The ATF and the Rest of the Federal Government has learned the Exact Wrong Lesson from Waco

What they learned is that federal agents can set children on fire and they won't be held responsible.
They learned a 16 Story Federal Building ( With a Day Care center that some of the Employees Children are in ) can be blown up by a couple of Militia Washouts and Gun Show hucksters
A FBI sniper was authorized to shoot to kill an unarmed woman holding a baby during the "Ruby Ridge siege". Randy Weaver was wounded and his wife was shot in the face. It all happened because ATF agents tried to force Weaver to be a federal informant. The sniper was indicted by an Idaho Grand Jury but the indictment was quietly dismissed. The Ruby Ridge gestapo went on to bigger and badder adventures in Waco, Texas, killing about 80 men, women and children with tanks and poison gas when they could have arrested Koresh at the 7-11 without incident.
supposedly in Lon Horiuchi's nest at Waco empty cartridges were found there also
When I lived in Salt Lake Horiuchi's brother was on the city council
He was about the most dispicable looking thing on the planet

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