And They Bitch About Israel

Never a single complaint on how their Arab brothers treat the Palestinians. When will those Zionists ever learn from them & LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

The US pays Egypt and Jordan billions of dollars to cooperate with Israel on the Palestinians.
Too bad you're so stupid to infer Jesus was a Talmudist. The Talmud wasn't started until over a hundred years after Jesus.
Too bad you're so stupid to infer Jesus was a Talmudist. The Talmud wasn't started until over a hundred years after Jesus.

Shithead, tell that to the fucktards. The fucktards who call Jesus a Jew wish to equate Jesus with Talmudists who call themselves Jews.
Too bad you're so stupid to infer Jesus was a Talmudist. The Talmud wasn't started until over a hundred years after Jesus.

Shithead, tell that to the fucktards. The fucktards who call Jesus a Jew wish to equate Jesus with Talmudists who call themselves Jews.

Now lookie here Dopey. Not only was Jesus born a Jew & remained a Jew throughout his entire life but so was John the Baptist & all the disciples. Or didn't you even know ancient Hebrews baptized (mikveh)?

Too bad you're so stupid to infer Jesus was a Talmudist. The Talmud wasn't started until over a hundred years after Jesus.

Shithead, tell that to the fucktards. The fucktards who call Jesus a Jew wish to equate Jesus with Talmudists who call themselves Jews.

Now lookie here Dopey. Not only was Jesus born a Jew & remained a Jew throughout his entire life but so was John the Baptist & all the disciples. Or didn't you even know ancient Hebrews baptized (mikveh)?


Jesus wasn’t only Jewish, he’s King of the Jews in the Bible


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It's called Palestinian mentality.

The Mediterranean mentality.... Brute, loot, and shoot.

Don't you agree Israel should abandon their entire Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the love, justice & resect the surrounding Arab countries give them?

Hello! Anybody home?

I don't like Italians, Jews, Arabs, Albanians etc.

Mediterranean = shit.

Western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ethics and laws

Judaism & Christianity were founded by the Mediterranean. Jesus was a devout Jew



Mediterranean's are obviously very sick people.

Slavery, Genocide, Scalping's, these things started with Mediterranean's in this World.
The Mediterranean mentality.... Brute, loot, and shoot.

Don't you agree Israel should abandon their entire Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the love, justice & resect the surrounding Arab countries give them?

Hello! Anybody home?

I don't like Italians, Jews, Arabs, Albanians etc.

Mediterranean = shit.

Western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ethics and laws

Judaism & Christianity were founded by the Mediterranean. Jesus was a devout Jew



Mediterranean's are obviously very sick people.

Slavery, Genocide, Scalping's, these things started with Mediterranean's in this World.

Constitutional Rights Foundation: Jews and the Foundation of Western Law

BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation

"Jesus was a Talmudist"? Very interesting. Especially considering there was no Talmud during the life of Jesus. Just goes to prove one not necessarily has to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality. Heh Heh!
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...
"Jesus was a Talmudist"? Very interesting. Especially considering there was no Talmud during the life of Jesus. Just goes to prove one not necessarily has to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality. Heh Heh!

No, Judas. People who call Jesus a Jew think Talmudists are Jews, and are actually accusing Jesus of being a Talmudist.
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Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?
Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?

Would it not be desirable for Israel to dump their entire
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...

Dopey! the Talmud is made up of Mishna & Gemara. Together they represent oral traditions of the Torah. So tell us with all your well educated, unbiased wisdom how the Torah is anti Christian. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? "Atta boy!
Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?

Would it not be desirable for Israel to dump their entire
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...

Dopey! the Talmud is made up of Mishna & Gemara. Together they represent oral traditions of the Torah. So tell us with all your well educated, unbiased wisdom how the Torah is anti Christian. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? "Atta boy!

You just basically cemented my point drag-boy...what part of the reference "book form' eluded you? If you cannot grasp how the Talmud is 'anti-Christian' I regret to inform you that any assistance I might render would prove futile...y'all come back now!!!
Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?

Would it not be desirable for Israel to dump their entire
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...

Dopey! the Talmud is made up of Mishna & Gemara. Together they represent oral traditions of the Torah. So tell us with all your well educated, unbiased wisdom how the Torah is anti Christian. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? "Atta boy!

You just basically cemented my point drag-boy...what part of the reference "book form' eluded you? If you cannot grasp how the Talmud is 'anti-Christian' I regret to inform you that any assistance I might render would prove futile...y'all come back now!!!

Remember now, if at first you don't succeed, try try again.
Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?

Would it not be desirable for Israel to dump their entire
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...

Dopey! the Talmud is made up of Mishna & Gemara. Together they represent oral traditions of the Torah. So tell us with all your well educated, unbiased wisdom how the Torah is anti Christian. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? "Atta boy!

Um, Jesus, a devout Jew, studied from and taught from the Torah: “I’ve come to fulfill the Law”

Two main teachings of Jesus, to love God and your neighbor, were taken directly from the Torah.

Any Christians unaware of these facts are brain-dead
Why is it that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about Israel but never a complaint on surrounding Arab country treatment of their Palestinians, past & present? Not even a word on Jordan's Black September. Is it due to Palestinian mentality?

Would it not be desirable for Israel to dump their entire
Oh I beg to differ: while the Talmud did not appear in book form until the 4th Century CE, the ethnocentric conceits it contained were in broad circulation among ancient Jews...

Dopey! the Talmud is made up of Mishna & Gemara. Together they represent oral traditions of the Torah. So tell us with all your well educated, unbiased wisdom how the Torah is anti Christian. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? "Atta boy!

Um, Jesus, a devout Jew, studied from and taught from the Torah: “I’ve come to fulfill the Law”

Two main teachings of Jesus, to love God and your neighbor, were taken directly from the Torah.

Any Christians unaware of these facts are brain-dead

Oh but you omitted so much Mr 'devout Jew"...permit me:

First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:

Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier

Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.

Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions

Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.

Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.

Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.

Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.

Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.

Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.

Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.

Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.

Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus

Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.

Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.

Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.

Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath

TALMUD on Christians - IaHUShUA

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