; December 27, 1955 – September 11, 2001) was an American lawyer and conservative television commentator who worked for CNN, Fox News Channel, and several other outlets.[1] She was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77 en route to a taping of Bill Maher's television show Politically Incorrect when it was flown into the Pentagon in the September 11 attacks. Her original plan had been to fly to California on September 10, but delayed until the next morning so that she could wake up with her husband on his birthday, September 11.[2]

Barbara Olson - Wikipedia
If Bill and Hillary die in a firey Free-basing accident, it would be Karma.
'It's all a vast right-wing conspiracy'...and to cover all of the Clinton scandals over all those decades it has to be the largest, most complex conspiracy effort in history.
Another one, Admiral Borda, Chief of Naval Operations. He inexplicably picked up a .45 and put it to his head in 1996. The official story was that he was conflicted about criticism of a "V" device on one of about 20 military awards. The dirty little secret is that there are political sycophants and "black bag" operators in any administration who are willing to commit a crime, even murder, "for the greater good" and if the administration knows that they can get away with it because the media will ignore it or justify it, anything is possible
Summary of eRumor:This a list of people associated with Bill Clinton…all of whom have died, some of them under mysterious circumstances.

According to a May 5, 2000 article in the Arkansas Times, the “Body Count” list originated on an Internet site in 1994 run by an Indianapolis lawyer named Linda Thompson of the American Justice Federation. It has been circulating ever since. The list came up in sworn testimony that White House employee Linda Tripp gave to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman in December, 1998. Trip testified that a hand-written list of people who were involved with Clinton and who had suffered mysterious deaths ended up on her office chair in the White House. This was just before the sex scandal between White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton became known publicly. Tripp said that the list was accompanied by a note that said, “Linda, just thought you’d find this of interest.”

Heart attack - James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

Murdered- Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

Plane crash - Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

Plane crash - C. Victor Raiser II – & – Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July1992.

Plane Crash - Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “Dear friend and trusted advisor”.

Suicide - Ed Willey – Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

Murdered - Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files
were mysteriously removed from his house.

Suicide - James Bunch Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

Suicide - James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

Suicide - Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

Suicide - Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

Suicide - Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

Murder - Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

Suicide - Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

Accident -Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

Suicide - Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation

? - Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

Suicide -Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution TrustCorp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

? -Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

Plane crash - Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

Plane Crash - Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

Accident - Barry Seal – Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

Suicide, Plane explosion - Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released. Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded

Murder, ? - Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAD INFORMATION ON THE IVES/HENRY CASE: Accidents, Murder -Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88. Keith McMaskle – Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988 Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989. Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989. James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to “natural causes”. Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990. Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989

Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J. Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel Major
General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly Spec.
Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan

Murdered - A so-called top Democratic Party staffer named Seth Conrad Rich was assassinated in Washington, D.C., in July 2016 while on his way to testify about Hillary Clinton.

? -Former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe died suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2016 days before he was set to testify about a corruption case involving a Clinton donor.

Murdered - Scott Robert Makufa, a researcher and author who wrote books that were critical of the Clintons under the pen name Victor Thorn, was mysteriously shot and killed on the morning of his 54th birthday on a mountaintop in Pennsylvania.

? - Shawn Lucas, a 38-year-old man who released a viral video of himself serving the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a class action lawsuit alleging fraud for favoring Hillary Clinton in the presidential primaries, died suddenly a month later.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

Coincidence Definition: A striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.


If any facts look bad for Hillary, then they are obviously manufactured by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and not true.


If this hideous womans record of lies, violence and corruption do not persuade the public to vote against here, then we are all royally fucked anyway.

this economy and our currency will crash by 2024.
the list forgot to mention paul wellstone, who died in a plane crash as well. bill clinton even showed up to the funeral, the bastard.
There's probably more. I didn't count the deaths that were considered undetermined... Like the boys who "fell asleep on rail road tracks..."
nelson mandela is dead, too.

so is gandhi.
So is Stalin.

yeah. and reagan. and scalia. and bette davis.
the list forgot to mention paul wellstone, who died in a plane crash as well. bill clinton even showed up to the funeral, the bastard.
There's probably more. I didn't count the deaths that were considered undetermined... Like the boys who "fell asleep on rail road tracks..."
nelson mandela is dead, too.

so is gandhi.
So is Stalin.

yeah. and reagan. and scalia. and bette davis.
And George Fucking Washington.

Forum List
