Angels Walk Among Us

Be kind to strangers, for they may angels from heaven.

Kindness to strangers must not be motivated by suggesting they might be angels.

Kindness to strangers simply is cordiality with a stranger, and this includes giving help if needed. But make no mistake, thousands of illegal immigrants with tattoos in their arms saying M-13 can be strangers but can't be angels sent from heaven.
Time to reflect and remember who that stranger you see just might be.
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” -Hebrews 13:2
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A friend was filming a music video when this homeless guy walked up to him. His first thought was please get away from me, I'm busy. But then he thought better.
Watch what happens.

I'm crying. It's beautiful... Thanks so much for posting.
So you basically are a god who will live forever. Is that what you are saying? Everything dies, except you and God. You live forever. Am I hearing that correctly?

Absolutely, just not in the way your mind could understand it.
Absolutely, just not in the way your mind could understand it.
Oh my mind can understand it. Can yours? Can you hear how ridiculous you sound? Can't you see this is wishful thinking?

My one friend told another, "you don't believe in god" and he said "sure I do. I just don't believe in the Jesus Christ story".

I imagine I would have enjoyed talking about if god exists to people who don't claim their ancestors met him.

You see, you Christians claim god is a fact, because he visited your ancestors. I call bullshit on that bro. So do Jews, Muslims, Hindu and Buddhist.
Oh my mind can understand it. Can yours? Can you hear how ridiculous you sound? Can't you see this is wishful thinking?

My one friend told another, "you don't believe in god" and he said "sure I do. I just don't believe in the Jesus Christ story".

I imagine I would have enjoyed talking about if god exists to people who don't claim their ancestors met him.

You see, you Christians claim god is a fact, because he visited your ancestors. I call bullshit on that bro. So do Jews, Muslims, Hindu and Buddhist.

Allow me to help, we really don't care what you think. We all get to choose, you've chosen death....only that won't be what you think it is either. You're pretty angry, were you molested by clergy?
Oh my mind can understand it. Can yours? Can you hear how ridiculous you sound? Can't you see this is wishful thinking?

My one friend told another, "you don't believe in god" and he said "sure I do. I just don't believe in the Jesus Christ story".

I imagine I would have enjoyed talking about if god exists to people who don't claim their ancestors met him.

You see, you Christians claim god is a fact, because he visited your ancestors. I call bullshit on that bro. So do Jews, Muslims, Hindu and Buddhist.
You haven’t talked to God? How sad.
You haven’t talked to God? How sad.
I've talked to God. He just hasn't talked back. That's why I don't believe he exists. I think people who believe God speaks to them are delusional. Similar to people who believe in ghosts. Superstitious. It's not sad. When you realize how stupid you guys are, it actually feels good.

God answers prayers.​

So does a milk jug. The only thing worse than sitting idle as someone suffers is to do absolutely nothing yet think you’re actually helping; in other words, praying.

Belief in the efficacy of prayer is a form of confirmation bias. Information and coincidences which, by chance, appear to support the belief are favoured and remembered while those that do not are discarded or rationalised. See also: Cherry Picking.

By incorrectly attributing supernatural causal relationships to otherwise minor correlations, prayer becomes a form of self-deception known as magical thinking. See also: Wishful thinking.

For the conceivably large number of prayers that occur over time there are relatively few ‘answers’ acknowledged by churches and none that are actually demonstrable, such as the healing of amputees or moving of mountains.

Studies have failed to find any evidence for benefits from prayer that cannot be ruled out as either the placebo effect or a form of cognitive behavioural therapy. In fact, the most comprehensive study performed thus far found that hospital patients who were prayed for suffered more complications than otherwise.

I feel a personal relationship with god OR I experienced god.

Argument from personal experience [2].

A result of our naturally evolved neurology, made hypersensitive to purpose (an ‘unseen actor’) because of the large social groups humans have and the way the brain associates pattern with intent.

Humans have evolved a variety of cognitive shortcuts to deal with the mass of information provided by our senses. In particular, we tend to filter sensory input according to a set of expectations built on prior beliefs and past experiences, impart meaning to ambiguous input even when there is no real meaning behind itand infer causal relationships where none exist.

