Andrew Cuomo: Older People Are Going To Die From The Virus, No Matter What You Do

What Cuomo says is true.

Old people in nursing homes are the most vulnerable....which is a good reason, a very good reason...why you don't send people already diagnosed with covid into, or back into, nursing homes---all there will die even faster...but that is exactly what Cuomo did.

Now, he is in cover-your-ass Spin Mode.

In a week, or so, Maddow and the rest of those TDS-NY Media Liars will be blaming Trump for deaths in NY Nursing Homes---when, right now, even numb-skulls educated in the public schools of that rotting disease ridden city---New York---know it was Cuomo's incompetency that did it.

Here's the great American tragedy: Even the most incompetent and corrupt Democrats can keep getting away with their incompetence and long as the incompetent and corrupt Media let them do it.
What amazes me is the left venerating him as a wonderful governor and a shinning example of a correct response to the outbreak.

All he has to show for this wonderful response is the worst record in the nation that can be directly tied to poor decisions they made. It is utterly nonsensical.
This clown killed thousands of New Yorkers, and who know hows many around the country the infected New Yorkers passed their Chinese Virus onto once they fled his festering State of Death.

Worst leader ever...........and the Dimwingers are hoping he can replace their choice for President. HOLY COW!
I'm wondering....if, for example..I am tested against my will since I am NOT sick, but show I have the virus, will they take me away to a hut or building or concentration camp to live amongst others who ARE sick and dying...or AREN'T sick and dying but show they are virus positive?

What a conundrum, eh? But that's what it will come to eventually if people don't stop goosestepping and FIGHT BACK NOW while they can.

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