Personal revelation cannot be independently verified. So-called ‘revelations’ never include information a recipient could not have known beforehand, such as the time and location of a rare event or answers to any number of unsolved problems in science. They are usually emotional or perceptual in content and therefore unremarkable among the many cognitive processes brains exhibit, including dreams and hallucinations. These experiences may even be artificially induced by narcotics or magnetic fields. Extreme cases may be diagnosed as a form of schizophrenia or psychosis.

Spiritual and religious experiences are not only inconsistent among individuals but are variably attributed to different gods, aliens, spirits, rituals, hallucinations, meditation etc. The fact that medical conditions and other natural processes [2] can induce these experiences is evidence they are produced by our brain.

People who believe in god are happier.

The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.
I've talked to God. He just hasn't talked back. That's why I don't believe he exists. I think people who believe God speaks to them are delusional. Similar to people who believe in ghosts. Superstitious. It's not sad. When you realize how stupid you guys are, it actually feels good.

God answers prayers.​

So does a milk jug. The only thing worse than sitting idle as someone suffers is to do absolutely nothing yet think you’re actually helping; in other words, praying.

Belief in the efficacy of prayer is a form of confirmation bias. Information and coincidences which, by chance, appear to support the belief are favoured and remembered while those that do not are discarded or rationalised. See also: Cherry Picking.

By incorrectly attributing supernatural causal relationships to otherwise minor correlations, prayer becomes a form of self-deception known as magical thinking. See also: Wishful thinking.

For the conceivably large number of prayers that occur over time there are relatively few ‘answers’ acknowledged by churches and none that are actually demonstrable, such as the healing of amputees or moving of mountains.

Studies have failed to find any evidence for benefits from prayer that cannot be ruled out as either the placebo effect or a form of cognitive behavioural therapy. In fact, the most comprehensive study performed thus far found that hospital patients who were prayed for suffered more complications than otherwise.

I feel a personal relationship with god OR I experienced god.

Argument from personal experience [2].

A result of our naturally evolved neurology, made hypersensitive to purpose (an ‘unseen actor’) because of the large social groups humans have and the way the brain associates pattern with intent.

Humans have evolved a variety of cognitive shortcuts to deal with the mass of information provided by our senses. In particular, we tend to filter sensory input according to a set of expectations built on prior beliefs and past experiences, impart meaning to ambiguous input even when there is no real meaning behind itand infer causal relationships where none exist.

Personal revelation cannot be independently verified. So-called ‘revelations’ never include information a recipient could not have known beforehand, such as the time and location of a rare event or answers to any number of unsolved problems in science. They are usually emotional or perceptual in content and therefore unremarkable among the many cognitive processes brains exhibit, including dreams and hallucinations. These experiences may even be artificially induced by narcotics or magnetic fields. Extreme cases may be diagnosed as a form of schizophrenia or psychosis.

Spiritual and religious experiences are not only inconsistent among individuals but are variably attributed to different gods, aliens, spirits, rituals, hallucinations, meditation etc. The fact that medical conditions and other natural processes [2] can induce these experiences is evidence they are produced by our brain.

People who believe in god are happier.

The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.
Free will, it’s yours to be a member of the cult that thinks atoms care about anything.
Free will, it’s yours to be a member of the cult that thinks atoms care about anything.
And since I call BULLSHIT on the Jesus story, or Moses, or Joseph Smith, or Mohammed, my belief is that if there is a "god" and a "heaven" which I very seriously doubt, I'll get in. Because I'm a better person than you. Just look at your heart when you think about two men kissing.

Ok it weirds me out too but we're only human.

Or how you don't give a damn about all the kids who just died in Pakistan but you care about a poor black American woman's seed.

Or how you'd have no problem shooting an intruder or rioter.

Or how you defend it when we see cops wrongfully murder black men.

Or how you don't give a fuck about poor people and you defend the widening gap between them and the rich.

You guys are mean and/or ignorant.

Yes, even Muslims in Iran think their god story is the real one. Same with Mormons in Utah. They're nuts right? So are you.

I like what the new Pope did though. Pro gay and pro abortion. He's a smart man.

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